Should Blair's vending machine sell candy and soda?

Nov. 18, 2004, midnight | By Tiffany Yee | 20 years, 3 months ago

I think Blair should start selling candy and soda in the vending machines. They should leave some "diet machines” for people who want diets and he others with candy and soda.
-sophomore Obinna Okezie

Montgomery County Public Schools have always advocated selling healthy foods for students during breakfast and lunchtimes. How does selling soda and candy fall into their position on supporting nutritious foods? Drinking soda and eating candy isn't a very bad thing; it's just not appropriate for a good learning environment. Students become too active and it has an effect on their learning. The sticky foods also tend to spill or contaminate the classrooms as sine teachers have already banned them from their classes.
-freshman Yang Yang

I think that the vending machines at Blair should sell candy but not soda. This is because candy can help out a lot during the school day. For example, Skittles are great cough drops-I have no idea why. Snickers, on the other hand, are crucially filling for about 80 cents. However, soda doesn't help kids. It is bad for your teeth, makes you thirstier and is just empty calories. Candy can help people go through the day smoothly, but I can't se how soda helps people.
-freshman Elliot Allen

Yes, Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda. In most families, parents wouldn't mind their child going to a fast food restaurant or a convenience mart, but then are opposed to having students buy food at school than funds programs at Blair. Students shouldn't eat those things because they are not healthy but parents shouldn't make the decision for us.
-senior Robert Duncan

I think that Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda because if you're hungry and it's not lunch yet you can buy a mini-snack. Because some people don't have enough money to buy regular lunch, but you can at least buy something to eat until you get out of school. Also, when people get out o gym class they're thirsty and sometimes the water tastes kind of nasty, so you could buy a soda instead.
-freshman Dennis Pillajo

Blair's vending machines should be allowed to sell candy and soda because in other high schools soda and candy are allowed. People should be able to choose what they eat, if they want to put five pounds of candy into their bodies everyday then they should be able to. The "healthy choices" we have now don't really appeal to many of my friends, so Blair should go back to selling candy and soda in vending machines.
-sophomore Rohit Gopal

Montgomery County is putting increasing pressure on our students to perform their best and, they are conveying the feeling that performing your best everyday will result in less success in your future. They expect us to act as adults as we swim throughout high school. We even have started to make choices about our future through the academies. So, why are we not mature enough to decide for ourselves what we want to eat or drink? Life is all about balancing all our needs, and sometimes a little caffeine or sugar to get you through a hard day. If the county expects us to make decisions that could affect our entire life, why can we not decide if eating junk food or drinking soda is the right choice? If we are truly so mature we can certainly decide what to eat for ourselves.
-freshman Will Bucher

I think Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda. Candy has sugar and soda has sugar and caffeine. These two things give energy and helps students stay awake. I myself need to eat in order to stay awake and candy is the vending machine is quick to get to. Also, if MCPS is worried about students eating unhealthily, then that is their concern. Students are old enough to decide what they want to eat. They are responsible enough to choose healthy and unhealthy items.
-junior Valerie Fomengia

I think Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda. Just selling juice and granola bars isn't cutting it for students today. They can get that stuff at home, so vending machines should provide treats that make your day delightfully sweet
-senior Graham Matthews

I think Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda because some people don't get to eat in the cafeteria because the lines are so long. Also because some people don't like the food they buy whatever they want. In the SAC everyone is cutting in lines and it takes a long time for the line to move forward. Those who have lunch 5a run to be the first ones in the lunch lines. Sometimes I don't get to eat anything in the cafeteria so I just buy potato chips and a soda.
-sophomore Bryan Lopez

Blair's vending machines should definitely sell candy and soda. It needs to be the student's decision whether or not to eat and drink candy and soda. The vending machines would also cause Blair to increase their revenue. More kids would buy the candy and soda if they were available. I am aware that the administration is concerned for the student's health, but it should be our call whether to purchase candy and soda or not.
-freshman Gus May

