Senior Eliot Gold returns a defender's shove as he attempts to cut towards the goal with his ball.
Junior Johni Meeks carries the ball down the field after winning a face off.
Blair varsity softball meets to prepare themselves for fielding during the fourth inning.
Lauren Hammer, mother of junior Joe Hammer, donated a teapot and mugs amongst other ceramics to the art show.
The World War II Memorial is a favorite stop for both tourists and locals. It honors the millions of soldiers who fought and died in the war.
Flags sway in the wind as night falls by the Washington Monument.
Downtown Silver Spring was the location of a fight on Saturday night at the end of the "Stop the Violence" concert.
Chris Cooley, uno de los jugadores del equipo de fútbol americano de los Washington Redskins habló acerca de la relación entre la educación y el salario promedio.
Participants in Powershift 2009 gather on the West Lawn of the Capitol building. The protest took place March 2, 2009 to urge Congress to shut down the coal-powered plant that powers parts of the federal government.
A volunteer hands out helmets to protesters. The Powershift protest succesfully became an intergenerational experience as both protesters and volunteers ranged from teenagers to grandparents.
Keep your fingers crossed and your pajamas inside out - though for once, luck isn't the only thing we're counting on.
El rector, Darryl Williams, sostiene un cheque de $500 dólares entregado por la Unión Federal de Crédito de Profesores del Condado de Montgomery. También anunció que el cheque será entregado al progama del Magnet.
Cooley presented Blair with a $5,000 check to finance education when he visited in February to announce the $25,000 scholarship.
The Redskins tight end pointed out the correlation between higher education and higher salary.
Principal Darryl Williams introduces Redskins player Chris Cooley. Cooley visited Blair seniors to announce a college scholarship.
This symbol represents the five academies at Blair. The arrows meet at the center of the pentagon - the focus of the previous picture.
Where in Blair? View the next photo to see the answer.
Hoy often finds herself laughing at one of Gold's many jokes.
Principal Darryl Williams holds the $500 check the MCT Federal Credit Union gave to Blair. He announced that the check would go to the Magnet program.
Seniors Jessica Arce, Jessica Diaz and Korie Ferguson and junior Joseph Arce coordinated their Ninja Turtle outfits.
Senior Melissa Mergner holds an imaginary gun to indicate her Bond girl disposition.
Freshman Marie Mahoney dresses as the cat in the hat.
Junior Gennesis Orellana poses ready to fight as a superhero from the Incredibles.
Senior Sam Barth practices his acting skills in his Marty McFly, a character from Back to the Future, costume.
Fashion Club performed in the SAC during 5B lunch as students crowded around.
Several Blair graduates spoke with current Blazers on Alumni Day.
Senior Leon Sampson tries to bend backwards to put the ball in to the net.
Freshman Magnet students attempt to measure the height of the steeple on top of the building during their research and engineering class.
Senior Josh Gordon holds the ball out of reach of his opponent.
Magnet math teacher William Rose was nominated for the Gazette's "My Favorite Teacher" contest.
As winter begins, more and more clementine peels have been carelessly strewn on the ground for the janitors to clean up.
Some students appear to leave trails as if the absent-mindedly drop their lunch bags on the way to class.
Many students leave their trash on the ground after lunch instead of throwing it away in one of the many trash cans on Blair Boulevard
In the courtyard, empty bottles detract from the beauty of the fallen leaves.
One of the most common items discarded onto the floor after lunch is a paper bag.
While a few pieces of trash on the floor may look insignificant, the janitors have to pick up each piece individually and have to put a lot more work in to cleaning up.
A bright red 09 is the only leftover decoration from homecoming spirit week.
Senior Leon Sampson dodges a jumping Cavalier as he prepares to shoot the ball.
Junior Cameron Reed stretches out his arm for a lay-up.
Many alumni came to coach on the squad during the competition.
The Churchill "Dawgs," as their cheer wear claims, took home first place.
The cheerleaders succesfully completed many complicated structures and lifts.
They team sikes themself up to represent Montgomery Blair High School
Despite being upset by their performance, the cheerleaders continued to cheer to remain a contender for the spirit award.
Unfortunately, it only takes one fall to be knocked out of winning the competition.
The squad is filled with hope right before it is their turn to perform
The routine also included many gymnastic moves.
the Blazers blast on to the floor filled with passion for the routine they are about to perform.
The cheerleaders also do cheers for the audience's entertainment as they wait for the next school's performance.
The Blair cheerleaders lead Blazers in a cheer during their competition on Saturday, November 22.
With more fans and more cheering than any other team had, the Blair cheerleaders once again won the spirit award.
Every member of the team remains in sync with each other for their floor dancing sections.
Team members comfort each other after a disappointing loss.
Cheerleaders not selected to be part of the competition cheer on their teammates ,
El Rector Darryl Williams se dirigió a al plantel estudiantil en un discurso donde expuso los varios problemas en la escuela que están afectando la imagen de Blair.
The baseball team's batting trophy has the bat taped back on after it was once mishandled.
When all the diving trophies are put together, the appear to be posing to form a star.
Though the Blair football team has struggled in recent years, it has at times been a powerhouse in its division and the county.
While all of the running trophies have the character in the same position, they vary greatly in height and size.
Every day, many students pass by Blair's trophy case but rarely stop and look inside. This gallery will take a look further into the past sports victories and awards that Blair has won.
The largest trophy in the trophy case is the girls' soccer 2007 runner-up trophy from an annual pre-season tournament that they entered.
Senior Julia Stratton hugs her coach, Brook Franceschini, as a goodbye after four years of Blair field hockey.
The tennis team has only two trophies in the trophy case so far.
The cheerleading squad holds 14 trophies, the most trophies of any one sports team.
The cheerleaders lead the crowd in a cheer to build excitement about their competition this upcoming Saturday.
Cientos de estudiantes atendieron a una vigilia en honor a Lam.
Mucha gente le escribió cartas a Lam para ayudarles a sentirse más cerca a él.
Un afiche fue colocado en la parada de autobús para que amigos y familiares le dejaran mensajes a Lam.
Candle wax spills on to a pair of Tai Lam's favorite shoes as the teddy bear next to it displays one of the few smiles of the night. These were a few of many items left in Lam's honor at last night's candlelight vigil. Lam was killed Saturday night.
