Silver chi-EEK

Oct. 30, 2009, midnight | By Jenna Bushnell | 15 years, 5 months ago

SCO's ghoulish guide to picking the right Halloween costume

It's Halloween and the wind is swirling wildly as twilight turns to darkness. The air is crisp and leaves crackle as night draws near. Trekking down the dimly lit street are creatures and characters of all kinds. Some costumes make you shiver with fear, some make you grin with delight. And others - well, others might just leave you confused.

The Halloween Adventure costume store is conveniently located in Downtown Silver Spring. Photo courtesy of Lorena Kowalewski.

As the season's most hair-raising holiday approaches, many Blazers will be scrambling to select the perfect petrifying costume. Whether the costume will serve as a means of fully enjoying the last years of trick-or-treating, or whether Blazers want to strut their stuff at a scary soirée, wearing the perfect costume simply makes All Hallows Eve all the more fun. Never fear - Silver Chips has created five creepy commandments to help Blazers avoid mishaps and find the perfect Halloween costume.

Thou shalt not be a sheet ghost

Nothing seems easier than cutting a couple of eyeholes in a sheet, but avoid this humdrum costume choice. While a supposed classic, this linen idea is lined with problems. First, your mom probably wanted to use those sheets. Second, although cute on a 3-year-old, a 5' 8" teenager in a white sheet is frightening in a different way. Third, you'll likely find yourself tripping on your own ghostly garb. Instead, try to think outside the box - or sheet for that matter.

Thou shalt not follow the "Mean Girls" adage

Two "sexy" costumes hang on the wall in a Halloween store. Photo courtesy of Lorena Kowalewski.

The following applies to ladies (and some gentlemen): Halloween is no excuse to dress like a lady (or gentleman) of the evening. While Halloween stores sell numerous costumes that add the prefix "sexy" to their costumes, those are the ones you should avoid. We at SCO are not implying that you should adhere directly to Blair's dress code, but we would like to make sure our readers aren't shocked by the horrified expressions on people's faces when they ask for candy dressed as "saucy felines."

Thou shall be explicit when dressing as a pop-culture icon

Trust us, nothing is more upsetting when you're going for Michael Jackson and everyone compliments you on looking like Elton John. To avoid this, make sure you go all out. Often times for ridiculous and eccentric outfits, thrift stores such as Value Village will have something resembling what you want. If you have time, being crafty and making your own costume is an economical option. Wigs can add a lot to an outfit, so don't be shy and just wig-out!

Thou shalt not use certain spirit days as costume inspiration

Masks can help improve any costume. Photo courtesy of Lorena Kowalewski.

While Wacky Tacky and Pajama Day are always hits during spirit week, using these themes for your costume is just plain whack. Unless you are going as a closet, wearing everything in it just makes everyone around you confused about your identity. And as for pajamas, no one wants to give candy to the kid who looks like they just rolled out of bed. Spirit days such as Adventure Day and Character Day are, however, great ideas for costumes.

Thou shall let thy creative juices flow

Halloween is the perfect time to show off your creative side. Want to dress up as a trash can? Go for it! Always wanted to wear a bow made out of hair like Lady Gaga? Do it! Let out any and all aspirations during this expressive holiday. Be proud of your costume no matter what, because it's a reflection of you and your wild imagination.

Jenna Bushnell. Jenna Bushnell likes sunshine and funfetti cupcakes. In her free time she enjoys excavating ancient Mayan temples, choreographing classic Broadway revivals, and smiling at strangers. For the right price, she will recite all of the words to "Rock Yo Hips" by Crime Mob. More »

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