New Poetry Contest

Feb. 20, 2004, midnight | By Anthony Glynn | 20 years, 5 months ago

Western Reading Services (WRS) has announced the 2004 Eastern Regional Poetry Contest. The poetry can be of a wide-range of subjects, themes and styles, which will only be edited for family-orientated subject matter and language. The deadline for poems is March 15. WRS will award the poet whose poem is selected as the "Editor's Choice" with a check for $250. The poets whose work is chosen for this anthology will be noticed before publication. There is limit of one poem per poet with a maximum length of 30 lines. For more information go to the Western Reading Services website.

High school students are encouraged to send in their works of poetry to:
Eastern Region
Western Reading Services
P.O. Box 24547
Denver, Colorado 80224-0547.

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