Junior Lam Cao, Tai's older brother, has been in complete shock since the shooting.
Friends comfort each other amidst the crowd of people packed tightly together.
People look out at thecrowd from the bus stop where the shooting occured.
A girl holds her candle up as people strain to see the memorial of gifts left in Tai's honor.
Many people wrote letters to Lam to help them reach closure.
Blazers estuvieron de luto por el estudiante de noveno Tai Lam en una vigilia alumbrada por velas en su honor al frente del restaurante Eastern Carryout en la avenida Flower. Tai Lam fue herido de bala el sábado en la noche en un autobús de Ride On y momentos después falleció.
A girls sits on the curb in shock, unable to grasp why this happened to her friend.
Hundreds of mourners attended a Sunday night vigil for Lam.
A friend honors his deceased classmate with a t-shirt.
A poster was hung at the bus stop for friends and family to leave messages for Lam.
Lam's older sister spoke and shared memories.
At a candlelight vigil held the night after Tai Lam's death, friends and family left notes, gifts, flowers and Tai's favorite fruits - apples and oranges - at the center of a small shrine.
Blazers mourned freshman Tai Lam Sunday night at a candlelight vigil held in his honor in front of Eastern Carryout on Flower Avenue. He was fatally shot Saturday night on a Ride On bus near the site.
Sophomore Sedeka DeBush holds her black leather school bag up with pride.
Junior Tracy Betsurk uses her bag to express her advocacy for "going green" and recycling
Junior Darcy Pelz-Butler uses her bag as an excuse to look at her favorite celebrity throughout the school day.
Senior Anna Rassman displays a bag she bought on a service trip to El Salvador this summer.
A bag with as many binders on the inside as designs on the outside is left in the outdoor courtyard.
Freshman Eli Schwadron has a backpack appearing to be scribbled all over.
Senior Ebony Abraham sports a bag just as colorful as he fashionable wardrobe.
Sophomore Adam Biru shows his style not only on his wrist and on his shirt, but also in his choice of backpack.
The reflections of the surrounding area in the windows of Picasso Gallery add even more abstraction to the already abstract paintings displays prominently in the windows.
As indicated by the name, Politics and Prose includes many very political and satyrical books.
Hungry Tiger and Steak n' Egg Breakfast are only two examples of restaurants with comical displays involving food in this neighborhood.
Morty's proudly displays its meat in the "to go" section of the restaurant.
A seemingly random stage with a light above it sits in the middle of a park being torn apart for construction at the corner of Chesapeake and 41 St.
The owners of Steak 'n Egg Kitchen with abstract pictures involving foods displayed around the premises.
Senior George Nouboussie races ahead of two Walter Johnson Wildcats
Freshman Jorge Pacheco volleys the ball as senior Mike Mozer looks on.
Senior Aaron Kozloff practices his tight rope walking in the courtyard.
Patrons of the current Silver Spring library have offered suggestions for the new design.
Junior Aaron Baldwin uses any method that works to win the ball from the Bengals.
Senior Mikey Funes carefully traps the ball.
Junior Otis Banwell strikes the ball with the bottom of his cleat.
Many pet food companies, including ZiwiPeak, advertise their products.
Sophomore Ava Wallace returns the ball during Blair's loss to Whitman on Tuesday.
El equipo de fútbol americano entra vigorosamente al estadio durante el "pep rally" el viernes. Ese mismo día, los Blazers ganaron 41-12 contra Northwood.
Senior Carlos Arana leads cheers and boosts spirit during the pep rally.
Blair's chamber choir showcased their incredible harmonizing in the Blair Alma Mater.
The marching band has expanded its flag bearers to include rifle throwers, creating an even more dazzling display.
The football team gets pumped up during the fall pep rally for their game Friday night against Northwood. The Blazers won, 41-12.
The Blair girls volleyball team sprints through one of the sports banners that the SGA decorated for each team.
Sophomore Sana Barclay shows off her free Blair towel.
Girls on the JV soccer team build their teamwork and show their school spirit at the same time.
The JV football team matches the varsity football team's enthusiasm in front of bleachers filled with Blazers.
The marching band arouses school spirit in listening Blazers.
The Pom squad and cheerleaders line the field waiting for the sports teams to parade down the aisle.
Even freshmen are filled with school spirit.
Flyers are placed around the school, both in hallways and classrooms, to inform students about the upcoming tryouts for this year's play, "Pride and Prejudice."
Freshman Evelyn Diaz sports a bag created with patches of different patterns.
Flyers are placed around the school, both in hallways and classrooms, to inform students about the upcoming tryouts for this year's play, "Pride and Prejudice."
Senior Lilian Mendez shows her class pride as she poses for one of her senior portraits.
A group of seniors in the Communication Arts Program organized Run-o-vation, a 5-kilometer race held on Aug. 31 to benefit those affected by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
Former Blair teacher and Redskins cheerleader Nicole Hopkins and a co-worker came out to show their support for the event.
The route included parts of Sligo Creek Parkway and neighborhood roads surrounding Silver Spring International Middle School, where the race ended.
Senior Tamara Castro-Marquez hands out water bottles filled with cold water to participants after they finish the race.
Runners stretch to prepare for the race.
The event recieved media coverage from both a local television news station and the Silver Spring Gazette.
A participant ties her shoes while waiting at the starting line for the race to begin.
Luis Navarro, the men's winner, finishes the race a lap ahead of all of the other participants.
After the main race, a fun run took place for the children eager to be runners just like their parents.
Senior Josh Gordon collapses in exhaustion after completing the race.
Runners show enthusiasm as they approach the finish line.
The race organizers also provided a buffet of foods so the racers could replenish their energy after finishing the race.
Seniors Corinne Ducey and Ariana Gangloff help register runners.
The women's winner, Karen Young, heads towards the finish line.
Others, such as Blair teacher Kevin Shindel's son, appeared to be happy just running for fun.
A crowd gathers around the registration booth as people wait anxiously for the race to begin.
Some of the young runners had the same intensity and competitive spirit as many of the older and more experienced runners.
