To trick or to treat with your Halloween costume?

Oct. 30, 2021, 7:33 p.m. | By Jackie Wang | 3 years, 5 months ago

Wondering what to be for Halloween? Don't worry, Blazers, it's all here.

If you're like me, you've been struggling to come up with a costume idea for Halloween. And honestly, at this point, it feels tempting to resign yourself to staying home in your pajamas, handing out candy, and watching others dress up with their costumes, looking like they're having the time of their lives. That's lame–don't give up yet! Well, Halloween is getting to be pretty soon, but hey -- at least you are giving it a shot. Scroll through to find suggestions on how to spook up your holiday, with different costume ideas and even tips on how to make your own in no time!

"Squid Game" 

As the viral Netflix show "Squid Game" breaks records in its popularity, it's no surprise that many want to dress up like a character in the show. For instance, model the Squid Game guard outfits with an all-red jumpsuit, a black facemask that depicts a certain shape, and a black belt. Or, design a costume after the outfit the red-light-green-light doll, Younghee, wears, with a matching yellow t-shirt and orange dress. Whichever you choose, it'll be one of the hottest ones on the street. You can always reuse parts of your costume, like the plain yellow t-shirt, on a normal day to Blair to be more environmentally and economically conscious. 

Masquerade Ball Themed

Dressing up for Halloween as if you are attending a masquerade ball is another idea. Particularly if you're going with a group, playing characters that are going together to an extravagant masquerade ball theme is perfect, especially after a full year at home in pajamas. Start with a color scheme, silhouette and a masquerade mask. Many costume shops have an ornate spread of creative and jaw-dropping options that make finding the dress or suit counterpart fall right in line. 

Favorite Childhood Cinematic Picture

To add a sprinkle of nostalgia to your holiday, you can dress up as a childhood favorite character from a movie or TV show. 

For instance, junior Evan Fritschler is dressing up as Peter Pan this year, with a friend going as Tinkerbell. In his head-to-toe full green costume, with the exception of brown boots, he's mostly using clothing items he already has and improvising along the way. "I've never really liked buying a whole costume, just because you're never going to wear it again… but also I'm not good at sewing enough to make everything, so it's kind of like a middle [of half DIY and store-bought]," Fritschler says. You can make an affordable Halloween costume that's still creative and festive by repurposing clothes from your closet. 

Do It Yourself!

So, how do you put together your own costume as opposed to going to the store and buying a pre-made one? The answer lies in a bit of creativity. Sarah Breeden, who teaches Fashion Illustration among other fine arts classes, emphasizes the value of having an inspirational mood board to work off of. "[Blazers] can be searching on the web and downloading images that they can put all together in one board… it could be colors… it could be anything. It could be fabric choices that they're interested in… when their mood board is complete, then they can go back and look at it, and see what are the commonalities," Breeden advised. 

Senior Olivia Schulz also gives advice to use the internet as a tool and a source of inspiration. Additionally, Schulz highly recommends going to thrift stores to find pieces of a costume. "One man's trash is another man's treasure… you go in [thrift stores] and something someone else might have given away would be perfect for your costume, and there's such a variety of stuff there because it's not necessarily what's in stores -- what's popular -- because they might not have something you're looking for theme-wise. Thrift stores are great for that," she explains. 

So, this Halloween doesn't have to be a fright for your costumes. Play around with different outfit ideas, browse the internet, and soon enough, you'll find the perfect costume for you!

Last updated: Nov. 4, 2021, 6:43 p.m.

Tags: #halloween #costumes #design

Jackie Wang. Staff writer More »

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