Given that Varun and Pratik are about to be rollin' up out of this joint in a couple of days, they figured that it would be hard for "The Man" (that's you, Philly G) to expel for all you suckahs left in the building, they have left you one, final article, detailing an adventure on Blair property. This is the one adventure that will sweep your days when these two mavens of mischief, dashing young fellows, strapping lads and objects of your desires graduate from old Monty B.
Blair students taking dual Advanced Placement (AP) Economics, Government or Physics exams will have to pay an additional $70 fee for each pair of exams by tomorrow, according to letters issued today by the Blair Counseling Department.
Junior Sarah Horvitz of Springbrook High School was elected as the 29th Student Member of the Board (SMOB). The results were certified yesterday at 6:31 p.m.
A recent string of violent activity, including two fights between girls, heated behavior between groups of boys and a drawn weapon, has caused a stir within the Blair administration, which believes that none of the incidents are gang related.
Two Blazers earned three awards at the Montgomery County History Day competition, held on March 25 at Julius West Middle School in Rockville.
Blair seniors and juniors won 37 awards at the 50th Montgomery County Science Fair, held at the Montgomery County Fair Grounds from March 10-12.
Two of five potential candidates will be chosen as final nominees for the 29th Student Member of the Board (SMOB) at the Nominating Convention at Northwest High School on March 2.
Sergeant First Class Robert Goethals stood facing rows full of students, behind a poster of soldiers with assault weapons and in front of a woman openly accusing him of misusing student information for recruiting purposes.
Blair Spanish teacher Maria Yordan-Torres was arrested for animal cruelty on Thursday, Jan. 19 and was held on $15,000 bond. She was released the next day after posting bond.
The last and only time that Washington was the NBA champion, the late Pope John Paul II was beginning his papacy and Billy Joel was releasing chart-topping hits.
Consider: studies have shown that alcoholics are four to six times more likely than non-alcoholics to have a parent with a drinking habit. Now, imagine what would happen if these parents openly offered their kids alcoholic drinks.
A female student was apprehended today in connection with three incidents of arson since yesterday afternoon. The student faces a minimum of 10 days' suspension.
A third fire in two days occurred this morning in the girls' bathroom in the 250s hallway, triggering the second building evacuation since yesterday afternoon.
A fire in the girls' bathroom in the 350s hallway triggered a fire alarm and prompted a school-wide evacuation at approximately 1:55 p.m. today, Dec. 7.
Fifty-one Blair students made up a little less than a third of the record 160 MCPS students designated as National Advanced Placement (AP) Scholars.
Seven Blair teams won awards at the Montgomery County Final Frontiers competition, hosted by the Maryland Space Business Roundtable at Thomas S. Wootton High School on Nov. 12.
Blair met the state Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) for reading and satisfied the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) requirement for the 2005 school year, Principal Phillip Gainous announced today during first period.
Algebra teacher Kathleen Robens instructs her sixth period class soon after the late bell rings. "We're going to be working on coordinate graphing," she says. But instead of starting the lesson, she hands the class over to the woman hushing her students – fellow teacher Caroline Lesho.
Homecoming guests must be 19 years old or under and of "good standing" to attend the dance on Saturday, Oct. 29, as required by a new homecoming policy, according to the Student Government Association (SGA).
Blair started a new program this year: offering freshmen, sophomores and juniors prizes for coming to school tomorrow and taking the PSAT.
A planned fire drill occurred during third period today, Sept. 28, at approximately 9:00 a.m. Students evacuated the building in record time of less than four minutes.
Blair's recent effort to increase SAT participation was likely the cause of the 44-point drop in the average SAT score, according to Principal Phillip Gainous.
Blair's average SAT score for the class of 2005 fell by 44 points compared to the year before, according to MCPS SAT participation and performance data released on Sept. 1. Blair's average SAT score was two points higher than the MCPS average and 76 points higher than the national average.
Junior Brian Lawrence earned a gold medal for achieving an individual perfect score at the 46th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), arguably the world's most prestigious high-school math competition. He and the other five members of the USA team finished second overall.
Four members of Blair's "It's Academic" team placed 13th out of 96 teams at the National Academic Quiz Tournament (NAQT), held at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare hotel in Chicago from June 3-5.
The Blair counseling department recently increased the versatility of alternative schedules for seniors. The new, one-class abbreviated schedule will allow seniors to gain work experience or take college classes during their senior year, according to Blair guidance counselor James Distler.
Four students were involved in a two-car accident that occurred in the student parking lot before second period exams yesterday, June 9. All four students were released from Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring last night, according to PTSA president Fran Rothstein.
The senior destinations map is an interactive Flash-based map. Click on the buttons to pull up the destinations, and hover over the arrows to view all the seniors.
The yearbooks for the 2004-2005 school year arrived at Blair today, May 10. Distribution will start next week.
