March Madness and Sweet 16 Challenge winners

April 26, 2004, midnight | 20 years, 10 months ago

After a lengthy delay, Silver Chips Online has finally tabulated the results of the March Madness and Sweet 16 Challenges. No one in either challenge predicted a UConn/Georgia Tech championship game, but a few had all Final Four teams correctly picked. Alan Coleman finished on top in both challenges, though Lauren Johnson tied his score in the March Madness Challenge. Coleman and Johnson may pick up their movie tickets on Thursday, April 29 in room 165 during 5A or 5B lunch.

March Madness Challenge winners: Alan Coleman and Lauren Johnson, 59 points

Sweet 16 Challenge winner: Alan Coleman, 36 points

March Madness Challenge runners-up:
-Caroline Forsythe, 58 points
-Dan Donnelly, 50 points
-Jordan Townsend, 49 points
-Nicole Gray, 49 points

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