Counselors are able to help out their students by assisting them with college decisions, financial aids and providing a letter of recommendation for college applications.
Estudiantes de Blair reaccionan a los acontecimientos diciendo que Blair deve de estar unida ahora más que nunca.
For her capstone project, Charlotte Aldebron presented her experiences in Japan as a lecturer on peace.
Students presented their capstone projects to a panel of teachers, usually including the head of the department and the student's advisory teacher.
Senior Antony Mathias presents his experiences as an intern at a hopsital to his peers as his capstone project.
Miriam Elbalghiti stands proudly beside her project in the media center.
Senior Andrea Arguera quotes John Locke in her capstone presentation.
Senior Sebastian Falcon is attending the Culinary Institute of America this fall.
Students in Nicole Hopkins' AP Environmental Science class celebrate Earth Day with a field trip to Northwest Branch Park on Thursday.
Robert Hopkins goes over student service learning hours at the senior meeting on Monday. The meeting also covered subjects such as prom and graduation.
The Reading Department will undergo scheduling changes to make the year go more smoothly for students. Photo illustration by Alex Lutz.
Senior Mindy Or has a very intricate growth of facial hair.
The Bollywood club performs a traditional Indian dance during 5b lunch as a part of spirit week.
Sophomore Sam Zucker, Jessie Harrelson, Lita Farquhar, and Sibyl Brown represent all the high school stereotypes in their group of friends.
Para el dia de disfraz de bigote Caitlin O'Donell del once grado se disfraza comicamente con un bigote para demonstrar su espritu escolar.
Freshman Ellen Presley, unable to grow her own facial hair, resorts to using makeup to show her spirit.
Senior Lester Charles didn't need to put forth any effort into his facial hair. It grows naturally!
Seniors Melanie Martindale, Angela Sivak and Sara Koivula stroke their faux-hair.
Senior Leslie Shapiro is pretty in goth for High School Stereotype Day.
Sophomore Jonathan Guzman has a lot of street cred on Blair Boulevard.
Junior Caitlin O'Donell gives a stern look from underneath her caterpillar eyebrows and string beard. Thursday marked Facial Hair day for spirit week.
Senior Tyler Kelly improvises his facial hair by making a moustache and beard out of paper napkins.
Senior captain Helen Anderson works to get the ball back during the lacrosse game against the Northwest Jaguars.
Players line up around the center circle to reach for the draw during last Thursday's game against Northwest.
Freshman Ankita Das Gupta performs a traditional Indian dance at International Night.
Sophomore Jill Lidsky reaches for a ground ball during the lacrosse game against Northwest high school.
With flying fingers, freshman Sujay Dighe drums out a beat on the tabla.
The girls lacrosse team huddles up after a rainy win against the Northwest Jaguars.
Students relax on the football field as they watch, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, sponsored by the SGA. The movie viewing sparks off Spirit Week, starting next Monday.
Author Mike Tidwell speaks to students and parents after the showing of his movie, We Are All Smith Islanders, at the Environmental Movie Festival sponsored by SGR.
Senior Andrea Arguera gets a bracelet tied on her wrist by the head monk at Thai Wat Washington DC Buddhist temple during David Whitacre's Comparative Religion class trip.
Cast members Stephen Elefante and Kristopher Quick celebrate at the end of the performance.
Serena, played by Madison Taylor (left), decides to finally put out all of the inner issues of the Teens for Change group over the internet.
City at Peace features a diverse cast and brings real life to the stage.
In one musical number, the cast divides into serparate racial groups and sings about the hardships they face on a daily basis.
Blair senior Michael Leonard singing during one of the musical numbers.
Gabi Huffman and Madison Taylor confront one another about personal issues.
Eric LaPrince and cast address eachothers issues within the play using what they call the, conflict resoltion model.
Blair students Elissa Fischel and Neva Bowers performed in "City at Peace."
District Superintendent Heath Morrison answers a parent's question during a heated exchange at Wednesday's open meeting concerning next year's budget cuts for the Magnet Program.
Marte asks for help on an assignment.
