Silver Chips Print reporters declared Sweepstakes Winners in 2005 Quill and Scroll competition

April 12, 2005, midnight | By Christopher Consolino | 19 years, 9 months ago

Junior Jody Pollock and senior Kristina Yang were named Sweepstakes Winners in the 2005 Quill and Scroll competition, co-sponsored by the University of Iowa and the American Society of Newspaper Editors. The students were judged on their stories "Politics get personal" (in-depth reporting) and "Athletes sobered by dose of reality" (sports story), respectively.

Silver Chips Print staff also had four National Winners in the competition: junior Samir Paul for "Gang activities raise concern," junior John Silberholz for "ICB overtakes Blair resources," senior Sherri Geng for "Continuing with life after death" and senior Julyssa Lopez for "Stabbing victim attempts to make a turnaround."

The International Quill and Scroll competition received a total of 3,801 entries for this year's competition, of which 59 entries were disqualified. Entries were divided into 12 categories, which included editorials, editorial cartoons, news stories, news/feature photography, sports photography, feature stories, general columns, review columns, individual in-depth reporting, team in-depth reporting, advertisements and sports stories.

Of the National Winners in each of the 12 categories, the best entry was then selected to be the Sweepstakes Winner. The Sweepstakes Winner of each category is presented with an engraved plaque and replica of the plaque for his/her school. The winners also have the opportunity to apply for one of the $500 Edward J. Nell Memorial Scholarships in Journalism, provided they declare journalism as their major in college.

The April/May issue of "Quill and Scroll" magazine will list all of the National and Sweepstakes Winners.

Silver Chips Print also recently received the "Best of Show" award (fourth place) at the National Scholastic Press Association's 2005 spring convention in Seattle, Washington on Saturday, April 10.

Tags: print

Christopher Consolino. Christopher Consolino is a senior in Communication Arts Program. If Chris had free time, he would spend it practicing piano and taking pictures with his 15 year-old Minolta. He would also like to stress how much better wet process photography is than digital. Most of … More »

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