Silver Chips Online mock presidential election results

Nov. 2, 2004, midnight | By Jeffrey Dunn | 19 years, 11 months ago

Kerry wins by a landslide with 93% of the Blazer vote

After four weeks of voting, the results are in for the Silver Chips Online mock presidential election: John Kerry won 93% of the Blazer vote, defeating opponents George Bush and Ralph Nader by a landslide.

Each voter was asked to provide the political party and ethnicity/race to which he or she identifies with along with his or her vote for statistical purposes. Votes were authenticated by student ID number and BEN login information to prevent fraudulent voting.

Out of Blair's population of roughly 3,600 students and staff, 921 votes were cast, amounting to a 26% voter turnout rate, the majority of which identified themselves as Democrats. Below, the Blazer voting population is broken down by race and political party. Voters who opted to not provide racial or party information are listed under the "Declined" category.

Click the graphs below to view the exact numerical breakdown illustrated.

John Kerry received 853 of the 921 votes, amounting to approximately 93% of the Blazer vote. The majority of Blazers who voted for Kerry identified themselves as Democrats. Although Republicans only accounted for 5% of the votes for Kerry, this 5% represented just below 30% of the total Blazer population who identified themselves as Republicans. Below, votes for Kerry are broken down by race and political party.

George Bush received 49 votes, approximately five percent of the total vote. The political parties of Blazers who voted for Bush were very mixed, with the Republicans leading with 38%. Below, votes for Bush are broken down by race and political party.

Finally, Ralph Nader came in last place with a mere 19 votes. Nearly half of Blazers who voted for Nader identified themselves as Independent. Below, votes for Nader are broken down by race and political party.

At Blair, students and staff of all races overwhelmingly identified themselves as Democrats. However, the exact proportion varied by each race as shown below:

All data was not collected by a simple random sample and should not be treated as such.

Jeffrey Dunn. Jeffrey Dunn was the 2004-2005 Technical Editor of Silver Chips Online. In Fall 2004, Jeff designed and developed an entirely new version of the website. The new version was built completely from scratch, featuring more secure code, easily expandable sections, and a new user-friendly administration … More »

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