Julia Seiger

Name: Julia Seiger
Position: Photo Editor
Graduation Year: 2009
Julia Seiger is a friend. But she is more than just a friend. Disguised under Block Island sweatshirts and sweatpants that hide her cutoffs, she is a hero to dozens of people. She is a never-nude.

Images (572)

Photo: rescue settle

By Julia Seiger | April 26, 2009, 11:55 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Juniors Tsion Gebeyehu, Joseph Arce, Yohana Merho, Mady Nadje and seniors Nahom Ghebremeschel and Cindy Ezcurra settle down as the thousands of participants begin to camp out in front of the Capitol.

Photo: rescue media

By Julia Seiger | April 26, 2009, 11:42 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The colorful banner drew attention to this videographer who came over for an interview.

Photo: rescue pictures

By Julia Seiger | April 26, 2009, 11:28 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

After checking in, marchers handed in pictures of themselves with a red circle around their face to identify themselves as an abducted participant.

Photo: rescue fist

By Julia Seiger | April 26, 2009, 11:25 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

A volunteer at The Rescue holds her fist up high, proud of the thousands of people who came to the protest.

Photo: rescue peace

By Julia Seiger | April 26, 2009, 11:21 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

As the thousands of marchers arrive, they hold their hands up in protest of child soldiers in Uganda and the United States' inaction.

Photo: rescue rope

By Julia Seiger | April 26, 2009, 11:17 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Hands clutch the coarse rope tightly as the participants soldier on.

Photo: rescue on their way

By Julia Seiger | April 26, 2009, 11:15 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Blazers joined by other marchers make their way down the National Mall to the Capitol building where many chose to "camp out" overnight.

Photo: rescue silent

By Julia Seiger | April 26, 2009, 11:11 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Participants walked in silence, representing the march that the child soldiers in Uganda are forced to take after being abducted.

Photo: rescue monument

By Julia Seiger | April 26, 2009, 11:08 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

A group of marchers walk in single file past the Washington Monument as they hold on tightly to a rope provided by the sponsors of the march.

Photo: rescue sign

By Julia Seiger | April 26, 2009, 11:06 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Students proudly hold up their hand made banner as the walk from the Elipse by the White House to the Capitol building begins.

Photo: rescue silver spring

By Julia Seiger | April 26, 2009, 11:04 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

On a blazing hot Saturday afternoon, Blazers gather at Silver Spring metro on their way to the Capitol for The Rescue.

Photo: pep pie win

By Julia Seiger | April 25, 2009, 9:08 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Joe Gilbert and Michael Funes look at each other in disbelief as junior Sizana Ezana stands up proud of his victory in the pie eating contest.

Photo: pep pie 1

By Julia Seiger | April 25, 2009, 9:06 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The junior and senior contestants of the pie eating contest shove their faces into their pies as the competition begins.

Photo: pep cheering

By Julia Seiger | April 25, 2009, 9:04 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Seniors celebrate their last pep rally as Blazers.

Photo: pep car

By Julia Seiger | April 25, 2009, 9:01 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The announcers of the pep rally make a grand entrance with their entourage.

Photo: pep cheer

By Julia Seiger | April 25, 2009, 8:59 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The powder puff cheerleaders get Blazers pumped up at the pep rally.

Photo: pep winners

By Julia Seiger | April 25, 2009, 8:57 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The winners of the three-legged race celebrate their win.

Photo: softb 4/23 pep

By Julia Seiger | April 23, 2009, 10:53 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Coach Hoelman gives the team a pep talk between innings after Walter Johnson scored points, tying the game.

Photo: softb 4/23 chloe

By Julia Seiger | April 23, 2009, 10:41 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Junior Chloe Sheridan makes a quick pass over to senior Rachel Nicholson on first base after a Walter Johnson hitter bunted the ball.

Photo: bball hukill 4/23

By Julia Seiger | April 23, 2009, 10:39 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Junior Ben Hukill keeps a close eye on the action during Blair's battle against Walter Johnson.

Photo: bball miss 4/23

By Julia Seiger | April 23, 2009, 10:34 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

A Walter Johnson hitter swings and misses after a fierce pitch from sophomore Peirce Marston.

Photo: blairfairpom

By Julia Seiger | April 18, 2009, 4:22 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

One of the many activities at Friday night's Blair Fair was the dunk tank.

Photo: poetslam2

By Julia Seiger | April 18, 2009, 4:16 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Sam Elkind took the stage several times during the poetry slam.

Photo: poetslam1

By Julia Seiger | April 18, 2009, 4:07 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Molly Barth steps up to the mic and recites an original piece she compiled from lines of a newspaper page.

Photo: blossoms 9

By Julia Seiger | April 6, 2009, 11:14 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Congestion by the Metro stations made for long, uncomfortable waits for commuters.

Photo: blossoms 8

By Julia Seiger | April 6, 2009, 11:10 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Huge crowds showed up for this year's Cherry Blossom Festival.

Photo: blossoms 7

By Julia Seiger | April 6, 2009, 11:02 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Tourists and locals could enjoy a relaxing paddle boat ride, if they were willing to wait out the huge line.

Photo: blossoms 6

By Julia Seiger | April 6, 2009, 10:56 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

An airplane makes it decent to nearby Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Virginia.

Photo: blossoms 5

By Julia Seiger | April 6, 2009, 10:51 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Families gathered by the Washington Monument during the festival to enjoy time together flying vibrant kites.

