Thinking outside the SAC

Oct. 23, 2013, 3:58 p.m. | By Harini Salgado | 11 years, 5 months ago

Places other than Blair Boulevard and the SAC where Blazers eat lunch.

For Blair students, lunch is a time to eat, hang out with friends and get work done. But with a student population of over 2800 and only two lunch periods, the crowds in the Student Activity Center (SAC) and Blair Boulevard can be pretty overwhelming. To escape from the large number of people and crowds, some Blazers spend lunch in other places. Here are some of them:


Whenever it is a beautiful day, when it's sunny and not too cold, Blazers flock outside during lunch. Students fill almost every table in the courtyard outside the Student Activity Center (SAC) and sit in groups scattered across the grass, enjoying the sun and the fresh air. Many people also sit in the Senior Courtyard at tables covered by umbrellas. Some Blazers also take advantage of the free time to throw around a Frisbee or play basketball. However, there are a couple of downsides of sitting outside, one being the bees flying around.

Room 319: Chem Help:

Many Blazers escape the SAC to spend their lunches in room 319 with Magnet teacher Tran Pham. There, they eat lunch, do homework, work on labs and have interesting conversations, sometimes with Pham but most of the time amongst themselves. Topics of these chats can range from worrying about college to the uses of bleach to car insurance. Junior M-E Burton likes eating lunch in the Chem help room rather than in the SAC because the Chem help room is much quieter. "It's so loud in the SAC that I get migraines," she explains.


Though it is normally filled with people, the library is another place to stay during lunch if you want a fairly peaceful and quiet area. With lots of computers, tables, books and beanbag chairs, the library is the perfect place to type up an essay, do homework or settle down to read. While people can not eat in the library, many Blazers spend all of their lunch time there to escape the rowdiness of the SAC.Room 317: Math Help:

For any troubles related to math, room 317 is a good place to visit. Blazers go to math help to make up tests, get help understanding concepts, study, do homework and check their answers. With several math teachers including David Stein, Jeremy Schwartz and John Giles, as well as a number of students willing to help, Blazers are almost sure to get their math questions answered. Unlike Chem help, math help is specifically for people who want to do work, rather than a place where students can talk to their friends.

Room 365: Genetics:

Other Blazers find the quiet atmosphere of room 365 to be pleasing. Many of them like spending lunch in the room because it is easy for them to do their homework without the loud rumble of voices in the SAC. "I like to finish my homework during school because I am very busy after school," junior Ishaan Parikh says.

Room 174: English Help:

Some Blazers choose to go to the English Help room 174 if there are no computers available in the library, or if they prefer to be in a room with less people. Although it is sometimes closed during testing, it is a good idea – check it out if you need to use a computer.

Last updated: April 27, 2021, 1:10 p.m.

Tags: lunch Chemistry Help Math Help

Harini Salgado. Hi! My name's Harini Salgado. My family is originally from Sri Lanka and I lived in Singapore for three years when I was younger. I'm really excited to be one of the Online Entertainment Editors this year because I love keeping up to date on … More »

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