Opening the door for student-athletes to gain P.E. credits

Oct. 28, 2019, 6:11 p.m. | By Rajit Mukhopadhyay | 4 years, 12 months ago

SMOB Nate Tinbite’s resolution passed in Board of Education meeting

During the Montgomery County Board of Education meeting on Oct. 8, student member of the board (SMOB) Nate Tinbite’s high-school athletics proposal passed. The resolution, a path for student-athletes to receive physical education (P.E.) credit through school sports teams, is set to resurface in Feb. 2020 when the board considers options for its implementation.

Currently, student-athletes are expected to complete physical education courses even while they are participating in school-sponsored sports. For many student-athletes, this requirement is seen as unnecessary and repetitive. “I aim to alleviate the hours of redundant stress for student-athletes,” Tinbite said.

The Board’s passing vote does not automatically implement the credit policy, but mandates that current Superintendent Dr. Jack R. Smith bring forward strategies for approaching the distribution of P.E. credits to the board by their February meeting.“My resolution directs the superintendent to come back to the board on how to award the athletes with a semester of P.E. as opposed to a full year. It is our goal to find an option that works,” Tinbite stated. 

While Maryland law mandates that students obtain half a P.E. credit to graduate, Montgomery County requires students to earn a full credit for graduation. This enables the county to expand on how students can receive the extra required half-credit. “Because MCPS provides P.E. and athletics, there was mobility between state and county requirements,” says Tinbite.

Student-athletes are active during their numerous after-school practices.

The resolution’s implementation would be wide-reaching, providing MCPS' 23,000 student athletes a chance to earn half of their required physical education credits without taking a class. 

The idea for student-athletes to receive physical education credits has been brought before the board by past SMOB's. During his 2015-2016 term, former SMOB Eric Guerci proposed a much more specific approach to the case of P.E. credits and athletics which was rejected by the board.

This proposal marks the beginning of what Tinbite looks to complete during his term. “I wanted to get this done early on, [as there are] lots of bigger projects later in the year such as bridging the divides between schools. There is much more to consider with the budget season coming up,” he explains.

Last updated: Oct. 28, 2019, 6:11 p.m.

Tags: SMOB Student athletes Blair sports

Rajit Mukhopadhyay. Hey, this is Rajit. As a Blair junior you can often find me playing tennis, hanging out with friends, or in the 240s hallway traffic jam. More »

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