Photo: blossoms 4

By Julia Seiger | April 6, 2009, 10:45 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The cherry blossoms are in full splendor by April 5 for all to enjoy.

Photo: blossoms3

By Julia Seiger | April 6, 2009, 10:40 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The Jefferson Memorial can be seen on the other side of the Tidal Basin through fully bloomed branches of gorgeous cherry blossoms.

Photo: blossoms2

By Julia Seiger | April 6, 2009, 10:35 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Many passers-by took the time to relax and enjoy the beautiful view and weather as they took a tour around the Tidal Basin.

Photo: blossoms1

By Julia Seiger | April 6, 2009, 10:25 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The Washington Monument stands tall and proud above Washington DC during the annual Cherry Blossom Festival where hundreds of thousands of visitors come to see the beautifully flowered trees each year.

Photo: vball4/1brown

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2009, 11:18 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Junior Sibyl Brown carefully sets the ball for junior Devin Peck to launch over the net.

Photo: vball4/1peck

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2009, 11:15 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Junior Devin Peck unleashes the fury against Sherwood as he spikes the ball, gaining a point for the Blazers.

Photo: c@pmicah

By Julia Seiger | March 31, 2009, 12:58 a.m. | In ‎Latest »

Cast member Micah Saviet spreads the message of non-violence by reading an essay he wrote condemning the death penalty.

Photo: c@proxie

By Julia Seiger | March 31, 2009, 12:54 a.m. | In ‎Latest »

After being the emcee for the night, City At Peace alumna Roxie Farrow stays up a little longer to read one of her powerful poems to the audience.

Photo: c@ppeter

By Julia Seiger | March 31, 2009, 12:52 a.m. | In ‎Latest »

Blair senior Peter Myers dives into one of his many creative writing pieces.

Photo: c@pbrandon

By Julia Seiger | March 31, 2009, 12:49 a.m. | In ‎Latest »

Another cast member, Brandon Douglas, screams and shouts his message of social justice to the audience.

Photo: c@ptucker

By Julia Seiger | March 31, 2009, 12:44 a.m. | In ‎Latest »

Volunteer John Tucker stood up on stage to perform his slam poetry and promote City At Peace throughout the night.

Photo: c@psarah

By Julia Seiger | March 31, 2009, 12:40 a.m. | In ‎Latest »

Many City At Peace cast members took the initiative to get up on stage and sing, read or perform original pieces of art, including Sarah Hillware, who read an original poem for the audience.

Photo: c@prahrah

By Julia Seiger | March 31, 2009, 12:33 a.m. | In ‎Latest »

Rah-Rah Holt stands up to sing her version of "Consequence of Sounds," a song originally sung by Regina Spektor.

Photo: c@pdiaz

By Julia Seiger | March 31, 2009, 12:28 a.m. | In ‎Latest »

Blair senior and City At Peace cast member Jessica Diaz-Hurtado reads a slammin' poem.

Photo: c@pkhalid

By Julia Seiger | March 31, 2009, 12:24 a.m. | In ‎Latest »

Cast member Khalid Hinkle takes the stage as the first performer of the night.

Photo: c@pholloway

By Julia Seiger | March 31, 2009, 12:20 a.m. | In ‎Latest »

Artistic Director Sandra Holloway introduces the audience to the goals of City At Peace, hoping to help raise money for the organization.

Photo: c@pcrowd

By Julia Seiger | March 31, 2009, 12:15 a.m. | In ‎Latest »

A crowd gathers in the back room of Busboys and Poets for the beginning of the City At Peace open mic fundraiser where many audience members were encouraged to perform their art.

Photo: washpost yum

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 11:12 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

As a special surprise, CAP coordinator John Goldman took students out to lunch at the famous Ben's Chili Bowl where the scholars enjoyed a delicious meal and a relaxing afternoon.

Photo: washpost win

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 11:06 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The CAP scholars gather around the Crystal Ball award to celebrate their win.

Photo: washpost welcome

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 11:04 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The 2008 Crystal Ball champions were welcomed by this large plasma screen congratulating them for their win.

Photo: washpost conference

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 11:02 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

It may be empty now, but the conference room on the fifth floor bustles with excitement once story ideas shuffle back and forth between writers and editors.

Photo: washpost floor4

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 10:57 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Floor four of the Washington Post hosts the Style and Weekly section writers.

Photo: washpost elevator

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 10:54 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Government teacher Lansing Freeman proudly holds up the Crystal Ball for everyone to see in the crowded elevator.

Photo: washpost lobby

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 10:53 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Students eagerly await the grand tour in the lobby of the Washington Post building.

Photo: washpost vargas

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 10:46 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The last speaker of the morning was political team writer Jose Vargas who openly shared his journey to becoming a writer for the Washington Post.

Photo: washpost group

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 10:44 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The large group of CAP sophomores listen closely to a question by Journalism teacher Anne Cullen.

Photo: washpost talk

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 10:42 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

John Pomfret pays close attention to Chris Cillizza's response to a student's question about the decline in print newspaper readership.

Photo: washpost cillizza

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 10:41 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Staff member and avid blogger Chris Cillizza jokingly vents his frustrations about loosing the Crystal Ball competition.

Photo: washpost curran

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 10:35 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Writer Tim Curran answers questions from the audience of students and teachers concerning his job writing for the Washington Post.