Senior Christoff Visscher surprises fellow senior Michelle Lopez by asking her to prom with a bundle of balloons on the main staircase. Prom is scheduled for May 24th.
Senior Willy Marte
Marte takes time out of class to joke with a fellow student.
Senior Willy Marte, 19 years old, is on track to graduate despite losing two grade levels after moving from the Dominican Republic in 2006.
Construction on new sidewalks and curbs have recently begun on Colesville Road. The project aims to ensure safer walks home for Blazers.
Marte working on a poetry translation in class.
Anderson still plays his beat-down PlayStation 2, but promises to stop once it finally breaks.
Hodges plays World Of Warcraft for several hours a week, and sometimes plays with his 3-year-old son.
Students file onto the bleachers during the unexpected fire drill.
For Blaha, playing any kind of computer game is a great way to relax and have a good time.
Senior Alex Demarais collects money during lunch for SGA's Charity Challenge. The Challenge concluded on March 20.
Senior Tintin Nguyen talks to Norman Stant in the hallway regarding upcoming AP tests. Students can register for tests without a late fee until the end of the week.
Students now work under the low glow of ambient lighting.
Environmental initiatives - like implementing new lights in computer labs - sponsored by the SGR aim to make Blair a more eco-friendly school.
Hundreds of bags of mulch lay in wait to be ordered and delivered by the Blair Athletics Boosters for their annual spring mulch sale.
Poetry slam winners from left to right: Rex Jarrett, Jessica Diaz-Hurtado, and Jacob Weisman.
A sign promoting the Charity Challenge.
Each class will have its own canister for students to put donations in.
Megan Matthews, a registered nurse, shares her passion with Blazers at lunch.
Matthews points out something on a computer in the Career Center.
Matthews talks to a student one-on-one about the possibilities of a career in nursing.
Matthews comes prepared with flyers promoting nursing.
A tree stump sits in a cleared grove.
Trees lay broken in the cleared groves.
Walkers are greeted into the park by a beaten path and what used to be lush groves of trees.
Multiple stumps and tree remains show signs of premature cutting.
The North Four Corners Park and the land around it is a favorite place for neighborhood dog walkers.
Multiple tree stumps are scattered around the park.
The soccer field already present at North Four Corners Park may be converted to a landscaped park.
Teachers and administration enjoy a luxurious spread set out by the PTA after school celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week.
Clumps of debris and underbrush lay scattered amongst the park.
Teachers and administration enjoy a luxurious spread set out by the PTA after school celebrating Teacher Appreciation week.
A young tree lays haphazardly on the grass.
A large amount of mulch and an excess log are all that remain of one tree.
Senior Lauren Sumida blasts all the way into the past in her homemade dinosaur costume.
Junior Rachel Nicholson daintily poses in her 1950's housewife outfit.
Senior Elissa Fischel is ready for her closeup with her movie star secret identity. Wednesday marked Secret Identity Day for Spirit Week.
Seniors Andre Brutus, Joey Jenkins, Bradley Harmon, Zach Brown, Michelle Lopez, and Michelle Neal set out to fight crime in their group themed Power Rangers costumes.
Senior Linda Li looks sweet in her pink candy pajamas.
Junior Kitty Martin cant bring her dog to school so she settles for wearing them on her pajamas.
Senior Susan Thomas helps paint posters announcing the four spirit days: Slumber Party Day, Secret Identity Day, Blast from the Past Day and Red Out Day.
Tucked away in Wheaton, Ruan Thai offers great food for reasonable prices.
An inviting atmosphere makes Ruan Thai a delicious place to dine.
Intercambiando cartas de amor.
Baila el tango, o cualquier baile que te guste, para acercarte a tu novio o novia.
"Un flor para tu amor," uno de los regalos que se vendieron durante el almuerzo esta semana.
Una muralla de corazones—evidencia que los niños con sarampión recibirán un regalo muy lindo.
El cariño de San Valentín se manifiesta en esta pareja que se toman de la mano.
Estas chicas recaudaron fondos para donar a niños con el sarampión, vendiendo corazones de papel por un dólar cada uno.
