TPRC holds meeting to discuss new gymnasium

Feb. 21, 2007, midnight | By Alexis Egan | 18 years ago

50 Takoma Park citizens gather to plan building of rec center

Approximately 50 Takoma Park citizens gathered last Sunday to discuss the Takoma Park Recreation Deparment's (TPRD) proposal for a new gymnasium. The meeting was held at the newly renovated community center.

Community and Government Liason Suzanne Ludlow gave the presentation, which featured posters of the proposed building arrangements and a PowerPoint highlighting the costs and money collection methods.

Those who attended the meeting discussed whether or not the gymnasium would be an appropriate use of money, and, if built, whether it would be located on Grant Avenue or on the rear of the Maple Avenue building. The proposed gymnasium, Ludlow said, would provide a location "not just for basketball...[but also for] festivals, craft fairs, rallies. Whatever you need a large space for," she stated.

Ludlow reported that the cost of building the gymnasium will range from $3.2 to 8.1 million, depending the location, quality and size. The highest-costing gym would have lockers, storage, office space and room for bleachers in the gym. But the tentative plan would require the movement of the space the police currently use as holding cells to a different location. Additional costs for the gym would draw from the price of operating the gym, additional staff members' salaries and from $500,000 to $800,000 for design and engineering costs, Ludlow reported.

The TPRD currently rents gymnasiums from the local middle and elementary schools on a "space available basis," Ludlow said. The largest proposed gym would be approximately 50 feet by 84 feet with a 22 to 25 foot ceiling. According the Ludlow, property taxes for Takoma Park residents would be increase $25 a year for 20 years in order to raise the needed money.

Participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding their opinion of the gymnasium, choosing from three options: no gymnasium, gymnasium at rear or gymnasium on Grant. Results from the survey show concerns over the cost of a new gymnasium, borrowing feasibility, parking and gym needs.

Alexis Egan. Alexis is a (very) short junior, who is very pleased to be writing for Chips Online with all her friends. Along with writing, her other hobbies are playing soccer, reading about Mount Everest and listening to any Irish music. Her favorite movie is The Princess … More »

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