Dear Mom

May 13, 2018, 12:09 p.m. | By Neva Taylor | 6 years, 5 months ago

From Blazers, with love

Dear Moms,

It is that time of year again! The time of year when you have a whole day dedicated exclusively to you. Today is Mother's Day, and oh are we here for it. We have so much to say to you and only one letter to say it all in. But if you'll read nothing else but this opening paragraph, please know that we love you, and we thank you for your never-ending care and support.

Thank you for making me laugh.

"One day we were sitting at the table, for some reason. Everyone was sad that day, but my mom said 'I gotta a joke. What does the spoon say to the soup?' We all said 'what?' She said 'I'm going but I'm coming back.' Cause like the spoon goes from the soup to your mouth and back again. It was a bad joke, but we all laughed really hard." ~Luis Nota, freshman

"One time late at night, I was listening to music and getting water, when my mom came up behind me and scared me. At first I was really scared, but afterwards, it was pretty funny." ~Joel Simpson, freshman

Thank you for teaching me new things.

"My mom homeschooled me from ages 6-13. One year, we took a trip from Maryland to Montana as a lesson in history and science. We visited caves to learn about the different types of rocks and learned about the history of the states during the 1800s. I appreciated how out-of-the-book this lesson was and how she allowed me to learn in my own way, instead of the 'normal' way." ~Michela Rooney, sophomore

Thank you for comforting me when I'm down.

"Freshman year, I got a C, and it was my first C ever. When my mom found out she comforted me and told me not to let it define who I was. It was my first year in high school, and I was really upset, but instead of getting mad, she sat down with me and helped me through it. It affected how I did in the next two years of school and also boosted my confidence level when it came to what I believed I could achieve." ~Laicha Hayes, junior

"I used to get in trouble and stuff, but my mom always told me to be true to yourself, hang out with better people and do good things. It taught me to be myself and not be fake - not to act cool just for your friends. Her advice has made me a better person; I make better decisions now, hang out with better people and don't get into trouble." ~Bisrate Berhanemeskel, junior

Thank you for always giving me good advice.

"Before I went to my soccer tryouts, my mom gave me the usual motherly pep talk. She told me I'd do great. When I got home, and she asked me what happened, I told her I didn't make the team. And she told me 'I know you're good enough; keep working hard, and next year you'll make it.' She really gave me the courage and confidence to try out next year. And the next year, I made it." ~Sebastian Aliaga, junior

So even though we have showered you with thank you's and good memories, we want you to know that we don't just love you on Mother's Day. We love you every day of the week, 24/7, because you are our sun, moon and stars. Happy Mother's Day, and thank you for everything!

Your favorite Blazers

Tags: love Happy Mother's Day mom Mother's Day thanks

Neva Taylor. I love soccer, cheer, and track. I'm excited to be writing for SCO. More »

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