Governor Howard Dean

Feb. 2, 2004, midnight | By Adedeji Ogunfolu | 20 years, 8 months ago

Profile for the 2004 Blair Primary

Democratic Presidential Candidate Governor Dean of Vermont is the best choice for the Blazer looking for a new president to replace the incumbent George W. Bush.  Before becoming Governor, Dean was a physician who shared a medical practice with his wife.   Dean received his B.A. from Yale University in 1971 and his medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City in 1978. He became governor in 1991 with Governor Richard Snelling died.  During his term as Governor, he cut the income tax twice, created 41,000 jobs, and reduced the state's long-term debt of $70 million, which is an exemplary work product of a governor.

As president, he promises to reform areas of society that the Bush
administration has not addressed correctly such as Campaign Finance reform, Health Care, and the economy.  Dean has promised to place the interests of the people in his presidency, rather than the interests of large corporate companies whose influence has taken over the White House.  Another strategy that Dean has for repairing the damage that Bush has done to the economy is to Repeal the Bush tax cuts and create a fairer system for taxation.  The funds from the Bush Tax cuts will be used to pay for universal health care, homeland security, and investments in job creation that benefit all Americans.

Dean's foreign policy views have made the top choice for presidential
candidate because he realizes that the invasion of Iraq and capturing Saddam Hussien have not made Americans safer.  The war in Iraq is only benefiting Bush's campaign contributors who are wealthy elite and have received unfair tax cuts.

As many Blazers move towards the voting polls, there will be many candidates to choose from.  Many seem to offer the same beneficial changes for America, but have no real plan on how to revamp this country. Howard Dean is the true democratic candidate because he is outspoken and does what he sees fit to ensure the best interests of the American people are met.  Vote Howard Dean.

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Adedeji Ogunfolu. Adedeji Ogunfolu is now a senior. Besides working dilligently on the Silver Chips Online staff, he is an extremely enthusiastic musician. He is not ashamed to tell people that he has been to band camp, but he prefers to call it orchestra camp. He has … More »

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