Photo: washpost award

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 10:26 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

AP NSL Government teacher Lansing Freeman graciously accepts the Crystal Ball award on behalf of the CAP sophomores.

Photo: washpost pomfret

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 10:24 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Outlook editor John Pomfret introduces the scholars to the Washington Post and congratulates them for their win.

Photo: washpost enter

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 10:14 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Students shuffle into the Washington Post building in downtown DC.

Photo: washpost freeman

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 8:39 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Government teacher Lansing Freeman glows with excitement as he and Journalism teacher Anne Cullen escort the tenth grade CAP class to the Washington Post to accept the Crystal Ball Award.

Photo: bballrm2 3/20

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 8:36 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Seniors David Fegley and Josh Gordon stand prepared to catch any ball hit their way.

Photo: bballrm 3/20

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 8:34 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Peirce Marston pitched a fantastic game, leading the Blazers to their first win of the season.

Photo: softrm2 3/20

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 8:32 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Senior Rachel Nicholson stares down the pitcher moments before she smacked the ball into the outfield for a triple, allowing one runner to score for the Blazers.

Photo: softrm 3/20

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 8:28 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Eve Brown throws a pitch that flies past the Richard Montgomery batter.

Photo: whole foods

By Julia Seiger | March 23, 2009, 8:23 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Photo: white house 2

By Julia Seiger | March 19, 2009, 3:02 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Photo: dcstock smithsonian institute

By Julia Seiger | March 15, 2009, 10:20 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Photo: dcstock national mall

By Julia Seiger | March 15, 2009, 10:19 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Photo: dcstock supreme court

By Julia Seiger | March 15, 2009, 10:17 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Photo: dcstock lib of cong

By Julia Seiger | March 15, 2009, 10:16 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Photo: blair pair

By Julia Seiger | March 12, 2009, 7:51 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Amir and Kirstyn volunteered for Blair Pair's first date of 2009.

Photo: monuments wwii

By Julia Seiger | March 8, 2009, 5:50 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

People gaze in awe at the elaborate entrance of the World War II Memorial.

Photo: monuments wash

By Julia Seiger | March 8, 2009, 5:38 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The Washington Monument can be seen from the World War II Memorial glowing in the night sky.

Photo: monuments worldwar

By Julia Seiger | March 8, 2009, 5:33 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The World War Memorial stands tall in remembrance of the 26,000 D.C. residents who fought in World War I.

Photo: monuments jefferson

By Julia Seiger | March 8, 2009, 5:29 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Tourists and locals enjoy a warm night on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial.

Photo: monuments lincoln

By Julia Seiger | March 8, 2009, 5:27 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Abraham Lincoln sits proudly in the center of the Lincoln Memorial, looking towards the Capitol.

Photo: monuments house

By Julia Seiger | March 8, 2009, 5:26 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Crowds gather in front of the White House with hopes of getting a glimpse of President Obama.

Photo: rescue2

By Julia Seiger | March 5, 2009, 7:36 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

An Invisible Children representative answers questions after the screening.

Photo: rescue1

By Julia Seiger | March 5, 2009, 7:30 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Hundreds of students poured into the auditorium this morning to view "The Rescue of Joseph Kony's Child Soldiers."

Photo: mococrews

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2009, 10:55 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The crews eagerly await the judges' decision as host senior Peter Lansworth announces the winners.

Photo: mocomd

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2009, 10:54 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

As a special treat for the audience, the University of Maryland Dance Team performed an exciting routine.

Photo: mocofunk

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2009, 10:48 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Rockville High School's Suburban Funk boogied on down all the way to the ground.

Photo: mocorice

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2009, 10:43 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The judges and audience could not help but be wowed by the impressive display of athletic and acrobatic techniques of Richard Montgomery's dance group Rice Rockets Crew.

Photo: mocojabba

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2009, 10:35 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Blair's dance crew the Jabbawannabes channel the popular dance group from MTV's "America's Best Dance Crew" and delight the audience with their skills.

Photo: mocoajnin

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2009, 10:30 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Ajnin Precizion playfully danced its way to first place in the MOCO Dance Show.

Photo: mocoshiny

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2009, 10:22 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Blair's dance group Shinee grooves their hearts out, hoping for a trophy. The MoCo Dance Show featured dance crews from all over the county competing for the number one spot.

Photo: wrestchamps3-2/21

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 21, 2009, 8:41 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Coaches and students gather around senior Kekura Musa to celebrate his win.

Photo: wrestchamps2-2/21

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 21, 2009, 8:39 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Senior Kekura Musa fights his way to win the county championship in his weight class.

Photo: wrestchamps2/21

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 21, 2009, 8:34 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Junior Johni Meeks works hard to get out of a bind during the second round of his wrestling match.


By Julia Seiger | Feb. 17, 2009, 10:52 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

An anonymous nature-loving knitter kindly knit a warm sweater for the tree that stands beside the tables outside of Blair's cafeteria.


By Julia Seiger | Feb. 17, 2009, 10:49 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Where in Blair?


By Julia Seiger | Feb. 17, 2009, 10:48 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Last year's science classes observed the decomposition of a deceased pig. Remnants of the animal now rest beyond the football field.


By Julia Seiger | Feb. 17, 2009, 10:44 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Where in Blair?

Photo: pjtamara & geovel

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2009, 9:38 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Junior Tamara Taylor and sophomore Geocel Batista add some flavor to their pajamas with striped slippers and an adorable stuffed animal.

