Whitman Vikings steal the game from the Blazers

Jan. 4, 2006, midnight | 18 years, 9 months ago

JV girls' basketball loses their fourth straight game

By Amina Goheer, JV Journal Reporter


The junior varsity girls' basketball team suffered their fourth straight loss to the Whitman Vikings, 44-59, even after a brief burst of energy in the second quarter.

In what has become typical of the Blazers' playing style, the team stepped up their offense in the second quarter and doubled their score in the last six minutes of the half. However, the Vikings were still able to outdo the home team by easily maneuvering around the Blazers' defense.

The Blazers had their only lead in the first minutes of the game when they scored the first jump shot. Later on in the quarter, the Blazers were unable to control Whitman's top scorer, who was able to bank three consecutive three-pointers.

The Blazers lost their own top scorer in the last minutes of the game when sophomore Kalisha Holmes sustained an injury to her right calf.

Coach Karen Andrews was disappointed with the team's offense. "We were not as strong as we could have been and lost because of poor passing," she said after the game.

Captain Molly Martinez accredited the loss to the absence of mandatory practices over winter break.

However, the JV girls are still hopeful about the rest of their season. Captain Bianca Robinson said, "Our New Year's resolution is to win the rest of our games."

The JV girls' record for the season stands at 1 and 5. They play the Sherwood Warriors at home on Friday at 3:30.

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