National News Roundup for Oct. 25 – Nov. 5

Nov. 8, 2010, 12:25 p.m. | By Masha Lafen | 13 years, 11 months ago

Oct. 5 – Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced that workers will install solar panels on the roof of the White House in the summer of next year.

This is not original reporting. All information has been compiled from the New York Times and Silver Chips Online posts this news summary to provide readers with a forum for discussion.

Washington, D.C.

Oct. 5 – Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced that workers will install solar panels on the roof of the White House next summer. The White House roof had its solar panels removed in 1986, when President Ronald Reagan initiated roof repairs. President Jimmy Carter was the first president to install solar panels on the White House during the oil crisis in 1979, in order to promote a reduced dependence on foreign oil. The White House will install 20-50 solar panels that are estimated to save $3,000 per year on energy costs. Environmental activists hope that the installation will boost nation-wide investment in solar panels.Washington, D.C.

Nov. 2 – Americans voted in national midterm elections on Nov. 2, resulting in decisive swing in favor of Republicans in both houses of Congress. Republicans picked up the majority in House of Representatives, gaining 60 seats and bringing the numbers to 239 Republicans and 187 Democrats. Although Democrats maintained a majority in the Senate, Republicans gained six seats, resulting in a 47-41 split in favor of Democrats. With the Republican's six-seat win in the Senate, Democrats have lost the filibuster proof majority that they gained in the 2008 elections.


Nov. 2 – Voters in California rejected the referendum Proposition 19, which would have legalized the recreational use of marijuana. The referendum was decisively rejected by 56 percent to 44 percent. Passage of Prop. 19 would have made California the first state to legalize recreational marijuana. Proponents of the referendum argued that legalization could free law enforcement to take on drug cartels and could allow the state to collect tax revenue from a $14 million industry that is otherwise off-limits. However, Prop. 19 would have violated federal drug laws, and the Obama administration promised to continue to prosecute growth or possession of marijuana. Otay Mesa, California

Nov. 3 – U.S. Border police found a 1,800 foot tunnel linking two warehouses in Southern California and Tijuana Mexico. The tunnel, which includes a rail system, lighting and ventilation, is believed to have been used by Mexican drug cartels. Drug cartels are known to have many tunnels linking Mexico and California in light of recent increases in border security. In 2006 police found a 2,400 foot tunnel linking Tijuana to California by almost the same route.

Last updated: May 4, 2021, 12:35 p.m.

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