Seniors Corinne Ducey and Camille Huang register runners for Runovation, a 5k race organized by a group of Blair seniors determined to help rebuild New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina destroyed a large amount of the city.
Seniors Peter Lansworth and Tim Nguyen choose music to get the runners pumped up for the race.
Blair teacher Marc Grossman completed the entirety of the 5k race while pushing his son in a stroller.
Freshman Saleiha Mayer-Marks puts enthusiasm into her yearbook signature.
Junior P. Munger gives senior Matt Dant a hug on Blair Blvd one last time.
Junior Gloria Reinonos signs senior Bradley Harmon's yearbook during his final lunch at Blair.
Students celebrate the beginning of summer in chalk!
Junior Melanie Snail signs her best friends yearbook.
The administration puts up signs reminding seniors to buy their cap and gown.
A group of students decorate the courtyard with chalk in celebration of the end of the school year.
El Club Cristiano presenta una obra de teatro conmemorando a Jesús el Viernes 30 de Mayo.
An overly-flattering suitor, played by Robin Dreher, hits on an unimpressed woman during one of her many blind dates.
The thespian club begins their performance by singing "Seasons of Love" from the hit play "Rent."
A psychic waitress gives junior Adam Carey the first true surprise in his entire psychic life.
In the final act, junior Adam Carey plays a psychic that has trouble holding onto a girlfriend. He tells junior Anna Snapp that he is aware she is about to dump him.
Junior Maya Baum reads post-it notes that she leaves her boyfriend turned husband over the years, reviewing their relationship in notes.
The cast presents flowers to the show directors, seniors Brittany Allen and Caitlin Schneiderhan.
The players take a bow.
The Christian Club presents a play celebrating Jesus on Friday, May 30.
Junior Adam Carey wipes off his face after having water thrown at him and being dumped.
Senior Maile Zox tries to trick an inspector, played by junior Adam Carey, into believing that she did not kill her husband.
To celebrate beautiful weather on a Friday, Blazers decorate the courtyard.
Freshman Maia Barnes celebrates her win in this year's first round of Killer.
When Blazers are 'killed,' they report their death to organizer junior Joseph Rosen.
Junior P. Munger reenacts her murder of junior Jason Glasgow-Jackson.
Para celebrar un día espectacular, estudiantes de Blair decoran el patio.
Senior Hilary Bragg accepts the Most Valuable Player award and, for tradition, returns Louis Hoelman's flamingo.
The inductees light each others' candles.
Graduating members receive rewards for all their work for the Spanish Honor Society.
The Spanish Honor Society President and Vice President commence the ceremony.
The secretary lights a mother candle to light the inductees' candles at the Spanish Honor Society induction ceremony.
Inductees receive certificates declaring their new membership in the Spanish Honor Society.
Sra. Dora Gonzalez invites all the senior members to the stage.
Social studies teacher Rondai Ravilious is ending her term as SGA sponsor.
The outdoor track team shows their spirit at the spring pep rally.
Junior Mike Mozer takes one of his thirteen shots, almost all of which were near misses.
Senior Mark Goodman clears the ball after making a strong save during the first quarter.
The girls' softball team beat Springbrook 5-2 to advance to the second round of playoffs. They will be playing at Sherwood on Monday.
Juniors Mike Mozer and Tom Clement pass the ball up the field to build an attack.
Junior Demitri Williams measures small intestines in one of the many pig dissections currently taking place in honors biology classes.
Sophomore Nellie Garlow cradles the ball while waiting for a teammate to open up in the box.
A family of Canadian Geese that has made its home in the Blair woodlands attends boys lacrosse's senior night.
Senior Lizzie Horne scored her first goal of the season on her senior night.
Senior Olivia Bozik smashes the ball onto the floor in between the Wheaton Knights
Senior Amanda ______ returns the ball to the sender.
Despite the large gathering of students outside the building, nobody from the M-NCPPC came outside during the protest.
Senior Vijay Baharani and graduate Emanuel Waktola pose dead off to the side of the road.
Junior Vanessa Hoy holds up a sign in the midst of the marchers.
During the march, the protesters chant slogans such as "Save Darfur" and "MNCPPC
People pretend to be dead while they lay on the ground to protest the genocide in Darfur.
However this time instead of trying to seem as dead as possible, the activists continue their chants to call more attention to their cause.
Senior Ben Simon give a speech in front of the building where the decision about the divestment will be made next week.
Despite the concern that not enough people would come, the protest gathered around 200 protesters.
Senior Noah Robinson and juniors Aaron Kozloff and Brady Ettinger lead the protesters in a cheer asking M-NCPPC to divest their spendings and not support the genocide.
After senior Ben Simon, the organizer of the event, gave a pep talk, protesters began their march to the MCNPPC to try to convince them to divest their funds so they would not support the Sudanese government.
Many of the participants hold signs to explain and emphasize the message they are tying to send in the "die-in."
As cars rush by, some drivers take the time to honk when they see the signs supporting Darfur.
The students return to downtown Silver Spring to "die" one last time.
Junior Kerry Chang serves the ball.
Junior Vanessa Hoy scores during the Blazers' 13-12 victory over Gaithersburg. The Blazers won the game after junior Susie Branson scored in the last two minutes, giving the Blazers the goal they needed to win the game!
Senior co-captain Lizzie Horne passes the ball to sophomore Molly Branson in girls' lacrosse's 13-12 victory over Gaithersburg. The game went back and forth until junior Susie Branson scored a goal in the last minute to give the Blazers the win.
Junior Henry Zhang prevents the ball from going out of bounds.
Some plants at Blair, though categorized by some as weeds, serve as opportunities to make wishes for some students.
As the school year continues at Blair so does the circle of life for the plants at Blair, as shown by the wilting of Blair's many beautiful daffodils.
With an abundant amount of shrubbery and grass, the practice fields at Blair are able to withstand the flooding caused by rain.
While the majority of Blair's plants are well cared for,every now and then a small plant has been neglected.
Trees have been planted in front of the main entrance to the school to beautify the building and show all visitors the importance of nature to our school.
Blair has planted trees and flowers in the middle of the outdoor courtyard to add cheeriness to the otherwise largely gray area.
The flowers at Blair range from being wild and dotting fields to being carefully planted in gardens and under trees.
