Blair's golfers tee off fall sports

Oct. 27, 2005, midnight | By Simon Kanter | 18 years, 12 months ago

Blazers, 2-16, gear up for playoffs as season ends

The Blair boys' varsity golf team, coached by James Schafer, is already winding down their disappointing season, weeks ahead of most other fall sports. Dwindling daylight forces the golf season to end earlier than most sports, but the Blazers still managed to pack in a rigorous schedule.

This season the Blazers faced much steeper competition than in previous years, playing against such powerhouses as Rockville and Churchill. The only high school Blair was able to beat was Einstein.

This season gave the Blazers a chance to rebuild after the devastating loss of several key seniors. A sharp decrease in the number of new underclassmen joining the team also made the season tougher for Blair.

In a high school golf league the rules are quite a bit different from those on the professional level. Since high school golf is a team sport, six players from each of four schools play nine holes in each match. At the end of the match the teams add up their five best scores and whichever school has the lowest total wins.

While Blair only technically beat one team this year, they experienced a series of smaller yet more satisfying victories. This season one of the players became the first to have a medal game in Blair's history, outscoring all of his opponents by shooting a 39 at the Redgate course.

Schafer also pointed out that the Blair team achieved all of its goals this season. "Our goals were to go out and have fun, play hard and represent Blair to the best of our ability — in that sense we won."

With that in mind, the Blazers march into the postseason. Up ahead are the district, divisional and hopefully county tournaments.

Simon Kanter. Simon "The Food Guy" Kanter is the silliest person you will ever meet. Though his true joy in life is posting recipes, Simon finds time to spend patting himself on the back for his witty remarks, breeding Trogdors, stealing markers, staplers and other convenient appliances, … More »

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