Petition deadlines extended

Feb. 28, 2006, midnight | By Alex Hyder | 18 years, 7 months ago

Students have a week to apply for unfilled positions

Students applying for certain SGA positions have until March 8 to submit their applications, according to Parliamentarian Christie Lin.

The extended deadline applies to positions that had no registered candidates at the close of regular applications — the end of fifth period on Tuesday, Feb. 28.

Lin, who is coordinating this year's elections, said that the deadlines have been extended for these positions due to a lack of applicants and a need for the offices to be filled. "We need more people," she said. "We'll probably have several offices vacant [at the deadline], and we need them filled in order for SGA to work."

Petitions for unfilled positions are subject to the same requirements as petitions submitted before the deadline. All must be filled out in full and have the signature of the applying student, that of a parent or guardian, and those of an administrator, his or her counselor and one of his or her teachers. Candidates must also have between five and 20 student signatures, depending on the position to which they apply.

Lin believes that the requirements are an important part of the elections process. "Students have to be deemed fit for office by both their peers and their counselors," she explained.

According to Lin, blank petitions will continue to be available in the SGA office, room 165. She does not plan to extend application deadlines further. "I think March 8 is a reasonable deadline," she said. According to the SGA Constitution, all vacancies that remain after the final deadline will be filled by appointment.

Candidates for all offices will speak at this year's elections convention on April 24, which precedes the elections on the 25th and 26th.

As of the close of regular petitions (fifth period on Tuesday, Feb. 28) the following petitions remained unfilled:

For the class of 2007: Treasurer, Senator (four positions)

For the class of 2008: Secretary, Vice President, Senator (three positions)

For the class of 2009: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Senator (three positions)

Alex Hyder. Hyder, as he is affectionately (or, as is often the case, not-so affectionately) known, is thoroughly enthused about his position on SCO. A junior in Blair's Magnet Program, he is too lazy to write a more extensive bio but nonetheless finds the energy to write … More »

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