Heather Mizeur, top Kerry aide, speaks to Blair Young Democrats

Oct. 14, 2005, midnight | By Eve Gleichman | 19 years, 4 months ago

Local politician discusses early involvement in politics

Heather Mizeur, Domestic Policy Director for Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), spoke to Blair's Young Democrats club yesterday, Oct. 12, at 3 p.m. Mizeur focused on her upcoming campaign for State Delegate from District 20 as well as the importance of getting involved early with local politics.

Mizeur stressed the significance of passion for politics and community involvement in her initial speech. "It's your talent, your passion, your connection with your community that really makes a difference," she said to the room full of student Democrats. "If you're not involved, your voice won't be heard."

Heather Mizeur, Domestic Policy Director for Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), spoke to Blair's Young Democrats club on Oct. 12. Photo courtesy of Ariana McLean.

Mizeur also described local and state political activism as a "beacon" for a future in politics. "This is a state where, with your passion, you can address the issues that are important to you," she said, underlining experience as essential when looking to the future.

In addition to encouraging first-hand experience with politics, Mizeur discussed her support for the priorities that she feels the Democratic Party holds, naming fair wages, affordable health insurance, educational funding and environmental activism as key concerns.

In a question and answer session, Mizeur offered her goals as a potential State Delegate. "I want to mobilize and energize a community to implement a vision," she said. "It's about us continuing to work together and articulating a legislative vision." She differentiated her characteristics from others running for the office, explaining the compassion and work ethic she feels gives her an advantage over her opponents.

Most of all, Mizeur emphasized why she felt being a Democrat and locally active is so important. "Politics is the true melting pot of bringing communities together," she said. "It is truly touching to be reminded of why I'm a Democrat."

Eve Gleichman. Eve Gleichman didn't do it. More »

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