As music teacher Sara Josey drives down a road, listening to a new CD, her husband, sitting beside her, concentrates on the music to discern who the singers are. Suddenly he exclaims, "Oh my goodness, it's us!"
Blair preliminarily seized the top three places in the first round of competition at the Montgomery County Envirothon held yesterday, April 27. Final rankings will be determined after a presentation portion of the competition.
The Washington Post Magazine selected Blair as one of the "30 exceptional public and private high schools from across the [Metro] region" on Sunday, April 3.
Certain hallmark events characterize the average Blazer's life: getting stuck with that awful teacher, finding out the vending machines don't sell Snickers bars, admiring the teddy bears on the disposable towels in P.E. and getting spammed by obscure colleges.
You've seen the banana-colored pages towards the front of your planbook. You've doodled on them, folded them into creative designs or even flat-out ignored them. But what are those pages really for?
Twenty-one Blair students garnered over 100 awards, more than any other school in the county, at the 2005 Montgomery Area Science Fair held at Montgomery County Fair Grounds from March 11 to March 13.
Araminta Ross, born in Maryland around 1820, worked both as a house slave and a field worker for a family in Dorchester County. Ross was an advocate for slaves' rights and was even hit at one point by a brick while protecting a fellow field worker. As a result, Ross had to deal with a condition that sent her into bouts of deep sleep, presumably narcolepsy, for the rest of her life. In 1844, Ross married John Tubman and took his last name while changing her first to Harriet.
Nine Blair students were selected as 2004-2005 Presidential Scholars award candidates. These students represent half of all MCPS candidates, according to the MCPS Bulletin.
George Washington Carver led an extraordinary life, ever since his childhood. Born to enslaved parents, Carver was kidnapped by Confederates but was returned to his home on a Missouri farm, allegedly in exchange for a racehorse. He was crippled by an illness that prevented him from working on the field, but Carver continued to spend his time examining crops even so. This began Carver's interest in agriculture, the field where he later sought to further his education.
Three students were apprehended by Feb. 3 in connection with a recent string of thefts, according to Officer Penn and Business Manager Laurie Checco.
Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, the son of a white man and black woman, was born in 1818 in Maryland. Bailey lived with his grandparents and later with ship carpenter Hugh Auld in Baltimore, where he learned to read and write from his master's wife. However, this luxurious life soon ended when he was sent back to the country, where he was underfed, overworked and whipped daily.
Two frequently used water sources were not tested in the recent MCPS lead-in-water tests conducted at Blair, according to a report listing the test results. All electric water coolers (fountains) tested at safe lead levels.
A small spark pops out of a decorated cone on the ground, followed by dozens more small sparks launching into the air. Seconds later, the anar firecracker showers bright sparks all across the vicinity. Several children and adults watch with delight as a man picks another firecracker and repeats the show.
After playing alternative rock music for over 20 years, radio station WHFS has switched over to broadcasting entirely Spanish music as of noon today, Jan. 12, according to The Washington Post and NBC websites.
The class crowds their teacher's desk as a student turns on the switch to the overhead projector to shine the "spotlight" at the teacher's eyes. Three boys with ear-to-ear smiles advance forward, carrying a plastic fork, a plastic knife and a shoebox covered with Christmas wrapping paper - except it's not Christmas, and there aren't shoes inside the shoebox. English teacher Lauren Nestuk hesitantly opens the box, only to find it filled with spaghetti.
A deep, gold-colored Lamborghini Gallardo stands in the main foyer, reflecting bits of light off its shiny hood. The exotic car rests in the center of a crowd, yet is isolated by a ribbon a few feet around its perimeter, as if to say, "Touch Me Not." Though the Gallardo is hands-off, the 2005 Washington Auto Show, organized by the Washington Area New Automobile Dealers Association, brings a variety of accessible American, European and Asian cars, as well as a few celebrities and entertainers, to create an enjoyable and overall glamorous auto show.
Sophomore Hailey Lin is a devout Christian – she goes to church twice a week and she has been reading the Bible since the age of six.
Seniors Rebecca Sugar and Robyn Haley earned recognition as finalist and merit winner, respectively, in the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts' 2005 Arts Recognition and Talent Search.
The 2005 Grammy nominations were announced today, Dec. 7, and Rapper Kanye West garnered 10 nominations alone.
The Maryland Pesticide Network (MPN) released two reports in late September accusing the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) of misleading school systems into violating the 1998 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) law. However, Montgomery County is one of three school systems to have complied with IPM.
After almost two years of lying low, Eminem has burst out with Encore in which he contemplates life and taking the lead after Usher, makes confessions in his lyrics. However, the Detroit rapper does not match Usher's success, though at least makes a worthwhile attempt.
The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) is hosting college fairs on Monday, Nov. 15 and Tuesday, Nov. 16 in Baltimore and on Tuesday, Nov. 30 in Washington, D.C.
