Cut Caroline some slack

Jan. 5, 2009, midnight | By Sophia Deng | 16 years, 2 months ago

Caroline Kennedy may not be the most qualified potential appointee for the vacant New York Senate seat, but she's certainly qualified. Despite the media's harping on her lack of intelligence and expertise, Kennedy's resumé has more substance than most critics are acknowledging.

This isn't to say that Kennedy is fully prepared to take on Hillary Clinton's vacant seat, but she does have her merits. In the last few years, Kennedy worked with non-profit boards, including the NAACP Legal and Educational Fund, along with New York's public schools. She has dealt with hands-on policy work and has effectively raised money - both key skills necessary for a senator. Plus, Kennedy has lived in New York for almost 40 years, which is longer than many current senators have resided in their states.

True, Kennedy hasn't held an official public office like a gubernatorial position. And true, her lavish life isn't all that representative of the walks of life of most New Yorkers.

However, Kennedy does know - at least, somewhat - how to direct, lead and (most importantly) bring in the cash. She can create reform for New York with her name power and garner many essential supporters for prospective legislation.

Compared to several incumbent senators like Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), who had little to no previous political experience, Kennedy is a shoo-in. The media's hype that Kennedy, the rich girl, doesn't have the skill set available to take on a Senate seat, is ridiculous. She is equipped with tools under her belt to govern and a last name to command. Her only setback is her valley girl lingo.

I'm not exactly sure why Kennedy is running in the first place, or that I'd want her to be my senator. But she deserves to be viewed as a viable candidate. Contrary to the media's claims, Kennedy does have credentials, and she has adequate, if not an ideal amount of experience to prove her worth. Like all people, she has much to learn and room to grow. The media should leave Kennedy alone, give her time and let the state of New York determine whether she's Senate material or not.

Sophia Deng. Sophia was the Managing Editor of SCO during the 2009-2010 school year. When not laughing or chilling to OWL CITY, Sophia can be found oil painting, playing volleyball, doing sudokus and sprinkling happy fairy dust over everyone. She loves folk/pop/electronica indie, Harry Potter, Burt's Bees … More »

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