To end the show, one of the contestants calls a girl up to stage, hands her flowers and asks her to prom!
Senior Haben Ghebremaschel wins the title or Mr. Blazer through a comical rap that includes beat-boxing in the background.
Instead of showing their team pride and school spirit, the boys varsity lacrosse team chooses to brag about their pep rally skit from last year, bringing a bouquet of boos from the audience.
Senior Rex Jarrett reads his heartbreaking poem about the pain and misery of heart break.
Senior Morgan Nixon tap dances her way to becoming the 2008 Ms. Blazer.
Junior Nahom Ghebremeschel and friends sing a piece accapella.
Junior Jessica Diaz-Hurtado wins first place for the second year in a row.
Runner-up senior Constantine Kulakov describes the disappointment of a kiss with no emotional meaning to him.
Senior Zack Pinsky sings his rendition of "Don't Stop Believing."
A Ms. Blazer contestant hits every note perfectly while singing "Killing Me Softly."
Senior Francesca Blume dances about the stage barefoot as she sings an oldies classic.
Junior Willy Li serves an ace!
The varsity baseball team sways to the old baseball song "Take Me Out to the Ballgame."
Trying to mimic the gymnastics team, some of the track team attempts to emulate the display of flexibility and acrobatic ability shown by the gymnasts.
Junior Pan Wang spikes the ball over the net.
Freshman Christina Stiles shows off her colorful style.
Sophomore Angela Nunez creates her own unique pose while to go with her unique red high heels.
Sophomore Imani Pierre coordinates with a blue hat, scarf, belt, and sandals.
Freshman Samantha Miskiri has both the fashionable clothes and a fashionable pose.
Freshmen Laura Anthony, Sarah Schwartz, Sree Sinha, Ell Okun, Casey Goldvale and Sam Edelman show off their school spirit.
Junior Lily Ross won the spirit day award for her ability to make a tutu and a blazer into a aesthetically pleasing outfit.
Freshmen Maia Barnes and Lyndsay Rini have already mastered walking in high heels at a young age.
Freshman Bridget Flynn Kastner dresses both for Vogue day and the warm weather.
Seniors Francesca Blume and Andrew Mcgehee enjoy Ferris Bueller's Day Off, the outdoor movie shown by the SGA.
Junior Caitlin Ludington bunts the ball.
Junior Rachel Nicholson winds up for a pitch.
Freshman Eve Brown pitched over half the game without losing her accuracy.
Junior Jose Sarmiento shoves his opponent away to win the ball.
Senior Olivia Bozik hits the ball over the net and scores a point for the Blazers.
Since the incident, Einstein has taken extra steps to ensure safety including more on-site police cars and three new security guards.
Senior co-captain Jamie Binns ducks under a crowd of players to win possession of the ball.
A number of Einstein students were arrested after a gunshot was heard from a second floor bathroom.
Junior Xenia Oroxom throws the ball to the first baseman to prevent the runner from trying to steal second base.
Sophomore Devon Peck serves the ball.
The Nationals continued their tradition of having a presidential race - and making Teddy Roosevelt lose.
The lights surrounding the stadium both light up the field and warm the audience, as they include heat lights.
The bright lighting of the new Nationals Park brightens up the sky on a dark, cloudy day.
To keep children entertained, the ballpark includes a Playstation area with Guitar Hero, karaoke, and virtual baseball, among other games.
The food vendors accommodate the the cold weather by selling hot chocolate and coffee instead of lemonade and ice cream
To enhance the experience of standing in line waiting for food, burgers are cooked right in front of the customers.
Despite a new stadium and a solid start to the season, the Nationals still struggle to gain fans.
The food selection at the new ballpark includes many local restaurants such as Georgetown Grill and Ben's Chili Bowl.
The scoreboard at the new ballpark includes a clock with the Nationals Logo in the center.
Science teacher Eric Prange's fourth period class decorated his whiteboard for April Fool's Day.
Senior Jonas Schaffer fakes out an opponent while carrying the ball up the field.
Senior co-captain Tim Visclosky jumps into the air to catch a high pass.
Junior varsity girls' lacrosse players practice basic stick skills.
During breaks, the make-up artists come around and re-apply make-up to the gun twirlers.
In addition to Blair's marching band, the scene included gun twirling girls.
Because of the heavy winds, both the flags and the feathers on the marching band hats looked more lively in the scene.
The chairs of all the important people, such as the director, had the name of the movie on the back and the name of the chair holder on the front.
Exhausted Blazers take a seat on the steps of the Scottish Rite Temple at every chance they get.
Junior Mandy Brown gets her hair fixed so that it will fit under her marching band hat.
Blair's marching band not only had to play their fight song many times, but they also had to pretend to play the song many times without making a sound.
Russell Crowe helps Rachel McAdams into a car after they finish a discussion they held while walking by the marching band.
Many students took naps during breaks after having to be at Blair by 5:30 am to be make sure they didn't miss the bus.
Junior Emma Guerrero gets her trumpet ready to play the same fight song countless times.
Director Kevin MacDonald, who has also directed six other movies including "The Last King of Scotland," checks in with the marching band and gun twirlers to make sure they are all holding up well.
During an exclusive interview with Silver Chips Online, Rachel McAdams and Russell Crowe consider why they were drawn to acting in this movie.
The marching band and a few Blair actors perform for the scene in the upcoming movie "State of Play."
The junior varsity boys' lacrosse team warms up by passing the ball back and forth with partners.
Senior Olivia Bozik sends the volleyball flying high above her and over the net.
Protest organizers encouraged the protesters to write messages encouraging peace all over the streets in chalk.
Some of the students that organized the protest chained themselves to desks in the middle of the intersection of Connecticut Ave. and 18th St.
Junior varsity baseball players throw balls into a bucket after loosening their arms up so that they are less likely to get injured.
With approximately a crowd of 400, the Funk the War protest stands outside of Lockheed Martin while some protesters try unsuccessfully to enter the lobby.
Senior co-captain Helen Anderson shows sophomore Sarah Frank the proper form for throwing a lacrosse ball.
Junior Keith Ayensu claims he doesn't know how to make a silly face, but with a little help from his friends, he can do the job right.