Photo: pjhomer

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2009, 9:32 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Homer Simpson seems to be having a grand old time as he floats around on Senior Sarah Nestor's pajama bottoms.

Photo: pjgroup

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2009, 9:30 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Juniors Sam Zucker, Carmen Smith-Estrada, Joy Turner, Tsion Gebeyehu, Jill Lidsky, and Xander Baldwin are all ready to hop into bed with their cozy sleepwear.

Photo: jslinda

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2009, 9:19 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Sock monkeys hang around all over junior Linda Farqhar's vibrant pajamas.

Photo: pjbatman

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2009, 9 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Junior Liticia Asiedu-Yirenkyi and freshman Rebecca Russi are ready to save the students of Blair from any peril while dressed in their matching Batman pajamas.

Photo: pjaaron

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2009, 8:58 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Is he really asleep? Senior Aaron Lane might as well be while dressed in his obviously comfortable footie pajamas.

Photo: pjhannahkati

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2009, 8:55 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Footie pajamas are the sleepwear of choice for juniors Kati Hague and Hannah Espo.

Photo: pjbrandon

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2009, 8:53 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Junior Brandon Jones is in the football spirit with his New York Giants pajama bottoms matched with funky slippers.

Photo: pjclaire

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2009, 8:15 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Playful penguins occupy the pajamas of freshman Claire Koenig.

Photo: obama11

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 22, 2009, 9:20 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

This man shows his support with a unique cutout of President Barack Obama as crowds rush to leave after the inauguration.

Photo: obama10

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 22, 2009, 9:18 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

More than a million people came together from all over the country to form a sea on the Mall and watch Barack Obama get sworn in as the first black President of the United States.

Photo: obama9

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 22, 2009, 9:17 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Photo: obama8

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 22, 2009, 9:14 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Before the crowds, a couple watches the sunrise as they wait to see Barack Obama become the 44th President of the United States.

Photo: obama7

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 22, 2009, 9:12 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Millions of gatherers clump together in an attempt to get out of D.C. after President Obama's inauguration.

Photo: obama6

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 22, 2009, 9:10 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

In the rush to escape the madness downtown, people neglect to throw away their trash, creating a filthy mess in an already chaotic situation.

Photo: obama5

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 22, 2009, 9:08 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

President Barack Obama presents his inaugural address to the nation as seen on a jumbotron by the Washington Monument.

Photo: obama4

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 22, 2009, 9:06 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

In the early morning of Jan. 20 - Inauguration Day - families from all over the country watch the sun rise behind the Washington Monument from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Photo: obama3

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 22, 2009, 9:03 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Over 8,000 toilets provided relief for the crowds who gathered on the National Mall.

Photo: obama2

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 22, 2009, 9 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Soldiers guard the street from traffic in the early morning of Inauguration Day. Militiamen could be seen throughout the streets of D.C. as an extra precaution to protect the close to two million people who flooded to the National Mall.

Photo: Obama1

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 22, 2009, 8:59 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Obama paraphernalia could be found all over D.C. the night before the inauguration as people from all over the country joined together to witness the historic event.


By Julia Seiger | Jan. 17, 2009, 12:35 a.m. | In ‎Latest »

Photo: spectacular anna

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Words flow smoothly from senior Anna Hadfield as she reads an original poem about the dangers of conformity.

Photo: spectacular attributes

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Attributes, sophomores Peter Leonard and Gabe Pollak, go all out as they beat their drums and pick their base, giving the audience a fast-paced music experience.

Photo: spectacular closing

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Jon Kesten and Andrew Van Haren give the audience a few last songs as everyone gets up to move to the music.

Photo: spectacular action jackson

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Action Jackson and the Go-Getters (seniors Sam Barth, Greg Friedman, Joe Gilbert, Peter Myers and Russell Ottalini) passionately perform a crowd favorite, "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey.

Photo: spectacular shoes

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

As students enter the SAC, they are greeted by a table filled with donated sneakers for Grassroot Soccer, an organization that uses soccer to teach students worldwide about AIDS.

Photo: spectacular tori

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Already a seasoned pro after bursting onto the music scene at last year's SGR Spectacular, senior Tori Heller puts the entire audience in a trance with her beautiful voice and gentle finger picking.

Photo: spectacular arm wrestling

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

During intermission, students participated in "SGaRm Wrestling" by donating a dollar to Grassroot Soccer.

Photo: spectacular canadadates

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

All eyes are on The Canadadates, a two man group featuring juniors Alex Denton and Zeke Leeds, while they play their bells and guitar.

Photo: spectacular jumi

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Lit up in blue, Jumi Bello performs a powerful poem for the audience.

Photo: bball sampson

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Leon Sampson looks for support from his teammates as the Blazers move to shoot.

Photo: spectacular abdul

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Abdul Nuriddin caresses the audience with his smooth voice and soft melodies.

Photo: spectacular those guys

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Those Guys, a group composed of juniors Paris Essoumba, Gabriel Jones, Jonathan Guzman, Philip Kavuma and Jonathan Hayes, performs at SGR Spectacular last year.

Photo: Sassy and spectacular

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Friday's SGR Spectacular featured a number of Blazer performers, including the Diva Dancers.

Photo: spectacular breaks

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Blair Breakers pop it, lock it and flip things around during their performance at this year's SGR Spectacular.

