Blazers honored at Spring Sports Award Banquet

May 26, 2006, midnight | By Lois Bangiolo | 18 years, 5 months ago

Spring athletes recieve awards

The Blair Auditorium hosted Blair's annual Spring Sports Awards Banquet, honoring the spring athletes, last night at 7 p.m. Team coaches presented players with awards for Most Valuable Player (MVP), Most Improved (MI), Outstanding Senior (OS) and Coach's Award (CA) awards. Scholar athletes were recognized as well.

Diane Martin, president of the Blair Booster Club, gave the welcoming remarks and thanked all volunteers for their time in helping Blair sports teams. Dale Miller, head of the athletic department, who also thanked volunteers, fans, coaches and athletes, spoke directly afterward. Miller honored the scholar athletes, who had received a minimum GPA of 3.25. According to Miller, 162 of 253 players who participated in the spring season qualified as scholar athletes. Players who had straight A's last quarter received scholar athlete patches on stage.

Each team then went up to the stage to be presented with their awards. The coaches shared anecdotes and highlights of the season. Coed volleyball coach and social studies teacher John Mott, who will be leaving next year, told the audience about how the boys' shorts this year forcibly reminded him of the "booty shorts of the 70's." Quips continued when Sang Ahn, coach of the county champion boy's volleyball team, commented that only two players on his predominantly-magnet team could make the banquet because the rest were "down the hall at a math competition."

The varsity softball team, 4A West champion, continued their tradition of stealing four items from coach Louis Hoelman's house, returning them when they received their awards. He said he had hoped to avoid the thievery this year because he was holding the team party after the awards, but the girls still managed to procure the items.

The awards were presented as follows:

JV Baseball
MVP- David Fegley
MI- Carlos Mesa
CA- Dylan Baird

MVP- Tommy Dugan
OS- Lee Shields
MI- Zach Hall
CA- Avi Wolfman-Arent

MVP- Anna Hadfield
OS- Rose Feinberg
MI- Nazanin Yousefnejad
CA- Lisa Wong

Girls' Lacrosse
MVP- Maddie Driskill
OS- Kiran Belani
MI- Helen Anderson
CA- Karla Berberich

Boys' Lacrosse
MVP- Robert Ginsberg
OS- Tyler Wilchek
MI- Aaron Simon
CA- Andy Holmes

JV Softball
MVP- Eve Kenney
MI- Becky Richmond
CA- Hilary Bragg

MVP- Sarah Rumbaugh
OS- Sara Pierce
MI- Allison Rubin
CA- Juliet Garlow

Boys' Tennis
MVP- Michael Hsu
OS- Greg Howard
MI- Michael Benfield
CA- Lu Chen

Girls' Track
MVP- Halsey Sinclair
OS- Queen Momo
MI- Ana Ramos
CA- Ashlyn Sinclair

Boys' Track
MVP- Muhammad Roberson
OS- Josh Gist
MI- Emanuel Waktola
CA- Aaron Townsend

Boys' Volleyball
MVP- Jay Chang
OS- Adrian Cretzu
MI- Levon Mkrtchyan
CA- Tim Lee

Coed Volleyball
MVP- Wendolyn Quintanilla
OS- Jisung Kim
MI- Felicia Olawuni
CA- Christie Lin

Lois Bangiolo. Lois Bangiolo was born on March 14, pi day, an auspicious date as she is now in the math-science magnet. In addition to writing for Silver Chips Online she runs track and is secretary of the MBHS Key Club. More »

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