I believe that Blair should sell candy and sodas because if they're going to sell fries and pizza and nachos why can't we eat skittles and m+m's from the vending machines. They even sell candy and soda at the school store, so what's the difference?
-senior Tony Le

It is not the school's responsibility to make us eat healthy. †That is a†personal
choice, just like whether or not we should exercise.
-freshman Thomas Warner

They took out the candy and soda machines because candy and soda are
unhealthy for us, but they put in ice cream machines instead. †How is it possible
that we're not allowed to have candy or soda, but we are allowed have ice cream.
-freshman Sara Ramsay

Yes I think Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda. I think it's pointless to replace soda with fruity drinks that are just as unhealthy and have the same amount of sugar. It's also beneficial to Blair. More people will buy candy and soda than fruit juice and health food, so Blair will make more money with these "unhealthy foods.” Finally, people are going to buy soda and candy anyway, so taking it out of the school is pointless. Kids will just take their money elsewhere. For the above reasons, Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda.
-freshman Sean Mbachu

I believe that Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda because students buy them at nearby stores anyways. Shouldn't that same money be spent at school instead of 7-Eleven of CVS? The school would make a greater profit, therefore giving the school more money to purchase necessities such as new textbooks and to repair our facilities. The only reason Blair doesn't is because of the teenage obesity scare. Blair wouldn't be promoting junk food; it'd be giving students easier access to the foods they like-while making a profit at the same time. More kids would rather go starving than buy a gross health food bar.
-freshman Ariel La

I think that Blair's vending machines should not sell candy and soda. First of all, candy and soda are horrible for your teeth and bad for your health. Kids today are eating and drinking more junk food everyday, and many of us have high sugar levels. Also, wasting 90 cents on a small packet of Skittles is wasting your money. Vending machines rip people off everyday while the food is detrimental to our health. If vending machines aren't banned in the future, I feel that the snacks and drinks should be replaced with healthier foods and drinks.
-freshman Caleb Fan

They should sell candy and soda because we could get more sales out of the profits and they'd be more popular. Now since they put in the healthier stuff, the vending machines aren't nearly as popular as when before they put in the healthier stuff. Also, we're paying more in the machine. For example, the Dole juice is $1.25, compared to a soda, which is 20 oz. and only $1. By putting in healthier food, they're making it more expensive.
-junior David Slovin

I felt betrayed when Blair took the candy and soda out of the vending machines. I'm sorry, but we have to be at school at 7.25 in the morning and eating crackers doesn't exactly keep me alert in class. And I don't care how hungry I am I will not pay 75cents for a bag of raisins. I'd rather buy a candy bar for that amount. At least I'd be a lot happier after I eat it.
-senior Erika Jennings

Yes I think Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda. I think it's pointless to replace soda with fruity drinks that are just as unhealthy and have the same amount of sugar. It's also beneficial to Blair. More people will buy candy and soda than fruit juice and health food, so Blair will make more money with these "unhealthy foods.” Finally, people are going to buy soda and candy anyway, so taking it out of the school is pointless. Kids will just take their money elsewhere. For the above reasons, Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda.
-freshman Sean Mbachu

I believe that Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda because students buy them at nearby stores anyways. Shouldn't that same money be spent at school instead of 7-Eleven of CVS? The school would make a greater profit, therefore giving the school more money to purchase necessities such as new textbooks and to repair our facilities. The only reason Blair doesn't is because of the teenage obesity scare. Blair wouldn't be promoting junk food; it'd be giving students easier access to the foods they like-while making a profit at the same time. More kids would rather go starving than buy a gross health food bar.
-freshman Ariel La

I think that Blair's vending machines should not sell candy and soda. First of all, candy and soda are horrible for your teeth and bad for your health. Kids today are eating and drinking more junk food everyday, and many of us have high sugar levels. Also, wasting 90 cents on a small packet of Skittles is wasting your money. Vending machines rip people off everyday while the food is detrimental to our health. If vending machines aren't banned in the future, I feel that the snacks and drinks should be replaced with healthier foods and drinks.
-freshman Caleb Fan