Temple Sinai of Washington, D.C. is accepting bikes as donations as part of the Pedals for Progress (PfP) project.
Blair's first planned school-wide fire drill interrupted sixth period today, Oct. 22 at 1:46 p.m.
Alvik, a band led by Blair graduate Andrea Stuart, class of 1997, played in the auditorium during both lunches today, Oct. 18. The group hoped to raise awareness of multiple sclerosis (MS).
With the Pacific coastline on one side and Thomas Jefferson on the other, the new nickel will soon be released and found in the pockets of Americans throughout the nation by late summer 2005. The latest coin makeover can be attributed to Silver Spring's very own nickel man, Joe Fitzgerald, whose designs have made history. Fitzgerald is the twenty-fifth person in the United States to design the front of the coin and the twenty-third to have a design on the front and back.
The U.S. Mint revealed two new nickel designs to be minted in 2005 as part of the Westward Journey Nickel Series started earlier this year.
Due to a time constraint, parking permits, originally scheduled to be released on Friday, Sept. 17, will now be distributed on Monday, Sept. 20 at 2:10 p.m. A list of permit assignments will be posted on the main office window.
Long-term construction along U.S. Route 29 has caused severe congestion and sparked criticism, according to local businesses and residents. The project, which began in 2002, is being carried out in three major areas including Briggs Chaney, Randolph Road and MD Route 198.
The University of Maryland College Park's (UMCP) annual College Access Conference (CAC), held at the Stamp Student Union on June 19, offered informational sessions and guidance to hundreds of students.
More than a hundred blue and white tents line the Montgomery County Fairgrounds in Gaithersburg. At the stage down the road, children dance to the beats of Hindi music, known popularly as Bollywood. Hundreds of people stroll along from booth to booth, creating a scene that resembles an open market bustling with life and activity.
For the record, in a movie less than an hour and a half long, the rising action should start before the first 45 minutes.
Wearing green overalls, Dianne Bisselle sits calmly in a swivel chair, working quietly at her desk. Bisselle's shoulder length hair is reminiscent of honey. Her glasses surrender to the complexion of her face, making them seemingly invisible.
A student measures the diameter of a tree.
The soil pit where students enter and examine the soil composition.
Students wait for the judges to announce the scores.
Tree branches of the identification part of the "Forestry" exam.
A student measures the diameter of a tree at the Environthon Competition on April 27, where Blair took the top three places in the preliminary round.
Click here to see a gallery of Environthon pictures.
A judge reviews a test after scores are released.
Eugene Martin, principal of Ulidia College in Northern Ireland, spoke to Blair students on Friday, March 18.
Eugene Martin, principal of Ulidia College in Northern Ireland, spoke to Blair students on Friday, March 18.
Christine Harpur, a governor on a Northern Ireland northern school board, spoke to Blair students on Friday, March 11.
Christine Harpur, a governor on a Northern Ireland school board, spoke to Blair students on Friday, March 18.
Christine Harpur, a governor on a Northern Ireland school board, spoke to Blair students on Friday, March 18.
Freshman Christina Zou performs on a piano for parents and peers at Magnet Arts Night on Friday, Feb. 11.
A BMX rider accelerates down a mini ramp.
The Cadillac Sixteen gathers a crowd's attention.
The sole Bentley vehicle stands in its bright red splendor.
The 2005 Ford GT is on display on a turning, hardwood platform.
The Team Lexus IS 300 racecar is not accessible to the public.
Shrek contemplates life.
Visitors peruse cars and exhibits at the Washington Auto Show.
The 617-horsepower engine of the Mercedes-Benz SLR.
Shaggy D. shakes hands - or paws - with a child.
John Force gives an autographed picture to one of his fans.
Visitors examine the chassis of the Nissan Titan.
The 2005 Chevrolet Corvette spins on a platform.
Chip Ganassi's Target Indy Racing League car is displayed for all to see at the Washington Auto Show. Click here to enlarge.
Click here for a photo gallery from the show.
Brooks Robinson gives signed pictures to his fans.
The 2005 Nissan Frontier houses a tent in its rear.
The Gingerbread Man acts shocked at the Washington Auto Show.
The Dodge Tomahawk stirs up exicitment from a small crowd.
The interior of the Mercedes-Benz SLR.
The Jeep Treo rests on a boulder in the auto show.
The 2004 Toyota Tundra Nascar Craftsman truck stands on display.
John Force's autograph to SCO.
The Mercedes-Benz SLR stands on display.
Ringo the bear reaches out to a child's hand.
The Hummer H2 rests on an incline.
The Lexus RX 400h boasts being a midsize luxury SUV with a hybrid gas-electric engine.
Participants of the mini-race watch their cars at the start line.
A member of Maximum Velocity grabs his skateboard in midair.
The 2005 Maserati Spyder captivates people with its sleek looks.
Brooks Robinson's autograph to SCO.
Rock-it the techno robot poses for a picture.