Blair pickleball defeats Springbrook Blue Devils on senior night

Oct. 10, 2024, 9:57 p.m. | By Joe Newman | 1 week, 4 days ago

The Blazers crushed the Springbrook Blue Devils in a 3-2 game on Blair's senior night.

On Tuesday, Oct. 8, Blair’s varsity pickleball team (2-0) defeated the Springbrook Blue Devils (2-1) in a 3-2 game on Blair's senior night. Of the five total matches played, Blair won all but two that were forfeited due to corollary requirements.

Before the games started, teammates, friends, and family members joined to celebrate seniors Malaika Wande, Calvin Esters, Alex Gomez-Ordonez, and Dominic Coor. Prominent faculty members including acting principal Kevin Yates, assistant principal Adriana Burgos, and magnet coordinator Peter Ostrander also showed up to support the new sport’s first ever senior night.

In three sweeping wins, the Blazers dominated the Blue Devils, triumphing thanks to the assistance of all four senior players. Wande and her partner’s match was the closest, fighting with fierce topspin shots to win 15-10 in the first game and 15-6 in the second.

Wande was extremely proud of her team’s performance. “It was my first match of the season so I was kind of nervous,” she said. “But once I got the hang of it, me and my partner were thinking together, almost telepathically, and that helped us win.” 

For the most part, Blair dominated the smaller Springbrook team with excellent power and finesse. Junior Andrew Suitch partook in some of the afternoon’s best rallies, including a seven-shot rally that ended in a powerful smash.

Senior Calvin Esters gets ready to hit a strong backhand. Photo courtesy of Zach Carter.

Esters is proud of the team’s win but acknowledges that there is still room for improvement. “We still have some things to work on, but this win really helps us a lot,” he said.

Wande found that having her family and faculty members there to support her made senior night extra special. “It was really sweet and emotional,” she said. “I'm so glad that my mom and Ms. Lisa, my youth leader, got to come to this very special moment.”

Co-head coach Kesa Summers believes that senior night ceremonies are an important tradition to recognize student-athletes. “I think it was special for them because this is their last year of high school, and this is a great memory,” she said. “They really took a risk doing something new, and having their families there and celebrating together was really special.” 

Apart from the festivities, the team celebrated their second win and the start of their winning streak. Wande is excited to continue playing, setting her sights on the upcoming county championship. “I think we’re winning the championship,” Wande said. “We’re on a roll.” 

The Blair pickleball team’s next game (away) is on Monday, Oct. 14 against Albert Einstein High School at 3:30 p.m.

Last updated: Oct. 10, 2024, 10:25 p.m.

Joe Newman. Hi, I'm Joe Newman. I'm a junior here at Blair and this is my first year on SCO. I play tennis, soccer, and I run cross-country. I'm also really into religion and Christianity and I love having deep discussions with others. Oh, y no se … More »

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