National News Round-up for Jan. 17 – Jan. 30

Jan. 31, 2011, 11:23 a.m. | By Masha Lafen | 13 years, 8 months ago

At age 95, social activist Sargent Shriver died in a D.C. hospital. Among his many accomplishments, Shriver served as the first Peace Corps Director. In 1972 he was the vice-presidential running mate for George McGovern. He was renowned public activist who is famous for his influence on Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty, Head Start, and VISTA.

This is not original reporting. All information has been compiled from Reuters, CNN and The Washington Post. Silver Chips Online posts this news summary to provide readers with a forum for discussion.

Washington, D.C.

Jan. 18 – At age 95, social activist Sargent Shriver died in a D.C. hospital. Among his many accomplishments, Shriver served as the first Peace Corps Director. In 1972 he was the vice-presidential running mate for George McGovern. He was a renowned public activist who is famous for his influence on Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty, Head Start and VISTA. Shriver worked with his late wife, Eunice Kennedy, to create the Special Olympics. Shriver, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, died in the company of his five children and 19 grandchildren.Washington, D.C.

Jan. 25 – President Barack Obama gave the annual State of the Union address, outlining goals for the country in the next year. Obama gave a more centrist speech than last year, hoping to create a conciliatory tone in the wake of Rep. Giffords's shooting and the Republican's recent control of the House. Obama suggested working with Republicans to improve Health Care instead of defending his stance. He proposed a freeze on domestic spending in an attempt to reduce the nation's deficit and promoted uniting to meet the challenge of global competition.


Jan. 19 – Independent senator Joe Lieberman announced to his constituents that he is not seeking reelection in the next senate race, ending a four-term career as a Connecticut senator. Over his career he has been a vice-presidential and presidential candidate, a Democrat and an Independent. Lieberman has championed issues on both sides of the isle, voting with Democrats on issues like Don't Ask Don't Tell and Health Reform, and holding a Republican stance in support of the war in Iraq. In his speech, Lieberman stated, "I have not always fit comfortably into conventional political boxes, maybe you've noticed that. Democrat, Republican, liberal or conservative. Because I've always thought my first responsibility is not to serve a political party but to serve my constituents, my state, and my country."Houston, Texas

Jan. 21 - After 13 days of treatment at Tucson, Arizona's University Medical Center, Representative Gabrielle Giffords traveled to a new hospital in Houston, Texas to begin the rehabilitation process. An ambulance carried Giffords from the Tucson hospital to an Air Force Base, where a private jet brought her to a Houston airport. From there helicopters delivered Giffords and family to the Roof of Memorial Hermann hospital, which has a renowned Institute for Rehabilitation and Research. Groups of well-wishers lined the streets of Tucson to cheer for Giffords as she passed in the ambulance. It will take Giffords at least four to six months to recover.

Last updated: May 4, 2021, 12:33 p.m.

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