Photo: spectacular hosts

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Peter Lansworth and Carlos Arana keep the audience alert and entertained throughout the night.

Photo: bball kick

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Early in the first quarter, sophomore Josh Kickenson puts the ball in the basket for the Blazers.

Photo: gbball vs northwood 1

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 13, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Ashley Arnold puts the ball in the basket after being fouled by the Northwood defense.

Photo: gbball vs northwood 2

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 13, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Two lady Blazers rush to steal the ball from a Northwood player racing to the basket.

Photo: drunk driving (at parade)

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 25, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

At the Silver Spring Thanksgiving Day Parade last month, spectators were provided with a grim reminder of the consequences of drunk driving.

Photo: drunk driving

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 25, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Cars whiz by on University Boulevard at Colesville Road, close to where Adrian ran a red light and received a DUI.

Photo: Caffeinated and entertained

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 25, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

InToneNation was just one of the many musically talented groups at this evening's Choral and Guitar Fall Coffeehouse where a variety of performers stood up to play and sing their hearts out.

Photo: write stuff karen

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 22, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Despite its repugnant appearance, Karen Luk's eraser is not only able to rip apart and be mashed back together, but is also extremely effective.

Photo: write stuff lauren

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 22, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Lauren Krohmer's decorative pencil pouch is overflowing with spunky writing utensils.

Photo: write stuff seema

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 22, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

These colored pencil brighten junior Seema Habash's bland homework assignments with their vibrant shades.

Photo: write stuff christina

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 22, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Christina Gonzalez stuffs her notes and worksheets into her super duper Spongebob Squarepants folder.

Photo: write stuff louie

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 22, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Gym teacher and softball coach Louie Hoelman shows his "love" for pushpins and softball with this adorable heart shaped box and softball themed pencil.

Photo: write stuff linda lopez

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 22, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Linda Lopez chooses to jot down her notes in this perky pink journal.

Photo: write stuff catherine, rahel

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 22, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Catherine Coello and Rahel Worku proudly show off their funky pens.

Photo: write stuff cara

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The environment was on senior Cara Mayo's mind when she bought her environmentally friendly pen and her notebook, which is 100 percent recycled.

Photo: write stuff violet

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Violet Cavicchi gathers inspiration from these futuristic Uniball Elite multicolored pens.

Photo: write stuff tori

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Dalmatians roam the surface of senior Tori Heller's fun pencil which reconnects her with her elementary school years.

Photo: pride and prejudice

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The fall play, "Pride and Prejudice," begins this Friday.

Photo: maiking history receipts

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Receipts printed out early in the morning before voting began hung on the walls outside the auditorium to show voters that the machines were working.

Photo: making history auditorium

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sligo Creek Elementary's bright and open auditorium provided an ideal setting for voters.

Photo: making history box

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

After casting their ballots in the electronic voting machines, voters dumped their voting cards into this box and received a sticker, proudly displaying the fact that they took part in the 2008 General Election.

Photo: making history jose

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Volunteer Jose Vasquez goes over the rules for canvassers who took time out of their day to go door to door, making sure as many people as possible got out and voted in the General Election.

Photo: making history early evening

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

By 6 p.m. the initial rush of voters from the morning died down with free machines and little to no waiting time.

Photo: making history volunteers

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Volunteers Leroy Brooks, Michael Bailey and Patricia Jones oversaw voting at Sligo Creek Elementary. They also helped voters with specific problems with the electronic voting machines.

Photo: making history blazers

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A handful of Blazers, including seniors Camille Huang and Andy Scott, came out to volunteer their time to make sure that people got out and voted in this historic election.

Photo: making history check in

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Voters needed to check in before they could cast their ballots.

Photo: making history girl scouts

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Girl Scouts Margaret Plumart, Katharine Christie and Emily Daly take this opportunity to give voters delicious homemade snacks as a welcome reward for political awareness.

Photo: making history late evening

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

However, nearing the closings of polls at 8 p.m., more people came out to cast their ballots.

Photo: making history orange

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A bright sign guided voters in the right direction.

Photo: making history information

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Plenty of packets and pamphlets were readily available for anyone who needed extra information about the voting process.

Photo: making history rain

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Neither rain nor cold could keep volunteers out from canvassing neighborhoods surrounding Blair.

Photo: making history children

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Many parents brought their children to the polls, emphasizing to them the importance of getting out to vote.

Photo: kindergarten cool necklace!

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 31, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A helpful clock necklace adds something different to junior Tuyendiana Ly's getup while a cute floppy hat gives junior Hannah Espo's outfit that extra boost of adorableness.

Photo: kindergaten emmett/laura

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 31, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Pikachu, a character from the popular television series "Pokémon," zaps junior Emmett Cummings back to his kindergarten self while junior Laura Sirbu channels her childhood with a delightful Elmo t-shirt.

Photo: kindergarten cafeteria

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 31, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomores Laura Anthony and Sarah Schwartz show off their own kindergarten styles, sporting pig tails and darling ensembles.

Photo: kindergarten teddy bears

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 31, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Juniors Alaina Bricelandbetts, Gennesis Orellana, Kathleen Dacruz and Irina Somplatzki get comfort from their cuddly teddy bears.

Photo: kindergarten lilian

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 31, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Pigtails and Mickey Mouse are what define senior Lilian Mendez's kindergarten flair.

