"Planes” Fails to Soar

Aug. 14, 2013, 7:50 p.m. | By Jacob Popper | 11 years, 2 months ago

"Planes,” Disney's latest animated film does not live up to the Disney name

Directed by Klay Hall, the film follows the story of the crop-duster plane Dusty Crop hopper (Dane Cook) and his dream of someday winning the Wings Around the Globe racing circuit. He enlists the help of the older warplane Skipper, (Stacy Keach) and together they practice turns, ascensions and other techniques for the upcoming qualifier. After it is found that the original fifth place finisher in qualifying used an illegal fuel, Dusty earns a spot in the Wings Around the Globe Racing Circuit and a chance to fulfill his dreams and make a name for himself.

As expected from a modern Disney film, the animation is spectacular. The planes look as alive and vivid colors help to make the world landscapes look almost as beautiful as in real life. Camera angles show the viewer's barrel rolls as if they were in the cockpit themselves. In addition the score is placed well in order to create attitudes of excitement.

However, the disappointment sets in when the film is considered as a whole. Although the animation is up to par, "Planes” doesn't really scratch the surface in terms of being a kids film that will be played for years. It seemed as if Hall was unwilling to take any risks to propel the movie to new heights. There's the main character who has a task and with unusually small odds he somehow manages to pull through and win the race. Had Hall decided to maybe add some plot twists or some other hooks into the film the quality would have surely shot up. Considering Disney's rapid movie-making pace I'm sure he'll receive another chance.

"Planes” will definitely keep kids entertained for an hour and a half. The fast flying, bright colors, and cool machine sounds can handle that. For those kids that can't take all the action of the Wings Around the Globe race, some comedic relief can be found in the story of Mexican racer El Chupacabra (Carlos Alazraqui) and his over the top gimmicks to try and win the heart of the Québécoise beauty Rochelle.

Due to the fact that "Planes” is a Disney film, it will do very well in the box offices and sell a cornucopia of model toys in the years to come. Its prowess in the technical aspects is surely a large contributor to that as well. However, the movie takes a course that's all too standard for kids films. The hype about planes will last for maybe a couple weeks and then then it will quietly pull right into the gate.

Planes is Rated G for General Audiences and is currently playing in theaters everywhere. Animation/Adventure 92 minutes.

Tags: cars 2 disney Cars Disney Animation Klay Hall Planes

Jacob Popper. Let's go Caps, I hope you win the Stanley Cup this year (and every subsequent year). I enjoy opinions and argument as well as sports! More »

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