Junior Jason Glasgow-Jackson shakes his face so that slobber splatters everywhere giving him the effect he was aiming for - a disgusted but attentive audience.
Junior varsity softball practices both right and left handed bunting.
Many Blair students including junior Vanessa Hoy and sophomores Joe Hammer and Rachel Gelding participated in the protest.
The boys' volleyball team perfects their serves.
The Funk the War protest is different from other protests in that it encourages people to dance down the streets instead of just marching.
Protesters block an intersection while waiting for police to try to shove them out of the way of traffic.
Students for a Democratic Society painted desks with the slogan "Funk the War" to emphasize their point that more money should be spent on schools instead of the Iraq war.
2007 graduate Jon Berger helped organize the protest.
Junior Gloria Reinonos has perfected the classic cross-eyed funny face.
Freshman Blazer Clara Kelly holds up a sign condemning the government's current plan in Iraq.
Senior goalkeeper Mark Goodman practices while the rest of the boys' lacrosse team runs laps.
Code Pink uses a bed to make puns about the war such as "tired of war" and "wake up America."
Blair junior Laura Moya writes Funk the War on the ground in chalk.
The police physically move a protester to the sidewalk in order to clear the streets so that cars can cross.
Demonstrators place stickers asking for peace on everything, from cars and buildings to signs and poles.
A member of Students for a Democratic Society holds up a sign protesting giving up education funds to pay for the Iraq war during a demonstration on the war's fifth anniversary.
Sophomore Meredith Meer wore her Ireland hoodie to show national pride and celebrate the holiday.
Junior Grace Ellison and sophomore Kelsey Jenkins wear green that greatly contrasts with their usual attire.
Junior Aaron Kozloff sported a green blazer with a shamrock tie that he dug out of his closet for St. Patrick's honor.
Juniors Jazmyn Miller and Jeanette Chavez and senior Karla Kaffi all wore green tops to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
JV girls lacrosse players practice catching a lacrosse ball in their stick's netting.
On wacky tacky day, break dancers entertain people during lunch, drawing a crowd around the stage.
The junior class of 2009 shows their class spirit by waving their class sign during the fall pep rally.
The cast of Blair's production of "Beauty and the Beast" fills the stage in the auditorium.
Crowds of people stand on the floor in the SAC during the SGR Spectacular.
When not saturated with students or fans, bleachers are pushed back and become a part of the wall.
Band instructor Michelle Roberts conducts students in class. Roberts and the marching band will travel to Washington, D.C. on March 20.
The field looks lonely without athletes.
Blazers stand through the homecoming football game in the midst of the pouring rain.
Football players pile on to the field and each other.
Soccer players fill the field during breaks throughout the two weeks of try-outs for both JV and varsity soccer.
Without mobs of fans, the bleachers are simply slits of silver.
Blair's theater performances are clearly about the students and not the stage, as this now drab auditorium shows.
Without the crowd, this same spot is nothing but a bare floor.
Without a performance, the SAC stage transforms into a simple, raised extension of the patterned floor.
Senior Ben Kastner practices defending against junior Eliot Gold.
Blair students trying out for the coed volleyball team watch as senior Julie Brice serves the ball to a teammate during a drill.
A lacrosse player reaches out her stick to save a wild ball during girls' lacrosse tryouts.
A lacrosse player scoops up a ball from the ground to practice recovering for mistakes.
The boys volleyball coaches evaluate each player as they practice spiking balls over the net.
Mrs. Potts confirms her children's beliefs that they will stay human forevermore.
The cast of "Beauty and the Beast" bows as the audience claps.
During try-outs the boys' lacrosse teams alternate between push-ups, sit-ups and jumping jacks during their warm-up.
Belle cleans the wounds of Beast (senior Christoff Visscher) after he saved her from the wolves.
Mindy Or stars as Belle in the "Beauty and the Beast," which sold out the first three shows.
Belle remembers how much she misses her father after Beast lets her look through his enchanted mirror.
Tavern patrons dance in celebration of Gaston.
Belle reads Beast a story after he shows her his extensive library.
Belle (senior Mindy Or) borrows a book from the librarian in the opening scene of the play.
Maurice is surprised to find that the tea that Mrs. Potts (senior Francesca Blume) has poured for him is in a talking cup named Chip (freshman Lindsay Rini).
Belle and the no-longer Beast kiss after he has been turned in to a man again.
Lumiere (junior Russell Ottalini) and his girlfriend Babette discuss their relationship after their transformation back in to humans.
Gaston's silly girls (senior Brittany Allen, junior Allie Berger, and sophomore Diana Jeang) all try to comfort Gaston (senior Malcolm Foley) after Belle has rejected his marriage proposal.
Napkins dance to help welcome Belle to the castle during the song "Be Our Guest."
Belle cries after being reunited with her father Maurice.
Gaston fights Beast for Belle in the climax of the play.
Babette (sophomore Annie Milligan) sits on the lap of Maurice (junior Daniel Woolson) in her excitement over seeing a real man after so many years.
Senior Ruby Johnson expresses what she believes diversity means.
Senior Terrance Hamm introduces proudly introduces himself as a black honors and advanced placement student.
Students on the panel reflected on their experiences being called 'dorks' or 'oreos' for trying to 'act white.'
Science teacher John Haigh holds up a skull during his anatomy class. Haigh also coaches varsity boys' soccer at Springbrook.
Junior Ashley Arnold holds the ball while the Blazers get set on offense.
Freshman Sarah Mcmillian, just recently pulled up to varsity, scores a field goal during the third quarter
Senior Kalisha Holmes brings the ball up court during her last game as a Blazer.
Athletic director Dale Miller took over the position of athletic director after Kobren passed away.
The Nelson H. Kobren gym was recently decorated with a picture of a superman Blazer to promote school spirit.
As a coach, Kobren helped Blair to fill its trophy case by bringing his teams to many championships, including leading both the soccer and tennis teams to be state champions in 1964.
The gymnasium, named after Kobren, has handled everything from pep rallies to eggs.
The diversity panel included seventeen black students, one Asian student, and one white student that were eager to share their experiences and opinions about diversity and racism.
Junior Jessica Arce says that sometimes her classmates seem to check with other peers to see if her answers are correct.
