Blair ice hockey trounces Tigers in first playoff game

Feb. 19, 2011, 12:54 p.m. | By Alison Kronstadt | 13 years, 8 months ago

Strong offensive performance leads to Blair victory, 7-2


The Blair community ice hockey team is not affiliated with or sponsored by the Montgomery Blair High School athletic program or Montgomery County Public Schools. The team is an independent group of Blair students.

The Blair ice hockey team (10-3-1) solidly beat the D.C. Tigers (8-8-1) by a score of 7-2 in the first playoff game of the season. Consistent goaltending and offense secured the game for the Blazers despite a relatively even number of shots on goal for both teams.

The first period was close, with Blair forwards Rudy Carson and Ryan Henson scoring two goals to make the score 2-2 at the end of the period. From then on, Blair had tight control of the game, with the Tigers remaining scoreless while Carson scored three more goals and Henson scored two more.

Kaufman gets the puck from a DC player. Photo courtesy of Emma Lansworth.

The majority of Blair's goals came from breakaways, with players skating tirelessly to beat defenseman in the other team's zone and forwards in their own zone. Coach Didier Devynck attributed the win to that hard work. "I told the team in the locker room, 'Everyone who steps on the ice has to give 100 percent,' and you could see that. They never gave up," he said.

Senior assistant captain and defenseman Peirce Marston added that confidence was also a factor. "We knew we were better than this team," he said. Marston had three assists in the game.

Carson said that defense would have to be a priority for the team. "As long as we can get on the back-check really quick and play good defense, we can beat pretty much any team," he said. Freshman winger Daniel Alger agreed. "We have to be more aggressive when they're in front of our net," he said.

Senior defenseman Ben Kaufman added that the win would help boost Blair's confidence, especially in the face of the team's upcoming game against tough competitor Washington County. "It's definitely going to help us to know we can hold our own," Kaufman said.

Ultimately, according to Devynck, the team can be proud of its performance, whatever happens next week. "We've had a great season, and it's not over yet," he said.

The ice hockey team will play their next playoff game on Feb. 26 against Washington County at the Rockville Ice Arena at 8:10 p.m.

Tags: Ice Hockey

Alison Kronstadt. Alison Kronstadt is happiest when she's making you laugh, so tell her her stories are funny or she'll cry. She has a lot of opinions and hopes you like to read them. She wrote her first bio when she was an awkward little junior and … More »

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