A day in the life of Blair's principal

Oct. 19, 2016, 1:17 p.m. | By Neva Taylor, Charles Lott | 8 years, 5 months ago

What goes into Ms. Johnson's job

Ms. Renay Johnson is the principal of Blair, but her daily activities are something of a mystery for Blair's Blazers. What really goes into a day in the life of Blair's principal? Well, it involves a lot of email-checking, problem-solving, and interacting with the Blair community. We ask about her daily routine, screening and interviewing teachers, security and all of Ms. Johnson's little quirks.

You might not always see her, but Ms. Johnson's always working towards improving life for Blazers, and if you need your time with the Blair principal, you can find her on Twitter, email her secretary, or set up a meeting. It's a hard job and even though Ms. Johnson makes it look effortless, it takes a lot of long hours and hard work to make Blair the safe and fun space it is today.

Tags: principal teacher feature Renay Johnson high heels

Neva Taylor. I love soccer, cheer, and track. I'm excited to be writing for SCO. More »

Charles Lott. My name is Charlie, and I'm the features editor for Silver Chips Online. I enjoy reading, using Oxford commas, and playing frisbee for Blair. More »

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