Third Fret

Oct. 25, 2002, midnight | By Josh Gottlieb-Miller | 21 years, 12 months ago

Review: The best band at Blair. Period. Propelled by Julian's practiced drumming, Sam's energetic guitar-playing and Kohlmeyer's admirable work on bass Third Fret rocks out completely. Third Fret also benefits from explosive original arrangements that survive repeated listens. Live or recorded, Third Fret's skillful hard rocking is able to psych up almost any crowd.

Genre: Rock.

Band Members:
Sam Goldman (Blair, senior): vocals, guitar
Julian Goldman (University of Maryland, sophomore): drums, vocals
Chris Kallmyer (Good Counsel, senior): bass, vocal noise

Influences: Old Everclear, before they were signed to a major record label. Weezer, Fugazi, and punk.

History: According to Sam Goldman, the band formed because of a "bungee jumping accident."

Albums: The Vault. (Expletive deleted) Concerto in D Minor. Plode. The Cows Labor Union of America.


Best Song: National Unity

Worst Song: Wake Up from Tomorrow.

Best part of being in a band: Sam claims, "Playing music, the
lamest answer."

Lamest Answer: (See above.)

Worst part of being in a band: According to Sam, "It's frustrating getting our music out because it's difficult to get shows and it's hard to sell the CDs because people really don't care [about us] and our music's not that good."

Reaction from other Blair band: "They're awesome." (Josh Scannell, Livewire)

Quotable: "We don't sell CDs for fruit loops...[Third Fret's] a band united by their hatred for Ben Austin Decompo...Third Fret strongly supports the Kazoo bands of America," Sam rambles.

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