What do you think about the inclusion of condom and homosexuality education in health classes?

April 5, 2005, midnight | By Tiffany Yee | 19 years, 11 months ago

"Homosexuality and teen sex are each a reality. High school students have children at the age of 16, much before they are ready. If use of birth control is taught, these unwanted pregnancies may be avoided. When a parent births a child before they area ready, it impacts both the parent and the child. Homosexuality regarded as a sin or otherwise, does occur in our society. People are much more likely to intolerant toward things they do not understand. However, whatever students believe homosexuality is acceptable or not, it is the educators' responsibility o teach students how their fellow citizens live."
-freshman Laura Mirviss

"I think the addition of condom and homosexuality is good for the Health Curriculum. Students should know about these topics and be open to talk about them. Many teenagers chose to have sex and yet know nothing about how to be safe. I think the inclusion of homosexuality will open the society to tolerance to the future generations. These topics will make good additions to the tenth grade Health Curriculum."
-freshman Chao Xue

"I think including condom and homosexuality education in health classes is a great idea. It would prepare students to be able to view the world around them with to pen minds. Believe it or not, we encounter subjects like these every day already. There's no use in being naive about it. Teaching about homosexuality and condoms in health would be just like teaching about drugs. If you don't educate people about them, they'll still be here. They wont go away. It's just a question of whether or not the students are ready to face the truth."
-freshman Zach Brown

"I am glad to see the inclusion of condom and homosexuality education in health classes. First off, it's really important for students to be educated about methods of birth control. It's unrealistic to think that students wont have sexual relations so you might as well teach them how to do it safely. Second of all, i am glad to see that homosexuality education has been added to the heath curriculum. Ignoring it wont help anyone, but if it is taught then students can learn to be accepting of their peers, regardless of their sexual orientation. Together, the inclusion of condom and homosexuality education is helping to improve the health classes at Blair and throughout the county."
-freshman Spencer Bonar

"The inclusion of condom and homosexuality education in health classes is essential for a well-informed student. By just teaching abstinence, one is teaching ignorance. For example, most of the general public has had sex by the time they are 16. Including condom usage helps students in giving them an alternative that is also safe. Although abstinence is the most effective way in preventing sexual diseases and avoiding pregnancies, one cannot assume that every that every high school student will be a 'goodie-goodie' and do it. Also, teaching about homosexuality will allow students to broaden their prospective of the world and get away from he secluded world of heterosexuality. It is a fact that there are homosexual people in society, and one cannot avoid it. In learning about homosexuality, students will be able to formulate their own opinions about them instead of agreeing with some homophobic friends. People should not thing things about people if they only listen to other people instead of from experience. Both of these additions will benefit the whole student body and help create a more open society in the world."
-freshman Brian Chang

"I think that it is very important to include information on condoms and homosexuality in the health classes because it allows students to make more informed decisions and increases the likelihood that a condom would be used properly. Discrimination is based upon ignorance, and today many people are misinformed that being 'straight' is the only natural sexual orientation. This discrimination encourages homosexuals to try to remain 'in the closet' for an extended period time, which is not healthy for them. Information on condoms is also necessary because it is the only type of protection it is important that proper use s taught. It is important that information of condoms and homosexuality is included in health classes because they are supposed to promote the health of the individual by provided necessary information even on sensitive subjects."
-freshman Katherine Bertaut

"The inclusion of condoms and homosexuality in health classes is a needed aspect of school. After all, school is a way to open new opportunities and none can be deprived of that right. Also condoms is a way to help the community prevent unneeded abortions."
-freshman David Li

"Homosexuality and condom education should be included in health classes, because it is not effective to keep kids ignorant and hope that this will keep them straight and abstinent. People hear a lot about sex and homosexuality from their friends, and if the school system rally wants to affect their choices the health curriculum needs to be inclusive about different issues. In the end, kids will make their own decision and form their own views on homosexuality and sex, and the health curriculum should promote safe choices like condom use instead of avoiding the topic."
-freshman Ly Li

"I do not see any issue with the inclusion of condom and homosexuality education is health classes. These things are part of life, and by high school we should be as prepared as ever to deal with them. Not having taken those classes, i do not really know what they are bout, but i do not see why we should be denied knowledge and understanding."
-freshman Jeff Vanarsdall

"Our society today is much different from what was 20 or 30 years ago. Sexuality is becoming more of a common subject among teens, and discussion of homosexuality and condom use are not taboo anymore. School must keep up with the changing needs of our society, so condom and homosexuality education should be included in health classes. It would help to teach teens more about human sexuality, rather than to keep it in the closet. Of course, parents who don't want their children to learn about these [subjects] can do that, but I suggest this education to all others."
-sophomore Keianna Dixon

"I feel that the inclusion of condom and homosexuality education in health class is a breakthrough in our education system. Students need to be taught about reality, not about an idealist world for conservatives."
-sophomore Eve Gleichman

"It is absolutely necessary that in a free and secular society that we accept different lifestyles, including homosexuality. Students need to get the opportunity to be dispelled of their prejudices against homosexual, bisexual and transgender people. We cannot allow for religion to take over the free American educational system."
-sophomore Justin Vlastis

"I believe that the inclusion of condom and homosexuality in health education are vitally important. There is so much ignorance and propaganda about both of these subjects. With the AIDs epidemic, condoms are more important now than ever. With homosexuality the high emotions about this topic can only lead to miseducation. To prevent ignorance and promote awareness, lessons on condoms and homosexuality should be included in health class."
-freshman Peter Lorenz

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