They should sell candy and soda because we could get more sales out of the profits and they'd be more popular. Now since they put in the healthier stuff, the vending machines aren't nearly as popular as when before they put in the healthier stuff. Also, we're paying more in the machine. For example, the Dole juice is $1.25, compared to a soda, which is 20 oz. and only $1. By putting in healthier food, they're making it more expensive.
-junior David Slovin

Yes, I think that Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda because not every child in Blair wants to only be fed off chips or juice, they should let the kids have choices in the things that they eat and I think that they will make more money if they do.
-senior Kadiann Gallimore

Yes, Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda. Blair is a high school and highschoolers are old enough to eat what they want. Sure candy and soda is unhealthy, but so are the fries they serve at lunch. Also, the reason they might not sell soda in machines is
because of the high sugar level. But look at the juice they serve! Is it really much healthier than soda? Besides, whether or not they sell candy in machines, we could always buy candy from the gas station and bring it to school, so why not save us the trouble and sell the candy here. So, yes, Blair's vending machines should sell soda and candy.
-freshman Betsir Zemen

Blair should have vending machines that sell candy and soda because some people don't like the cafeteria food and the line might be long so that is why they use vending machines. You also should keep them because people don't like to eat and if they feel hungry that is a fast way for food and you get money that way.
-freshman Shaheer Tariq

Yes, Blair should sell candy and soda because when of the students come to school looking for things to boost their energy early in the morning. They look for candy and soda because it has sugar, and the student will not fall asleep in class.
-sophomore Annie Maurice

Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda of course eating a lot of candy and soda of course eating a lot of candy is bad, we all know that. Those simple carbohydrates delivering short bursts of energy or going off and becoming body fat if not used. The fact of the matte is this: we need whatever energy we can get. School starts at 7:25 a.m., we need out coffee, our soda, our candy to give us the energy to make it past first block. Candy is also a pleasure food, as soda a pleasure drink. Theses foods and beverages make us feel good when consumed. So, the real question is not "should Blair's vending machines sell candy and soda?" it is "Why shouldn't Blair's vending machines sell candy and soda?
-sophomore Alex Ogilvy

Yes I think Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda. I think it's pointless to replace soda with fruity drinks that are just as unhealthy and have the same amount of sugar. It's also beneficial to Blair. More people will buy candy and soda than fruit juice and health food, so Blair will make more money with these "unhealthy foods.” Finally, people are going to buy soda and candy anyway, so taking it out of the school is pointless. Kids will just take their money elsewhere. For the above reasons, Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda.
-freshman Sean Mbachu

I believe that Blair's vending machines should sell candy and soda because students buy them at nearby stores anyways. Shouldn't that same money be spent at school instead of 7-Eleven of CVS? The school would make a greater profit, therefore giving the school more money to purchase necessities such as new textbooks and to repair our facilities. The only reason Blair doesn't is because of the teenage obesity scare. Blair wouldn't be promoting junk food; it'd be giving students easier access to the foods they like-while making a profit at the same time. More kids would rather go starving than buy a gross health food bar.
-freshman Ariel La

I think that Blair's vending machines should not sell candy and soda. First of all, candy and soda are horrible for your teeth and bad for your health. Kids today are eating and drinking more junk food everyday, and many of us have high sugar levels. Also, wasting 90 cents on a small packet of Skittles is wasting your money. Vending machines rip people off everyday while the food is detrimental to our health. If vending machines aren't banned in the future, I feel that the snacks and drinks should be replaced with healthier foods and drinks.
-freshman Caleb Fan

They should sell candy and soda because we could get more sales out of the profits and they'd be more popular. Now since they put in the healthier stuff, the vending machines aren't nearly as popular as when before they put in the healthier stuff. Also, we're paying more in the machine. For example, the Dole juice is $1.25, compared to a soda, which is 20 oz. and only $1. By putting in healthier food, they're making it more expensive.
-junior David Slovin

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