Senior courtyard closed

Sept. 11, 2003, midnight | By Cori Cohen | 21 years, 1 month ago

The senior courtyard is closed due to inappropriate behavior and vandalism.

The courtyard, which was locked on Wednesday, September 10, had a note on the door telling seniors they had to earn back the privilege of eating lunch there. Assistant principal Linda Wolf did not know when the courtyard would be reopened or how the seniors could earn back their privilege.

Wolf is working with the SGA to create a compromise between the administration and the seniors. Although Wolf feels that the seniors lost their privilege to eat in the courtyard, she also feels that seniors should play a large role in drafting a proposal to "reinstate the privilege." According to Wolf the most likely way to satisfy the students and the administration would be to open the courtyard one day a week "and see how that works out."

Both Wolf and vice principal Richard Wilson stressed that this was not the first time incidents have occurred in the senior courtyard. Wilson said there had been "repeated vandalism." Wolf said that the senior courtyard was closed many times last year due to inappropriate behavior.

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Cori Cohen. Cori Cohen is a senior. And guess what? She made has made some new friends! CICADAS! She loves taking them for drives and is starting a "save the cicadas program." More »

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