A picture of Kobren watches over every basketball victory and loss at home on a memorial placard that resides on the scoring table.
Senior Malcolm Foley talks about encountering racism as one of the few black people in the magnet program while classmates junior Novian Haynes and senior Francesca Blume listen during the diversity panel held on Friday, Feb. 29 in the auditorium.
Junior Jessica Arce is thrown in to the air to entertain the crowd during a football game.
The cheerleaders keep Blazer pride high no matter what the scoreboard says.
The poms perform during halftime of a football game.
The poms squad puts attitude into every move they use.
Junior Alhaji Janneh pulls his opponent to the ground.
Junior Kekura Musa flips over his opponents during the county wrestling tournament.
The poms squad shows off its athleticism, coordination and flexibility all at the same time during the fall pep rally.
The cheerleaders perform a routine for their annual competition which ended up winning them first place in their division.
The cheerleaders dance during the homecoming pep rally.
Pom dancer An Tran waits on the field for the first fall pep rally to begin.
The poms squad performs during half time of the first football game of the season.
The Blair cheerleaders march in the Kensington Labor Day Parade.
The poms squad performs the Soulja Boy dance
Eight year old Taylor Forbes cheers at a Blair football game.
Described as the team's "mascot," 8-year-old Taylor Forbes cheers at a football game.
Taylor stands in the middle of the chain of varsity cheerleaders.
Taylor, in front, leads the varsity cheerleaders.
Taylor, on the right, cheers with the varsity squad.
Eight year old Taylor Forbes, at right, cheers during a football game.
Freshman Chelsea Nunez has a secret admirer!
Art teacher Janet Berry stands in front of a collection of her students' work.
Magnet teacher Patricia Miller holds a PhD in Human Genetics from the University of Michigan.
The chamber choir sings love songs to spanish teacher Dora Gonzalez as part of their singing valentine fundraiser.
Estudiante del décimo grado Adam Detzner reparte caramelos de Hershey durante el almuerzo del Día de San Valentín.
Seniors Christoff Vischner and Lizzie Horne exchange valentines and love.
Junior Gloria Reinonos holds up a present she made for her boyfriend.
Sophomores Leon Scales and Charis Hollinger have been together for a year and four months!
Freshman Christina Stiles and sophomore Trevor Fullerton show their affection for each other in the midst of Blair Boulevard.
Music teacher Dustin Doyle has performed in church gigs and weddings.
Magnet teacher Eric Walstein enjoys listening to classical music and folk music.
Sophomore Adam Detzner hands out free Hershey's kisses during lunch on Valentine's Day.
Many students of math teacher Karen Brandt find her southern accent warm and inviting.
Karen Collins has been working at Blair for 15 years.
John Templin works on his snowman.
Seniors Amanda Pesantez and Tiara Sanderson show off their love for the day of love.
Magnet teacher Robert Donaldson has now been teaching at Blair for 20 years.
ESOL teacher Ailish Zompa has helped many Blair students learn English over the past six years at Blair.
Magnet teacher MaryAnn Dvorsky has known she was destined to teach since the age of 8.
Magnet coordinator Dennis Heidler spends his free time cooking.
Social studies teacher Candace Thurman uses unique methods to keep her students' attention.
World teacher James Mogge has a very unique sense of teaching style.
Special education teacher Dianne Bisselle has a masters degree in mild to moderate disabilities in special education from John Hopkins University.
Math teacher Kathleen Robens was once a professional modern dancer and the director of a New Yok dance company.
Paris Bustillos was born in Spain and immigrated to the United States at the age of 10.
English teacher Lauren Nestuk enjoys doing holiday crafts such as cross-stitching in her free time.
Science teacher Desiree Balla has created many fun ways for her students to remember terms and processes.
History teacher David Whitacre is known for his pessimistic attitude.
Music teacher Paul Newport teaches the chamber choir a new song.
John Kaluta spends most of his time after school leading Blair's stage crew.
Music Sara Josey listens to one of her students' compositions.
Math teacher William Rose teaches his magnet analysis class.
Spanish teacher Kerri Galloway teaches the majority of the spanish 3 classes.
Social studies teacher George Vlasits recently became the head of the social studies department.
Gym teacher Brook Franceschini is also the coach of the field hockey team.
History teacher Amy Thomas inspires many of her students with her sense of humor.
Science teach Patricia Miller shows her delight about being a teacher.
Barack Obama countered many of his critics' arguments during his speech.
The crowd looks up at televisions displaying a campaign advertisement featuring different musicians singing and saying the Obama's speech with him.
Many people brought cell phones and cameras to capture the historic event.
A woman shows her support for Obama by wearing signs supporting the candidate.
Blair graduate and UMCP student Chris Wilhelm, who organized the rally, had the honor of introducing Obama.
Obama brought up lowering the cost of college multiple times to cater to the great number of University of Maryland students at his rally.
Obama spoke passionately about his campaign themes of hope and change.
Cameramen aim towards candidate Barack Obama.
Obama supporters filled up almost all of the Comcast Center at the University of Maryland, College Park.
The Obama sign was large enough that it could be seen anywhere in the Comcast Center.
Obama said that in return for receiving money for their education, college students should go out and give back to the community.
Blair students managed to win spots on the floor right in front of the podium.
Many people carried "Si Se Puede" signs, exemplifying Obama's efforts to capture the immigrant vote.
Many Blair students and teachers made appearances at the Barack Obama rally.
A man takes pride in his choice to skip work to attend the rally.
Barack Obama hired a DJ to play popular music while the crowd waited two to three hours for the presidential candidate.
Math teacher Earl Lindsey shows the face he uses to intimidate his students.
Kenneth Seat looks sharp for the camera.
Athletic director Dale Miller has now been held his position
History and media teacher Paul Irvin explain a group activity to his US history students.
Gym teacher Heather Amell sits in the dance studio waiting for her students to finish changing in to gym clothing.
Anne Wisniewski is one of only two IT systems specialists working at Blair.
English teacher Pamela Bryant now helps run a program held by the University of Maryland that is designed to teach teachers to teach.
Senior Courtney Forbes models pride to represent overcoming the temptations.
Senior Acacia Cooper counts her money to represent greed.