El coro de cámara de Blair cantará canciones del amor en el día de San Valentín.
A student poses in the original mascot costume, ordered in 1988 and the first ever to represent Blair.
El Centro de Carreras ofrece muchos recursos para ayudarles a los estudiantes con el proceso complejo de solicitar a la universidad.
The Grammy judges
Banderas de varias universidades colgadas en la pared del Centro de Carreras.
The second mascot head, modeled here, was made by a Blair parent after the first one deteriorated.
El rincón del Centro de Carreras dedicado a guías universitarias y libros de estadísticas sobre muchas de las universidades estadounidenses.
La mesa a la entrada del Centro de Carreras siempre tiene información actual y útil sobre universidades, becas, pasantías y trabajo.
El Centro de Carreras también ofrece guías para los examenes de AP, SAT y ACT--todo gratis y siempre disponible para copiar o alquilar.
A student models the current mascot head and costume, in use since 2000.
Students crowd the bleachers as they wait to be dismissed from the 7th period fire drill.
A view of the stage from the light booth.
The old light board in the lighting booth still glows in the dark despite being abandoned.
A lone glove lays on the stage among debris.
An old tool box in the light booth.
The layout of the auditorium hangs on a vacant wall.
The old Blair auditorium can hold over 1000 people in its stadium seating.
Old makeup and papers lay on top of old dressing room counters.
An old list of acts for a play remains duct-taped to a wall amid old costumes and graffiti.
The old Blair auditorium includes two level dressing rooms complete with showers.
Posters from previous plays and productions cover a wall backstage.
A bulletin board with news articles and current updates sits near the entrance to the auditorium.
Light gels leftover from the old light booth lie scattered on the floor.
The dusty seats await their next audience.
Costumes still hang in the old dressing rooms amongst built up graffiti.
Hundreds of shoes and old costumes still lay on the floor of the old dressing rooms.
Old light fixtures and curtains hang amongst old stage crew supplies and litter.
People wait on the stage to get a tour of the auditorium.
In addition to the stage, the old Blair auditorium also houses a full photography darkroom.
With the exception of makeup exams on Friday, students can finally celebrate the end of exam week with a heavy snowfall.
Senior Iliya Smithka keeps her eyes ahead of her as she leads the ball down the field against Richard Montgomery.
Answering machines that play back InfoFlow are now operational and can be reached at 301-649-2893.
Senior Matt Diaz figures nothing can be tackier than a banana costume!
Senior Tyler Johnson bedazzled herself with jewels, accessories, and patterns of all colors.
While the rest of the school took the PSAT test on Wednesday morning, seniors had the choice between several college oriented stations, including a mini college fair held in the gym.
A Lady Blazer leads the ball down the field against Springbrook.
Resource Counselor, Marcia Johnson, gives a presentation on the academies and capstone at the 12th Grade Parent Meeting on Thursday.
Rondai Ravilious, la patrocinadora del SGA, vende perros calientes, hamburguesas, bocadillos y gaseosas el día de la parrillada al regreso a clases, uno de los primeros eventos planeados por el SGA este año. Foto por Alex Lutz.
Ravilious works the concessions at SGA's Back to School BBQ in the fall.
Blazers wait in anticipation as the game moves into strokes after an unsuccessful double overtime.
Junior Julia Stratton leads the ball down the field during the Sept. 20 match against Richard Montgomery.
Various bands entertained the growing crowd at the SGA sponsored Back to School Barbecue on Friday.
SILVERDOCS, the world renowned international film festival, took place at the AFI Silver Theatre and other venues this week. Many Blazers and their families participated in the festival by viewing the documentaries or volunteering their time.
Students filter into the hallways between the first and second period exams. Final exams started Friday 8th and continue until Wednesday 13th.
Alumni, coaches, current players and families joined together Saturday night for the Andrew Helgeson Memorial Lacrosse Game.
Estudiantes graduados, entrenadores, jugadores y familias se juntaron el sábado por la noche para participar en el partido de lacrosse que conmemora Andrew Helgeson.
