What's your favorite teen show and why?

Jan. 12, 2005, midnight | By Tiffany Yee | 20 years, 2 months ago

"My favorite teen show would have to be "One Tree Hill”! The show is full of drama and it is so exciting. Plus there are so many cute guys there. I mean, what girl would not want to watch Chad Michael Murray?"
-freshman Juliet Huang

"Everyone says teen shows are pointless and uneducational. I agree that they are uneducational, but they are not useless. Teen shows help teens to unwind, get over the fights and scrabbles they have with teachers and students. My favorite show is "Fear Factor”. "Fear Factor” is such a quality show because it lets you watch normal people do gross stuff and then win money. It is fun to choose your favorite person and cheer them on. By far the best part of the show is watching smart alecs lose. In conclusion, fear is not a factor for me."
-freshman Noah Robinson

"My favorite teen show is the "Surreal Life." It's a reality show on VH1 that puts a bunch of formerly popular stars (actors, singers, etc.) together in the same house, and then are assigned tasks. I find the episodes hilarious, like when Vanilla Ice, Tammy Fay abd the rest of the crew went to work at a diner – supervised by Gary Coleman (the childhood star of "All in the Family"). When I watch the Surreal Life, I laugh really hard."
-sophomore Claire Harper

"My favorite teen show is "Friends”. It is pretty funny and I think the actors are very good. "Friends” is a comedy show and I watched it a lot over the summer. I was first introduced to "Friends” when my sister's friends came to my house and watched "Friends”. This happened around four years ago and the show has only recently become my favorite. My favorite character is Joey, because he reminds me of someone who is still a child on the inside. Another thing I like about the show is that some of the stupid characters are pretty smart I real life, for example, Phoebe. My mother says that she is actually a very smart woman who enjoys acting dumb. This is very interesting to me."
-freshman Timothy Peng

"I don't know if it fits the definition, but MTV's "Pimp My Ride" is my favorite teen show. On "Pimp My Ride," young men and women who have crusty, busted-up cars are given the opportunity to have their ride "pimped" by rapper X-Zibit and the West Coast Customs bodyshop crew. I like the show because the mechanics and designers at WCC are really creative and often fix the cars with the personality of the owner in mind. Plus, X is funny."
-sophomore Ethan Kuhnhenn

"My favorite teen show is definitely "The O.C.” Some of my friends mock me for being such a huge fan because they say the actors are horrible and the show has very cheesy, unrealistic plots. I agree with them, but those are the reasons why I love "The O.C.” As corny as they may be, the plots are really interesting and always keep me guessing. My love for the love has gotten some of my friends into it as well, although they'd probably be reluctant to admit."
-sophomore Katie Willmott

"My favorite teen show is "The O.C.” I have been watching since the first episode, I love Seth Cohen. I get so into the show and enjoy discussing the intertwined love stories with my friends."
-senior Rachel Ross

"Do you even have to ask? "The O.C.” is the greatest show EVER and Ryan is really hot and for some reason watching attractive people dealing with unimportant problems beats doing homework on Thursday nights."
-senior Emma Karey

"My favorite show is "One Tree Hill”! Woohoo! James Lafferty, who plays Nathan Scott, is gorgeous and Chad Michael Murray is okay too! It's good because it hits closer to home than shows like "The O.C.” which is full of ridiculously wealthy kids who attend a high school that has a café and sofas for lounging. Additionally, Michael Capon guest stars, this season as Felix, and is amazing! "One Tree Hill” just goes a little bit beyond reality which is exactly how it should be! "One Tree Hill” airs Tuesdays at 9:00 on the WB and everyone should watch."
-senior Nichole Kim

"My favorite teen show is "The O.C.” The show is great! The storyline is good and each episode is highly entertaining. Every character is plausible and realistic. Plus this season there are new characters."
-senior Jonathan Chiang

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Tiffany Yee. <i>tic toc</i> Tiffany is... WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO WRITE HER BIO. More »

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