Senior Terrance Hamm's elegant pose gives away his identity despite his mask.
Science teacher Leslie Van smiles as her students joke about her photograph enthusiasm.
Outside of school, technology education teacher Robert Hopkins likes spending his free time in the outdoors.
Math teacher Milton Roth looks lovingly at his Algebra 2 students.
Each fashion club member struts down the runway one last time, poses, and leaves the stage. At the very end of the show senior Eric LaPrince stands at the front of the runway, poses, and declares "I'm LaPrince."
With flashing lights in the background, masked performers freeze in different positions, giving off a spooky ghost-like impression.
Academies coordinator Jennifor Kempf has collected many pins to decorate her lanyard.
Science teacher John Haigh holds up a skull during his anatomy class.
For the last act, club members sported their matching jackets with their motto "fierce mentality" on the back.
Social studies teacher Marc Grossman gives directions to one of his NSL government classes.
Sophomore Hakeema Mercucio struts her stuff down the walkway.
Science teacher Angelique Bosse laughs at one of her cellular physiology student's jokes.
Junior Hobe Richards and sophomore Hakeema Mercurius walk down the runway in unison.
Blair fashion club puts a new spin on the word ballerina.
Math teacher Maria Costello sports beads to celebrate Mardi Gras.
Models dressed as different temptations such as fatty foods and jealousy pose together.
ESOL math teacher Charles Wang helps a student to understand a math problem.
The fashion club made a short documentary about their theme for the show and motto "fierce mentality," showing clips of the making of the show and different club members.
Cindy Villavicencio explains the economical differences between the United States and poorer countries to one of her connections classes.
All the models on the stage dance around sophomore Tamara Taylor.
Senior Courtney Forbes strikes a pose that well demonstrates the fashion club's motto, "fierce mentality" during the Fashion Club's show on Friday, Feb. 8.
Senior co-captain Bereket Kebede wins his final home match on Senior Night with a second round pin. The Blazers won, 54-24 against Richard Montgomery.
Junior Ashley Arnold goes for the layup in a win against Sherwood on Monday night.
Junior Mike McClain makes his layup despite being double teamed by two Sherwood Warriors. The Blazers lost 49-47 on a last-second shot.
Freshman Janet Henkai fakes out her opponent.
After the Giants won the 42nd Annual Super Bowl on Feb. 4, 2008, many students such as junior Nick Sanchez celebrated their team's win by wearing Giants jerseys.
Senior co-captain Milt Calquehoun makes a three-pointer.
Pin-Joe Ko plays "Danse Macabre," a piano duet, with Belinda Juang (not pictured.
Soraya Chanayasubkit plays "Samkumneung" on the ranad-aek as a prelude to Act II.
Alex Bae jams in his band's rendition of "Paralyzer."
Seniors Song Fu, Jarren Zhang and Eddie Tang sing passionately about their desire to obtain straight A's.
Junior Giulian Garruba works behind the scenes to help ensure that the performance runs smoothly.
Senior Junqian Zhang strums his guitar in a performance of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers' "Snow (Hey oh)."
Junior Julie Ufford sings the oldies song "All I Have to Do is Dream."
Tina Zhang flips while holding a sword in her hand.
Seniors dance the Soulja Boy dance in celebration of being second semester seniors.
Masters of Ceremonies junior Jason Arora, senior Nilan Schnure and sophomore Scott Yu did an excellent job getting laughs from the audience through pretend rivalries and jokes.
Junior Aaron Kozloff gracefully leaps from one wall to another.
Eugene Shen jumps towards a wall with his foot positioned to give him maximum rebound off of the wall.
Ari Shapiro uses nearly every muscle in his lower leg as he attempts to jump on to the top of a higher block.
Harold Hayes Jr. uses the wall to jump over a three-foot-high rope
Junior Aaron Kozloff springs off of a wall and, for a split moment, appears to be flying through the air
Ricky Edwards jumps off of a wall after succesfully jumping on top of it.
Junior Aaron Kozloff does pull-ups in the grueling warm-up routine that is used to prevent participants from being easily injured.
Junior Aaron Kozloff gracefully leaps from one wall to another.
Junior Sierra Thomas attempts to shoot amid a slew of defending Richard Montgomery Rockets. The Blazers lost, 66-42.
Ryan Waldman
Benjamin Lee
The lines outside the financial office will be long all week as senior dues and student parking permit fees are both due by Friday.
Senior captain Bereket Kebede pins his opponent in just 14 seconds amid a 52-18 win against Watkins Mill.
Junior Miche Ulysse managed to pick up his opponent multiple times during his 10-0 win.
The Lady Blazers challenge the Rockets for a rebound.
Freshman Eric Edwards has been an active member of the Blair community. He is seen here participating in Pajama Day.
The chamber choir performed at the winter concert, entertaining the audience with French and German pieces.
The music's on at the winter concert.
Musicians and singers join forces at the winter concert.
Senior Kalisha Holmes powerfully drives towards the basket during a 52-47 win against Magruder.
Seniors Mark Goodman and Sam Ricci accompany the chorus on the guitar during the music concert on Friday, Jan. 11.
Junior Ashley Arnold goes up for a layup in Blair's win over Magruder on Friday night.
An electives fair was held during 5A and 5B lunch on Thursday, January 10, to help students choose classes for next year.
Teachers try to coax student in to choosing a math elective at the elective fair held during 5A and 5B lunch on Blair Blvd to help students choose electives to take next year.
Blair Silver Quill members explain their club to a curious shopper.
Freshman Janet Henkai wins the rebound in the midst of four Springbook players.
IntoneNation begins a song as many children gather around to listen at Blair's Barnes and Noble Fundraiser for After Prom in December
Junior Adam Jackson sings a solo during IntoneNation's performance
Principal Williams and his son come to watch Blair groups perform at the Barnes and Noble Fundraiser
All three of Blair's groups that performed, including Blair's Chamber Choir, IntoneNation, and Action Jackson and the Go-Getters
Blair's Chamber Choir listened as their singing is praised
Senior Sara Ramsay fights for the ball
Action Jackson and the Go-Getters perform at Barnes and Noble, an act that was likely very different than anything many of the patrons had ever seen
The air band, Action Jackson and the Go-Getters, perform with festive santa hats on.
