Blair boys’ soccer demolish Blake Bengals on senior night

Oct. 18, 2023, 4:46 p.m. | By Giorgia Toti | 1 year ago

The Blazers won against the Blake Bengals, 7-2 to follow a 7-0 sweep by the girls' on the doubleheader senior night.

On Tuesday, Oct. 17, the Blair Blazers (8-2) won against the Blake Bengals (8-2) in an impressive game that ended 7-2. As the match began, both teams were determined to get the first shot. It was back and forth until senior midfielder Ian-Austin Ngwatung scored the first shot, setting the game in motion. One minute later, Blake countered and managed to score against junior goalkeeper Caleb Johnson. The score was tied at 1-1 for the next 20 minutes. Even though the Bengals tried very hard to score, the Blazer defense was on fire and not a single ball from Blake came near the net. 

It wasn’t until junior midfielder Owen Boots went to shoot with 19 minutes left in the half that the Blazers pulled ahead. Boots made his shot which was followed a few minutes later by another goal from senior defender Oscar Noriega Obando bringing the score to 3-1 with Blazers in the lead.

The match started to get more aggressive near the end of the first half but the Blazers kept their lead, and at the end of the half had a 3-1 lead.

Junior midfielder Owen Boots celebrates with senior captain Alejandro Dubon Photo courtesy of Zach Carter.

The next forty minutes were even more aggressive than the last. The shrill of the whistle could be heard everywhere you looked, but no goals were being scored. Senior midfielder Kevin Quincin got a goal past the Bengal goalkeeper 18 minutes into the second and brought the score to 4-1 for the Blazers. It was from here that the Blazer offense truly took off.

Dubon dribbles past the Bengals' defense Photo courtesy of Zach Carter.

Senior defender Alex Medina Bonilla quickly followed this goal with another, and four minutes later Quincin scored yet again. The Blazers bided their time, focusing on defense and keeping their lead over the Bengals. 

With one minute left in the game, the Bengals put up a valiant effort and finally scored another goal, slightly closing the gap between them and the Blazers, but senior defender Brendan White had something to say about that. In the last 20 seconds,. Even in the last 20 seconds, when the Blazers were sure they were going to win, White scored a goal and restored the five point lead the Blazers had on the Bengal, ending the match 7-2 against the Blake Bengals.

There is one more game in the regular season until the boys begin their playoff run. Boots is confident in the team’s ability to make it to states, but like last year, they have to push themselves. “I think we have to do the same this year and just focus on working hard, and I think we'll get there. We have the talent on the team to do it.” he s


Senior defender Sohccem Ruphael stands with the rest of team during senior night celebrations Photo courtesy of Bruno Resetarits.

Blair will face Richard Montgomery (away) on Oct. 19 for their last regular season game. Tickets can be found here.

Last updated: Oct. 18, 2023, 5:03 p.m.

Tags: #boys' soccer

Giorgia Toti. Hello! I am Giorgia Toti, a senior at MBHS, and Editor in Chief of Silver Chips Online. Along with a love of writing I am a part of Girl Scouts and am finishing my final Gold Award project, a coxswain for Blair Crew, and enjoy … More »

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