Photo: kindergarten moyatu

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 31, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Moyatu Ebba must have been the most stylish kid in her class, mixing sleek fashion with quirky accesories.

Photo: kindergarten sierra/dayzha

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 31, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Sierra Thomas and freshman Dayzha Dacosca go all out with their funky style complete with bright colors and kindergarten savvy accessories.

Photo: gsoccer 10/30

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 30, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Larisa Antonisse blazes past two Quince Orchard defenders.

Photo: kindergarten jen

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 30, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Channeling her inner child, senior Jennifer Parry takes joy in remembering her childhood.

Photo: Those were the days

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 30, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Dadee Ramos, Jocelyn Zelaya and Maria Hernandez bring back memories of recess and nap time with these perky, childish outfits on Kindergarten Day.

Photo: gsoccer2 10/30

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 30, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Jenna Williams fends off a Quince Orchard player with her agility.

Photo: dc politics ceiling

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Not only does Politics and Prose contain a huge array of books for customers to choose from, but it creates a warm atmosphere for readers to gather.

Photo: dc comet

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Comet Ping Pong and Pizza provides incredible food matched with an enjoyable experience.

Photo: dc the real morty

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Morty, owner of Morty's Delicatessen which is located on Wisconsin Avenue, stays true to his roots and greets every guest who walks through the door with a welcoming smile and a large menu.

Photo: dc cartoon morty

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The sign out front bears a striking resemblance with Morty's owner.

Photo: dc comet ping!

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

At Comet Ping Pong and Pizza located on Connecticut Avenue, customers will not only enjoy delicious pizza but they will also be able to delight in a few exciting games of ping pong while they wait for their food.

Photo: dc church

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Eldbrooke United Methodist Church located just off of Wisconsin Avenue in Tenleytown gives the area a much needed dose of the past with its beautiful rustic architecture.

Photo: dc busted couch

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A couch lies on the corner of Chesapeake and 41 St. patiently waiting for a fatigued passerby to rest on its cushions.

Photo: dc castle

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A majestic tower stands tall, gated in the middle of a local park in Northwest, DC.

Photo: dc marvelous sweets

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Marvelous Market provides District residents with a huge variety of delectable homemade treats.

Photo: dc marvelous inside

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

With bright walls and tasty treats, the Marvelous Market's small size makes it an intimate and welcoming environment for hungry citizens in the mood for a delightful snack.

Photo: fall fest chair master

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Hatzes furniture chair decorator extraordinaire gracefully hammers together this seat fit for a king.

Photo: fall fest scarecrow

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A friendly scarecrow forms animal balloons for eager children.

Photo: fall fest gymboree

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Families dance along with the Gymboree doll.

Photo: fall fest dance

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The floor was open to anyone willing to bust a move by the samba music playing by Fresh Fields.

Photo: fall fest singing apocalypse

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A singer promoting Family Radio encourages passersby to listen to his songs and take one of his pamphlets.

Photo: fall fest yelena pumpkin

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Yelena Johnson sells elegantly arranged pumpkins for the Montgomery Blair Katrina Project.

Photo: fall fest nelly's echo

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Nelly's Echo performs a wonderful set list including a cover of Jazon Mraz's "I'm Yours."

Photo: fall fest pretty pumpkin

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Children had the chance to bedazzle their pumpkins at the Create Arts Center booth during the festival.

Photo: fall fest pumpkin golf

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

One of the many activities for children during this year's Fall Festival in Downtown Silver Spring included pumpkin golfing where kids were free to swing away at miniature pumpkins.

Photo: bsoccer 10-17

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 17, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Zander Baldwin flies past a Wheaton player who tripped and fell on his way to the ball.

Photo: boys soccer 10-17

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 17, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A Wheaton player watches as freshman Jorge Pacheco skillfully traps the ball.

Photo: fockey senior night 10-15

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 15, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Julia Stratton slyly sweeps the ball from a Northwood defender.

Photo: fockey senior night 2 10-15

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 15, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Jenna Craver swiftly moves towards the goal on her way to scoring against Norhtwood.

Photo: Teaming up against prejudice

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 13, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Justine Garrin, sophomore Drea Flipse, junior Ben Molina, junior Tina Pereira and sophomores Leah Gibbons, Jeannie Quin, Sarah Botzer and Juan Acevedo team up to raise awareness about Ally Week among Blazers passing by the SAC during lunch.

Photo: Learning and earning

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 8, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sponsor Laura Rothlisberger explains the Service-Learning Program to senior Samantha Varmer. This program gives opportunities to students to earn their student service learning hours through their participation in a wide array of activities.

Photo: boys 2 soccer 9/24

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 24, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A Magruder player stumbles after junior Zander Baldwin steals the ball.

Photo: boys soccer 9/24

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 24, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior captain Mike McClain jumps the extra mile to get the ball from the Magruder offense.

Photo: mchsd elrich

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Council member Marc Elrich talks about his experience in the Takoma Park City Council.

Photo: mchsd lenett

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senator Mark Lenett of District 19 inspires the audience to get involved in their community.

Photo: mchsd floreen

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Council member Nancy Floreen shares her wisdom with the students who came to the kickoff.

Photo: mchsd food

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A delicious display of food was available for all who attended the Montgomery County High School Democrats' kickoff event on Saturday.

Photo: mchsd forehand

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Students listen to Senator Jennie Forehand as she explains how she was launched into her career in politics.