The Holy Rollers perform a number for the audience.
Senior Kingsley Asare and junior Megan Ferguson work at the vault during 5B lunch.
Junior Jessica Diaz reads a poem of her own at the SGR Spectacular.
Senior Noah Robinson sings with his acoustic guitar.
The Fighting Janes perform at the Mardi Gras themed SGR Spectacular.
Senior captain Haben Ghebremeschel causes his opponent to make a face.
Senior Kalisha Holmes prepares for a lay-up.
Junior Ashley Arnold scores two points for Blair with a jump shot.
Senior Kalisha Holmes prepares for a lay-up.
Senior captain Bereket Kebede calmly looks down at his struggling opponent.
Senior Charles Chikelu manages to cover the eyes of his BCC opponent.
Senior Captain Burket Kebede flips over his opponent in a difficult maneuver.
Junior Ramita Dewan throws the ball up for a lay-up.
Junior Ashley Arnold pushes past a Kennedy player as while dribbling the ball in towards the net.
A house on Takoma Park's Maple Ave shows its support for the city's recently reaffirmed sanctuary status.
Diversity Workshop leader Senior Claire Kalala takes notes during a forum about race held by Kevin Shindel during his 8th period class.
A Blair parent looks at a list of scholarship opportunities at the Financial Aid Meeting held in the auditorium.
The cheerleaders lead the crowd in a cheer in hopes of winning the spirit award, an award that goes to the school that showed the most spirit.
Blair fans cheer on their team.
The Blair cheerleaders look on as other schools perform.
The cheerleaders execute their moves with precision during the competition. Click here to see more.
The cheerleaders pose for a picture after they have finished their performance.
Cheerleaders celebrate as they find out they won first place! Blazers also won the spirit award.
Spirit builds as the cheerleaders form a huddle.
The cheerleaders lead the fans in a cheer. This is one of the necessary components of their performance.
Junior Paige Munger battles for the ball against the Wheaton Knights.
Sophomore Rachel Mulbry traps the ball between two Wheaton Knights.
Senior co-captain Sergio Quisquinay traps the ball in a 3-0 loss to Springbrook on Sept. 27.
Varsity girls' volleyball head coach Heather Amell gives a speech about coach's award winner Olivia Bozik as Bozik and Most Improved Dorcus Olawuni listen.
Sophomore Elana Gold weaves through Wheaton defenders.
Sophomore Annie Milligan catches the ball on top of her foot as sophomore Sarah Frank looks on.
Sophomore Rachel Mulbry traps the ball between two Wheaton Knights.
Varsity girls' volleyball head coach Heather Amell gives a speech about coach's award winner Olivia Bozik as Bozik and Most Improved Dorcus Olawuni listen listen.
The SGA placed a smashed-up car in the Blair parking lot to remind students not to drink and drive.
Sophomores Jenna Bushnell, Molly Branson, and Annie Buckley all try to combine as many pieces of clothing as they can for Wacky Tacky Day.
Seniors Nazanin Yousefnijad and Katie Scott transform themselves into the people they will be in fifty years.
Senior Micheal Lindo uses only school colors for his wacky tacky outfit.
Sophomore Chloe Sheridan plays her role as a scolding old lady.
A hip-hop club member freezes mid-pose during a performance at 5b lunch. Several clubs have been performing during lunch throughout Spirit Week.
Freshman Dale Mayhew uses almost every color in the rainbow for her outfit.
Juniors Giovanna Selvaggio-Stix, Renee Pierce, and Anna Rassman and Senior Adriana Gonzalez dress up as grannies.
Senior Terrence Hamm dresses wacky tacky from head to toe.
Junior Jessica Diaz manages to look glamorous even in tacky clothing.
Seniors Sara Koivula and Nina Getachew dress as an elderly couple taking a stroll down Blair Boulevard together. Click here to see more!
Senior Jonathan Fortuna dresses as Indiana Jones.
Juniors Jessica Arce and Korie Ferguson pose as characters from Pokemon,Pikachu and Ash.
Seniors Kelly Patterson, Nanacy Pham, Angela Nguyen, Michelle Lopez, and Sophia Solomon all show their adventurous sides in different ways.
Common reasons for obligations
Juniors Greg Friedman (left) and Peter Meyers perform with their aird band at a concert held at the Electric Maid in Takoma Park on Friday, October 12. The air band, Action Jackson and the Go-Getters, performed along with two other local bands that featured Blair students.
Sophomore Parris Essouma attempts a tackle on a Magruder player.
Coming all the way from New York, the Derek James Band performed along with many other local favorites like the Fighting Janes at the Rock for Renovation on Saturday. Money was raised for the renovation of the old Silver Spring International auditorium.
Senior Captain Julie Brice hits the ball over the net.
Junior Caitlin Ludington spikes the ball as the Blazers cruise to a victory over the Northwood Gladiators Friday.
Sophomores Sierra Shepard and Angie Nunez along with Senior Julissa Rogers perform with the rest of the step team at the Ninth grade assembly on September 27th.
Sophomore Jamie Thomas sends the ball up the field.
Senior captain Sergio Quisquinay traps the ball in a 3-0 loss to Springbrook on Sept. 27.
Sophomore Julia Skolnik sets up junior Caitlin Ludington for a spike against Quince Orchard.
Takoma Park residents enjoyed a day of music, food, and clowns at the Folk Festival last weekend.
Senior Haben Ghebrenescel attempts to tackle a Gaithersburg player. The Blazers lost, 45-0.
Junior Keith Ayensu runs down the field with the ball.
Senior Dorcas Olawuni and Junior Caitlin Ludington block Quince Orchard from getting the ball over the net.
Cheerleaders perform stunts on the sidelines to pump up Blazer spirit.
Click to see more fall sports pictures.
Blair went head to head with Blake in their first football game of the season this Friday. Blazers lost 12 to 21.
Sophomore Alanna Gold leads the ball down the field against Watkins Mill in the JV Girls' first game of the season. Blazers won 7 to 0.
Juniors Molly Brune and Anna Rassman land in South Africa on June 24.
A group of children plays a pick-up soccer game in a township in Capetown.