Newsbrief: Teachers asked not to hold pre-holiday parties

Dec. 19, 2002, midnight | By Branden Buehler | 21 years, 10 months ago

Earlier this week principal Phillip Gainous issued a statement asking teachers not to hold parties before winter break. Gainous cited food used in these parties as a major problem because of difficulties Blair is having with roaches and mice. Exterminators have been to the building several times and will be needed again. If teachers had lessons that required food usage, they were asked to make arrangements to have their classes held in the cafeteria.

A more detailed story will come after the break.

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Branden Buehler. Branden Buehler is a senior in the magnet program. When he is not doing schoolwork, work for Silver Chips Online, or swimming for the Blair swim team, he could possibly be found playing foosball or playing his guitar and recording songs in a futile attempt … More »

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