Photo: mchsd bellidia

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Elly Shaw- Bellidia, leader of "Montgomery County for Obama," enthusiastically invites the audience to do their part to ensure that Senator Barack Obama is elected president in the upcoming election.

Photo: mchsd extra food

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Extra food for the event is stealthily hidden behind tables.

Photo: mchsd ervin

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Students and speakers listen to council member Valerie Ervin's advice about becoming an active member in local politics.

Photo: mchsd audience

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Council members Valerie Ervin and Nancy Floreen sit with Blair senior Melanie Snail and government teacher Lansing Freeman as they listen to the speakers.

Photo: mchsd krasniewski

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

MCHSD co-President Edward Krasniewski, a senior at Northwest High School, welcomes everyone to the kickoff.

Photo: vball 9/19

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Caitlin Ludington and junior Julia Skolnik team up to defend against a spike from the Springbrook offense.

Photo: jazz madden

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair librarian Susan Madden was full of glee as she volunteered for this year's Jazz Festival.

Photo: jazz nine news

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Nine News Now anchor Leslie Foster helped introduce the performers throughout the event.

Photo: jazz sammbaia drums

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Samambaia drummer Alejandro Lucini enjoys his time on stage, keeping the rhythm for the other members of the band.

Photo: jazz mingus piano

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Mingus Big Band's pianist plays under bright lights and in the intense heat for the crowd.

Photo: jazz yaron elyashiv

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Jazz saxophonist Yaron Elyashiv feels the music he plays so passionately for the crowd at the Silver Spring Jazz Festival on Saturday.

Photo: jazz tents

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

It is an organized chaos behind the tents as people work to promote their organizations to the hundreds of fans who came out for this year's Jazz Festival.

Photo: jazz marucs fans

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Marcus Johnson mingles with a couple of fans before his performance at this year's Jazz Festival.

Photo: jazz couple dance

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A couple takes a moment to dance together as they enjoy the smooth rhythms of Samambaia.

Photo: jazz marcus

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Jazz keyboardist Marcus Johnson, whose record label's headquarters is located in downtown Silver Spring, wows the crowd with his music.

Photo: jazz saxophones

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Saxophonists of the Marcus Johnson Project join together to create passionate grooves.

Photo: jazz katrina project

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Korie Ferguson, Eleri Syverson, Samantha Varmer, Tamra Castro and Jessica Arce set up a tent at this year's Jazz Festival to raise money for the Montgomery Blair Katrina Project, which organized a 5K run on Aug. 31 of this year.

Photo: jazz cello

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Yaron Elyashiv's base player backs Elyashiv's sounds with deep melodies.

Photo: jazz news coverage

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Many photographers and videographers came to cover the Jazz Festival for local television channels and newspapers.

Photo: jazz gail shipp

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Washingtonian Gail Shipp lights up the stage during her first ever appearance at the Jazz Festival.

Photo: jazz wheel

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A young girl spins the prize wheel at the Montgomery Blair Katrina Project tent, hoping for a good outcome.

Photo: jazz fest marcus johnson pom

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 13, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair alumnus Marcus Johnson plays a few smooth tunes for the audience at this year's Silver Spring Jazz Festival, which included four other bands who performed for the crowd.

Photo: boys soccer 9/10 2

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 10, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Otis Banwell is a blur of speed on the field as he attacks the ball to shoot against the Richard Montgomery defense.

Photo: boys soccer 9/10

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 10, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Mike McClain and junior Erik Opsahl double team a Richard Montgomery player, successfully gaining possession of the ball.

Photo: concert wheel

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A young girl eagerly waits to see what she has won after spinning the prize wheel.

Photo: concert shansby!

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Teacher Lansing Freeman protects Blair alumnus Eric Shansby from the rain while they both listen to the concert.

Photo: concert face paint

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Aditi Kaji paints an intricate design onto Blair graduate Tyler Kelly's face during the benefit concert.

Photo: concert skate

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Skateboarders enjoy the music as they show off their skills.

Photo: concert raffle

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Winners of one of the ticket raffles proudly hold up their prize: a gift certificate to the restaurant Eggspectations.

Photo: concert marked man

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Samantha Varmer welcomes the surprise visit of Marked Man during the concert.

Photo: concert umbrella

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Neither heat nor rain could stop these spectators from staying at the concert.

Photo: concert fans

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Fans of great music and supporters of the School Girls Unite organization come together and listen to the performers.

Photo: concert color blind

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Many bands, including the Color Blind Society, performed in support of the School Girls Unite program which advocates free education for every girl in the world.

Photo: concert tori! news

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Tori Heller wows the crowd with a few songs from her first album "A Blue-Eyed Sea."

Photo: concert vanhollen

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Congressman Chris Van Hollen spoke at Friday's benefit concert for School Girls Unite. By the end of the evening, the organization made nearly $3,000.

Photo: concert tori

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Fans enjoy the soft melodies of senior Tori Heller.

Photo: labyrinth

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The memorial service for Leslie "Les" Rogers will take place at the labyrinth he helped construct.

Photo: cardin parade

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 2, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

El Senador Ben Cardin estuvo en el desfile del Día del Trabajo en Georgetown con el apoyo de cientos de lugareños.

Photo: Labor Day Parade

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senator Ben Cardin appeared in the Georgetown Labor Day Parade with the support of hundreds of locals.

