Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?

Nov. 18, 2004, midnight | By Tiffany Yee | 20 years, 3 months ago

"Yes I have been in a long distance relationship. It affected me in a couple of ways. It made go crazy, because every minute of the day I thought about him and if he was cheating on me, plus I never really got to see him."
-freshman Matena Lamara

No, I haven't had a long distance relationship but if I did I know that I would not be happy. I mean how could you consider it a relationship when you are not together? I know some say that if you are not 'together', it's okay because it thought and hear you're together. Still, when it comes to hard times you need that someone to be with you to support and be there for you. I would not be happy if my baby Leonel was away from me. I'd prefer to be with him than to be sad and without him.
-junior Rita C. Davalos

"I have a cousin in China whom I am very close to. When I immigrated from China, our relationship parted and became rather distant. As I adapted to American culture, our differences emerged. I feel such long distance relationships are difficult to keep up with. My cousin and I kept in contact by e-mail and phone. But it is hardly the same when we used to see each other once a week. One the other hand, we shared a wider range of conversation topics since I emigrated. We shared conversations of the two cultures and in a sense, we had, emotionally, become even closer to each other. Thus, we treasured our time together when I went back and visited my home."
-freshman Chao Xue

I've been in a long distance relationship where I went away 2 months for the summer and my boyfriend stayed at home. It was difficult but we bought phone cards and emailed each other everyday. If anything it brought us close and gave us a chance to have some time to ourselves.
-senior Andrea Sandor

Yes, I have been in a long term relationship and it is a good relationship. It's good to have someone in high school that you can express yourself to. That is why I am still with him today.
-sophomore Deera Dunbar

I am in a long distance relationship right now. It is affected by what the relationship is all about, which is trust and faithfulness. If you don't have those two things you don't have a relationship. It is not all about being here in the physical sense, it's more about how you feel about the person.
-junior Kimberly Boyd

Yes I have been in a long-distance relationship before. In the beginning it was great because I saw this person every weekend but I had to stop going to see the person because of my grades and the person cheated on me with my best friend and I was hurt so badly and I haven't been in a relationship since.
-sophomore Christina Carraway

I've been in a long-distance relationship twice before and I will probably never be in any more of them. It's not that it went bad, per se, it's just now I realize that it is depressing because all you do is talk to the person on-line or on the phone, maybe on webcam, but can't ever really share any experiences with them. I think people do them just to feel special and feel that they do have someone, the person is just far away.
-sophomore Yana Schick

Yes, I'm finally in a long-distance relationship. My boyfriend is in Chicago for college. The only thing that has affected me is being physically there or hanging out. Otherwise. nothing has changed. I still get to talk to him whenever I want, and we still have a strong stream of communication. Sometimes it's hard when you see couples or when you think about the next time you'll see them (how long it will be), but I'm patient enough to wait for what I desire.
-senior Alyssa Marzullo

Being in a long-distance relationship does no really affect me that much. This is probably because I'm not serious with him. Even though I'm hooked with him, I'm still free to look for a person who could show me things that he can't. It doesn't bother me because I don't have to worry much and that I don't have to split my time between my studies and him since I can just reason out that I'm busy in my school. I'm also not sure whether he had somebody with him so even though I'm hooked up with him means that I can't hook up with others and it doesn't mean I have to take things seriously because I'm still young. It's not affecting me much and that I can have time to do my stuff, not our stuff!
-sophomore Dana Crisostomo

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