Alma Mater changed

Feb. 2, 2004, midnight | By Cori Cohen | 20 years, 8 months ago

English teacher Norman Stant has written a new stanza for Blair's Alma Mater in order to incorporate the changes Blair has experienced in the past few years.

Stant has been thinking about changing the Alma Mater since Blair changed locations. He finally did it this year because he is retiring after 36 years at Blair. Stant calls the new stanza his "parting gift to Blair."

For years Stant had the first line in his head. What was difficult, he said, was figuring how to describe Blair in a few lines. His first ideas included a line about overcrowding, which he later decided was too negative. He also wanted to include something about he CAP and Magnet programs without explicitly saying their names.

While writing the new verse Stant also tried to "tie together the new Blair and the old Blair." He thought it was important to include the location by Sligo Creek "since we were there for sixty years" and the new location at four corners.

Stant acknowledges that few people know the Alma Mater since it is only sung at graduation. "It's a nice thing to have though. Every school has one," said Stant. This year the new version will be sung at graduation. "What they choose to do after this year is up to the administration, but I hope they keep it," said Stant.

The new Alma Mater reads:

By old Sligo's winding waters
Gentle hills of green
Shelter as their proudest treasure
Alma mater queen
We thy students will be loyal
For thy glory fight
Always keep thy name untarnished
And thy honor bright

Sixty years by Sligo's waters, beacon on the hill
Ever growing, moving upward, making progress still
Fine new programs, diverse students; time to move ahead
On to new heights at Four Corners with the white and red

As the years shall bring thee power
And thy of share fame
Countless students coming after
Shall exalt thy name
Speak thee fairly speak thee proudly
Shout it to the air
Hail to thee our alma mater
Hail Montgomery Blair

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Cori Cohen. Cori Cohen is a senior. And guess what? She made has made some new friends! CICADAS! She loves taking them for drives and is starting a "save the cicadas program." More »

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