The Thespian Club performs in 2007.
Sophomore Adam Carey and Senior Ellie D'Eustachio play an argumentative couple in the one act play, "Fight Dreams." Thespian's Club put on six one act plays on June 1st.
Juniors move into the senior courtyard on Tuesday 29th, in celebration of their first day as seniors.
In the past week of warm weather, Blazers and their families have flocked to their local pools to cool off.
Juniors hang a new banner from the third floor staircase on the 25th, senior's last day.
Dr. D'Angelo grades papers at her desk in the CAP office.
The Wheaton Carnival held Saturday May 19th, brought out many Blazers and their families for a night of rides, lights, food and fun.
Peter and Lisa are all smiles at Woodmoor's "Fajita Coast."
Lockwood and Ross at the local Fajita Coast.
Blazers fill the bathrooms during both lunches putting on Blazer tattoos and other spirit-ware.
Senior Christine Douglas blazes up the hallways during Class Spirit Day in her glowing '07 glasses and bright facepaint.
Junior Ben MacLeod shows off his facepainting skills by painting the classic Blazer face including a moustache and goatee.
Principal Gainous met with parents Friday morning to discuss issues such as his possible resignation.
Sophomore Fikriye Yilmaz shows off aspects of the traditional clothing from her country, Turkey.
Sophomore Sasha Butler wears a traditional red kimono from Japan to represent her culture for Wednesday's Culture Day.
Junior Stevia Morawski dressed in a traditional kilt for Culture Day.
Junior Dorcas Olawuni displays her Nigerian heritage for Culture Day on Wednesday.
Senior Nicole Poor shows off her toga skills in photography class.
Sophmores show their Jewish pride for Culture Day.
Sophomores Lily Ross, Deena Guynes, Gloria Rinonos, An Tran, and junior Stefan Reckson hang out Roman style by the lockers at lunch.
Junior Tyler Kelly gives two thumbs up for his toga.
Juniors Amina Goheer, Suzanna Vaughan, and Kate Raulin take a moment to model their togas.
Niclette Nassamba, del duodecimo grado, se pone la ropa tradicional de su pais, Congo para el dia cultural en miercoles como parte de la semana de espiritu.
Ben Moskowitz, SMOB-elect, speaks in front of Blair students.
Tuesday, April 24th marked the first day of voting for SGA and SMOB elections. Voting will continue today during English and ESOL classes.
Matt "Stix" Ludington, del duodécimo grado, juega beisbol el miércoles pasado. El 21 de marzo fue el primer día de los deportes de la primavera.
Freshman Roxanne Oroxom pitches to second base during softball practice.
Senior Dana Ballard runs down the field followed by opponents during the Varsity girls lacrosse game against Richard Montgomery on Friday.
The Varsity lacrosse girls puts their sticks together for team spirit and motivation at their Friday game.
Sophmore Charles Kong serves the ball up in his doubles match.
Freshman Dukyoung Park hits the ball midair during a doubles match against Churchill.
A lady blazer makes a strong hit during softball practice.
Senior Gabe Fonte batted against Blake in Varisty baseball's first game of the season on March 21st.
Senior Matt "Stix" Ludington hurls his pitch at an unprepared Blake batter on Wednesday. March 21 marked the first day of the spring sports season. Click on the photo to see more of what is to come this season.
Matt "Stix" Ludington pitched for varsity baseball Wednesday at their first game against Blake. Wednesday marked the first day of the spring sports season.
Judy Macon of Suburban Hospital spoke to junior and senior girls Monday, raising awareness about breast cancer.
Extensive graffiti was discovered Tuesday morning on the cement wall of the practice field.
Yesterday, students and parents filled the SAC for a meeting welcoming all students invited to the Magnet Class of 2011.
Estudiantes del décimo grado tomaron un HSA de práctica el viernes para prepara para el examen verdadero en mayo. La escuela ha estado tratando a dar estudiantes múltiples oportunidades a prepararse para el examen.
Sophomores took a practice HSA test today to prepare for the real HSA in May. The school has been trying to give students multiple opportunities to prepare for the upcoming test.
