If Blair were a school of 100 students...

Oct. 25, 2016, 8:45 p.m. | By Adeola Vassall, Charles Lott | 8 years, 4 months ago

A new perspective on the makeup of Blair's Blazers

Blair is always portrayed as one of the most diverse schools in Montgomery County, but what does that really mean? Statistics and demographics can be misleading, especially when it comes to a community the size of Blair, which has almost 3,000 students and counting. An easier way to look at the makeup of Blair's Blazers is on a scale of one school of one hundred students.

If Blair were a school of 100 students, there would be 14 teachers to teach them.
49 students would be female and 51 would be male. 8 teachers would be female and 6 would be male.
16 students would be Asian, 27 would be black, 31 would be Hispanic, 22 would be white, and 4 would be other or mixed races. 1 teacher would be Asian, 3 would be black, 1 would be Hispanic, and 9 would be white.
30 students would be freshmen, 27 would be sophomores, 22 would be juniors, and 21 would be seniors.
6 teachers would have been teaching for more than 15 years, 6 would have been teaching for 5-15 years, and 2 would have been teaching for less than 5 years.
12 students would be in ESOL and 6 would be special education students.
8 students would be expected to drop out of high school, and 3 would be expected to be suspended at least once.
88 students would eventually graduate, and 94 would go directly into college or professional training after high school.
All statistics are based on Montgomery Blair's school profile on www.ataglance.mbhs.edu.

Tags: Montgomery Blair High School students teachers demographics

Adeola Vassall. More »

Charles Lott. My name is Charlie, and I'm the features editor for Silver Chips Online. I enjoy reading, using Oxford commas, and playing frisbee for Blair. More »

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