Celebrating Pi Day is as easy as 3, 1, 4

March 14, 2024, 2:04 p.m. | By Angelina Cao | 1 year ago

Math Honors Society hosts activities in the Media Center

On Thursday, March 14, Math Honors Society hosted festivities in the Media Center to celebrate the long-awaited Pi Day. Between the shelves of books, table after table of activities were laid out for Blazers ranging from deriving pi to writing a pi ku (a haiku with syllables of 3, 1, and 4). 

Completing one of the activities resulted in a stamp and if a Blazer collected all six stamps, Math Honors Society provided a delicious slice of apple pie as a prize.

Math Honors Society sponsor Grace Contreras, (dressed up as American Pie which entails a Captain America jacket over a pi shirt) loved Pi Day because of its universal appeal. “Sharing enthusiasm about math with our community is something that I really value..and [Pi Day allows us] to engage a broader part of the community so that they can be just as excited about math as we are," Contreas said.

Even students with no interest in math were captivated by Pi thanks to the fun activities. There was something to do for everyone between the escape room, photo booth, and button-making.

Though Junior Bezawit Gessesse believed math was too complicated, she still had a blast during Pi day. “[Math] is hard and ugly and long, [but] pie is none of those things,“ she said.

Social Media Officer Adan Guzman was proud of all Math Honors Society's work, especially the Pi Day celebrations. “Math Honor Society is honestly very chill… [but] we get to do the most for the school,” he said.

Contreas struggles to describe the true magic of Pi, but she loves the mathematical constant nonetheless. “[Pi] is all kinds of things…it’s irrationally rational!” she said. 

Pi Day celebrations continued until 2:30 p.m. with a Choco Pie as prizes.

Last updated: March 14, 2024, 2:10 p.m.

Angelina Cao. Hi, my name is Angelina and I am a writer! I like animation and crocheting :) More »

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