Dario Murales of Casa of Maryland, Inc. came to Blair Thursday to talk to the SGR about immigration rights, lobbying, and another possible march on Washington, D.C.
Dario Murales of Casa of Maryland, Inc. came to Blair Thursday to talk to the SGR about immigration rights, lobbying, and another possible march on Washington, D.C
Dario Murales of Casa of Maryland, Inc. came to Blair Thursday to talk to the SGR about immigration rights, lobbying, and another possible march on Washington, D.C.
Gabriela Huffman, del grado once, mueve su cintura durante el almuerzo 5b. Su interpretación fue parte de la serie de interpretaciones presentados por los clubes de Blair durante la semana del espíritu.
Juniors Sara Koivula and Melanie Martindale celebrated Twin Day in their matching Bahama tees and pigtails.
Junior Jenimae Granados and senior Tiffani Gomez strike a pose for Twin Day in their matching hoodies and gold chains.Click to view more of what Blazers wore on Thursday.
Juniors Jyoti Beribal and Brittany Isaiah-Clevenger rocked out Twin Day in their hot pink skull tees and jeans.
Sophmores Neva Bowers and Sophie Schwadron were among many who celebrated Twin Day today.
Students returned back to school yesterday after being out for multiple snow days last week.
Senior Juan Pastor celebrated Prep Day in his matching tie and sports jacket.
Juniors Michelle Kae and Dora Yin were tickled pink for Prep Day.
Sophmore Megan Ferguson dressed in a full school uniform and matching tote for this year's Prep Day.
Freshman Liam Hickman participated in Character Day with his gas mask and skateboard.
Juniors Paul Ishimoto and Walker Hatchett keep it cool in their bright polos and slacks.
Freshmen Annie Milligan, Gemma d'Eustachio, Rose Wynn, Mariah McPherson, Anya Kozarsky, Lauren Kesther, and Samantha Lint show off their preppy style.
Juniors Eric LaPrince and Michael Leonard show off their classic prep style during 5b lunch.
Seniors Claire Harper, Robin Kameras, and Nicole Severi pose together during lunch in their preppy attire.
Junior Caitlin Schneiderhan dresses like her favorite character, Indiana Jones.
Magnet students turn to silhouettes against a rainbow backdrop.
Junior Ixchel Montenegro shows off her gangsta side for character day.
Junior Malcolm Foley as SHAFT!
For love and justice! Junior Lauren Sumida dresses as Sailor Moon for Spirit Week's Character Day on Tuesday. Click to view a gallery of the day.
All Montgomery County Public Schools were closed 2.5 hours early today due to icy weather.
Junior Mark Choi celebrated Prep Day in his own way.
Juniors Michelle Lopez, Zach Brown, and Stefan Reckson showed off their favorite Disney characters today.
Junior co-captain Yang Yang swims the 200 IM. Although his goggles fell off at the beginning of the race, Yang managed to place 3rd.
Apenas dos pulgadas de nieve que cayeron anoche fue suficiente para convencer a los oficiales cancelar las clases hoy.
Seniors Matt McCutchen and Brian Lawrence were named yesterday as finalists in the annual Intel Science Talent Search.
McCutchen (left) and Lawrence (right) stand proudly with their winning projects.
A ladder leading to one of Blair's many catwalks.
Sophomore Melissa Mergner (green cap) swims the backstroke.
Sophomore Abby Cember executes a back dive .
A small group from the Honors Jazz Band played in Downtown Silver Spring on December 16, giving plenty of holiday cheer to the listeners.
The SGA sponsored a breakfast for the winning classes of the canned food drive this morning.
Junior captain Eddie Qian (Tang) swimming the 100 breaststroke.
The swimmers relaxing and watch the diving section of the meet.
Senior Nicole Poor does a backdive during the dual match against Magruder.
The girl's 100 breaststroke.
The Blazers competed against the Magruder Colonels this Saturday. The boys enjoyed a landslide victory, winning 124-46. The girls lost 70-101.
Junior Andrew Kannan swimming the 100 breaststroke.
