Blazers battle for the titles of Mr. and Ms. Blazer

April 16, 2004, midnight | 20 years, 6 months ago

Silver Chips Online is gearing up for the annual Mr. Blazer contest and brand new Ms. Blazer competition. Read on to find out about all the contestants and how they plan to wow the crowd.

Ms. Blazer

Audrey Tornblom
Senior Audrey Tornblom, still recovering from a recent illness, is hoping to perform during Friday's Ms. Blazer competition. If she is able to compete, Tornblom will sing an a capella folk song entitled "Drowsy Sleeper." She describes the song as "very pretty" and "kind of haunting." Tornblom was not planning on performing until the audition day, when an SGA member simply "asked her to sing something." According to Tornblom, a seasoned performer, she is not at all nervous about her Ms. Blazer song. Rather, Tornblom says she is more worried about the spring musical "The Merry Widow," which she is planning to perform in during Blair Fair.

Brittany Ruffin
Senior Brittany Ruffin will be performing a singing and dancing combo. Ruffin plans to use a variety of music ranging from hip-hop to British bands and even pure instrumental background music. Ruffin's three years of being on Diva Dancers has helped her with the routine. "It looked fun and now they have the Ms. Blazer competition," said Ruffin. "It is my last year so I figured I would just go for it."

Jenny Metellus 
Junior Jenny Metellus is looking forward to competing for this year's Ms. Blazer title. She decided to enter the contest because she wants to help out a "special person." Metellus also hopes to have a positive impact on the audience. "I decided to enter the competition because I didn't want another opportunity to go by without me affecting [people], because I know I make a difference in how the vocals come out," she said. Metellus will be singing Kelly Clarkson's "A Moment Like This" and invites the audience to sing along.

Mr. Blazer

Tekle Ghebremeschel
Senior Tekle Ghebremeschel is a new face on the Blair drama scene but has already made a big impact. From his first time on stage this fall as a knight in Pericles, Ghebremeschel has advanced to being the male lead in the spring musical. "I like singing, and that's why I'm excited to be singing for my talent. I'm an appreciator of music," says Ghebremeschel. He is proud of his Eritrean-American heritage and enjoys playing alto saxophone. All he will reveal about his Mr. Blazer act is that he will attempt to hit a very high note at the end. "I say attempt. We'll see how that goes," he says.

Todd Bryant
Senior Todd Bryant tried out for Mr. Blazer in a spur-of-the-moment decision. Bryant walked in on the Mr. Blazer auditions after school in the SAC and "decided on the spot it [that] would be fun to make something up." Right then and there, Bryant created a comedy act with fellow senior Philip Ries, the topic of which was "how to get women." Bryant enjoys speaking in front of people and previously served as a Master of Ceremonies for Magnet Arts Night. He is quite excited about the Mr. Blazer competition, saying, "I think it'll be a lot of fun."

Josh Gottlieb-Miller
Seventeen year-old Josh Gottlieb-Miller is an enthusiastic senior at Blair. This is his first year competing for the Mr. Blazer title, and he expects the experience to be a great deal of fun. Josh will showcase his charm and plans to read his original poetry for the talent portion of the competition. He also promises a surprise sometime during his performance.

Sergio Garcia
Senior Sergio Garcia is aspiring to become the next Mr. Blazer. After watching the show last year, he knew that he wanted to perform. The only problem was that he did not have a clue as to what to do for his act. When the announcement was made for auditions for this year's Mr. Blazer competition, he decided to try out with a purely original routine. After much thought and consideration, he finally landed on "salsa dancing with Denise," a friend of his who wanted to compete in the new Ms. Blazer competition but missed the audition. It's a good thing they found each other, because this performance is sure to be fun and original.

Alan Coleman
Senior Alan Coleman will be performing an original stand-up comedy
routine for his shot at the Mr. Blazer title. He decided to compete because
he likes "representing the school." Coleman reports having a "lot of
school spirit" and thinks highly of his competition. "It's a good group
of guys; there's a lot of talent up there," says Coleman. "I'm just
there to do my thing."

Information compiled by various Silver Chips Online staff members.

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