Parents and students enjoyed the winter band concert last night featuring the Beginner Band, new Percussion Band, and Honors Band.
Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops from the area participated in the parade. This troop acted out a skit-like performance as they walked down Georgia Ave.
Local children dressed as Pilgrims begin the parade.
The cans and non-perishable food items pile up in the SGA office as the annual canned food drive continues at Blair.
Another Bolivian Dance Troupe dances engergetically down Georgia Ave.
A turkey float goes down Georgia Avenue in Downtown Silver Spring as part of the Silver Spring Thanksgiving Parade on Nov. 18. A wide variety of groups participated and performed in the parade including Blair's marching band. Click the photo to view a photo gallery from the Parade. And, click here to read about the event.
A Metro float wheels down the Avenue.
Residents lined the street to view the Thanksgiving Parade.
The Redskin's Marching Band paraded down the street with upbeat tunes.
The Blair Marching Band participates in the Parade.
Un grupo Boliviano bailan por la avenida de Georgia para la Desfile del Día de Gracias en Silver Spring el 18 del noviembre. Para ver mas del evento pulse el foto.
The mummers from Pennsylvania participated.
Cheerleaders cheer and get the crowd pepped at the Varsity Football game against Damascus that ended in a 35-7 loss Friday night.
Blazers sing a duet at the annual Choral Coffee House that featured musical preformances by Blair students, alumni, and their friends in room 16, Friday night.
Students break dance to the beat of the music played by the DJ at the social.
The Blair Black Diamond Dancers perform a routine.
A blazer gets his face painted.
Hispanic Club puts on a traditional salvadorean dance.
A group of cast members act out a scene from the fall play, A Christmas Carol.
Students engage in video games at the annual Freshman Social held in the SAC Nov. 9 afterschool. Click on the photo above to view more from the event.
Sophomore Dadee Ramos representa el Club Hispano con un baile tradicional de El Salvador en la Fiesta para los Freshman que pasó el 9 del noviembre después de la escuela. Pulse el foto para ver mas del evento .
Los elecciónes del mitad periodo legislativo pasó hoy. Ciudadanos por todo el pais acudieron a los encuestras para votar en este election que puede cambiar el equilibrio entre Congress.
Mid-term elections occurred today. Citizens across the nation flocked to polls to vote in this election that may change the balance in Congress.
Sophomore Cynthia Francisco poses as a psycho.
Students and staff evacuated the building after the fire alarm sounded today before 5B. Click this photo to read the story.
Sophomores Shenee and Jenee Holden and Indigo Laode show off their spirit in their creative costumes. Click on this photo to view a photo gallery of the different costumes Blazer wore for Halloween Tuesday.
Senior A'Gia Alston shows off her spooky, black fingernails that she wore for Halloween.
Senior Samarth Gola dressed as the Nintendo hero Luigi, borther to Mario.
Muchos blazers se vistieron en máscara para Halloween el martes. Aquí, junior Molly Martinez esta cocinando en su buen disfraz. Para ver más disfraces del día, pulse este foto.
Senior Jason Meer dressed as NSL teacher Lansing Freeman.
Junior Ashton Hoegberg....????
Mrs. Fuss had a picnic on Crazy Hat Day wearing her hot dog hat.
Freshmen Kelly Pelz-Butler, Ellen Jackson, Lainie Brice, and Christina Munozpandya pose in their furry and delicious hats.
Sophmore Jessica Arce flutters down the hallway in her tacky outfit with matching wings.
Seniors represent Monopoly for Homecoming '06.
Sophomores, Ninja Master Willie Albert and Captain Aaron Kozloff seek adventure during 5a lunch for Spirit Week's Adventure Day. Click to view more from the day.
NSL teacher Lansing Freeman shows us his adventurous side with his safari themed outfit.
Juniors decorate with the theme of Candyland.
Seniors are given the theme of Monopoly for gameboard Homecoming '06. To view more decorations from around the school, click on the photo.
Sophomore and Tae Kwon Do student Kevin Espino shows off his skills in his karate uniform for Adventure Day.
Senior Braulio Salas baila salsa con su campanera en la SAC durante los dos almerzos martes, para representar Club de Hispanos y hacer excitacion entre los estudiantes para Homecomming.
Juniors Josie Callahan and Michelle Kae colorfully express their tackyness in flashy prints and bright colors.
Junior Jacob Weisman poses during 5a lunch in his samurai costume.
Senior Braulio Salas whips his partner around in a salsa routine the two performed during lunch in the SAC, to represent Hispanic Club and to add to the hype of Spirit Week.
The Freshmen class have the theme of Clue for Homecoming.
Seniors Daniel Dasilua and Fletcher Jones go retro for Wacky Tacky/ Retro Day on Tuesday.
Math teacher John Giles is all geared up to ride his mini bike.
Math teacher, Mr. Giles, poses in his footy pajamas showing off his spirit during Pajama Day.
Junior Eve Kenney "kicks back” with her sneaker slippers and her basketball motif pjs.
Junior Dora Yin , one of the winners of Pajama Day/ Formal Day, poses in her outfit that allowed her to participate in both themes.
Hispanic Club decorated the 160s hall with dominoes backed with flags of hispanic countries.
Senior and field hockey golie Maura Druhan was named this week's athlete of the week.
Senior Jessie Hallberlin gets ready to drive the ball at the game against Kennedy on Wednesday.
Bob Woodward happily signs his new controversial book, State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III, for fans at the National Book Fair held on the Mall in Washington, D.C. Saturday.
The blazers fell to Sherwood on Friday night.
Freshmen met in the Auditorium during second and fourth periods to hear the campaign speeches by students running to represent 2010 in SGA, and to hear speeches made by two special guest speakers.
Aaron Klein, Blair alum and former candidate for District 20 State Delegate, speaks to freshmen during the SGA Freshmen Elections Convention held Wednesday. The event also featured remarks from District 20 State Senate Elect Jamie Raskin as well speeches from each of the freshmen candidates. Click to learn more about the candidates for 2010 office.
The Varsity Field Hockey team fights hard against Quince Orchard.
Junior Julie Zhu goes to strike in the girls varsity game against Walt Whitman Sept. 25.
Senior Halsey Sinclair who runs for cross country is this week's Athlete of Week.
Senior Claire Harper goes for the ball in the home game against Quince Orchard Monday afternoon. click on photo to read about the game.
Junior Noori Chai gets the ball from Sherwood during the Sept. 15 game.
Sophomore Anne Warden, striker, steals the ball away from Sherwood, in the varsity game on Sept. 20. Blair lost 3-1.
Blazers crowd the Renaissance Hall after school for the last chance to audition for the fall play, A Christmas Carol Sept. 20.
Junior Amanda Pollak boasts of Amnesty International. To learn more about this club, click on the photo.
Keith Jackson shows off a bobble-head doll from the Japanese Club table. For more information on Japanese Club click on the photo.
Fashion Club was a popular destination for many blazers attending the Activity Fair during 5th period. Click on the photo to find out more about this club.
Hispanic Club poses at their highly decorated booth. To learn more about this club click on the photo.
Youth and Government was one of many clubs that recruited members at the Activity Fair on Friday.
Junior Eve Kenney runs for the ball during the game against Blake on Sept. 15. at 3:30 PM.
Sophomore and soccer player, Anne Worden was named Athlete of the Week by Blair's Athletics' Department.
Primary elections were held today across the state. Above, the lawn of Forest Knolls Elementary School, a poll location, is littered with campaign materials.
Varsity Players show their excitment for the second touchtown.
Blair's marching Band performed at halftime.
Sophmore Blazer cheer on the football team and show their class pride at the "Game."
As class ends, a flurry of parents swarm the hallways on their way to their children's next period at Back to School Night Thursday evening.
These Peruvian Dancers were one of the attractions in the Labour Day Parade.
A local Boy Scouts troop races down in the Labor Day Parade on Monday.
Cheerleaders proudly hold the Blair banner in the Kensington Labor Day Parade.