Photo: runovation tatoos

By Julia Seiger | Aug. 22, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Montgomery Blair Katrina Project raised money for the Runovation by applying temporary tatoos for donations.

Photo: An ultimate end to summer

By Julia Seiger | Aug. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Tuesday, hundreds of people gathered to see "The Bourne Ultimatum" at Comcast's annual free movie festival at the Mansion at Strathmore. Blazers can enjoy free outdoor movies until Aug. 24.

Photo: 'Fun'raising for Katrina victims

By Julia Seiger | July 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Downtown Silver Spring held an "All Star Block Party" on July 4 where families could enjoy fun activities and good food. Senior Peter Myers and his peers took this opportunity to hold a fundraiser for victims of Hurricane Katrina, offering temporary tattoos for donations.

Photo: summer 44

By Julia Seiger | June 10, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

El Miércoles, los estudiantes celebraron el fín del año escolar pintando la palabra "Goodbye" (Adios) con tiza en el pavimento afuera de Blair.

Photo: summer picnic

By Julia Seiger | June 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Cara Mayo takes the last bit of cake during a picnic she and her friends held during 5a and 5b lunches on Wednesday.

Photo: summer butterfly

By Julia Seiger | June 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A beautiful white butterfly takes a rest on an ugly patch of mud on the field behind Blair.

Photo: summer frisbee

By Julia Seiger | June 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Rachel Mulbry enjoys some fun in the sun by playing frisbee outside with her friends.

Photo: summer dead flowers

By Julia Seiger | June 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

These flowers, which were in full bloom during the spring, are now dead and lifeless at the start of summer.

Photo: summer lacrosse

By Julia Seiger | June 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The only reminder of the Spring sports season is this pair of lacrosse goals, left on the field behind Blair.

Photo: summer hello

By Julia Seiger | June 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

One student celebrates the beginning of Summer with this colorful chalk drawing.

Photo: Hello Summer!

By Julia Seiger | June 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

On Wednesday, students celebrated the end of the school year by coloring the word "Goodbye" with chalk on the sidewalk outside of Blair.

Photo: summer flowers

By Julia Seiger | June 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

But not to fear, for new flowers have appeared.

Photo: summer twister

By Julia Seiger | June 6, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

On the last day of school before exams, these students chose to relax and have fun by playing Twister in the shade.

Photo: intone annie

By Julia Seiger | May 26, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Annie Ropeik passionately sings the words of Billy Joel in her rendition of "For the Longest Time."

Photo: intone bow

By Julia Seiger | May 26, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

InToneNation bows as the crowd cheers after a fantastic performance.

Photo: intone tiger

By Julia Seiger | May 26, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior musical director Corinne Ducey leads InToneNation in Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger."

Photo: intone audience

By Julia Seiger | May 26, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Proud parents and entertained students applaud InToneNation for their wonderful performance during their first concert.

Photo: intone stacy

By Julia Seiger | May 26, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Daniel Woolson ends his version of Fountain of Wayne's "Stacy's Mom" satisfied with his lively performance.

Photo: itnone blur

By Julia Seiger | May 26, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

InToneNation singers show their excitement and enthusiasm as they sing background to "Stacy's Mom."

Photo: intone adam

By Julia Seiger | May 26, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Adam Carey belts Lyle Lovett's "She's No Lady" in a May concert with InToneNation.

Photo: intone program

By Julia Seiger | May 26, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A tuner and the program for the first performance on May 9 lay on a music stand during intermission.

Photo: intone tina

By Julia Seiger | May 26, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Cristina Munoz-Pandya is a material girl living in a material world, at least for as long as she sings Madonna's "Material Girl."

Photo: intone corinne

By Julia Seiger | May 26, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Corinne Ducey introduces herself to the audience during InToneNation's second and last performance of the year held on May 23.

Photo: intone julie solo

By Julia Seiger | May 26, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Julie Ufford sings her lovely rendition of Malcolm Daglish's "To The Holy Spirit."

Photo: itnone guy love

By Julia Seiger | May 26, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The men of InToneNation celebrate after their endearing performance of "Guy Love," a song originally from the television series "Scrubs."

Photo: intone crowd

By Julia Seiger | May 23, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair's a capella group, InToneNation, serenaded a vast audience during its spring concerts on May 9 and 23.

Photo: intone three lovett

By Julia Seiger | May 23, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

From left, sophomores Cristina Munoz-Pandya and Jeremy Potterfield, and senior Annie Ropeik harmonize to Lyle Lovett's "She's No Lady," which features a solo from junior Adam Carey.

Photo: intone legs

By Julia Seiger | May 23, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

InToneNation members are not only talented vocalists, but fashionable as well, with these kooky striped leggings, cool plaid ballet flats and shiny silver shoes.

Photo: Vocal Geniuses

By Julia Seiger | May 23, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

InToneNation members senior Annie Ropeik and junior Corinne Ducey sing their a capella rendition of Ani Difranco's "Both Hands" during their last concert of the year on Friday.

Photo: InToneNation sensation!

By Julia Seiger | May 9, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair's a cappella group kept perfect pitch Friday night when they performed for Blair students and parents.

Photo: fierce watkins

By Julia Seiger | May 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Watkins Mill competed in the fashion battle with a "Chicago" theme based off of the musical. They finished in second place.

Photo: A close call

By Julia Seiger | May 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Neil Corran watches on deck as senior Ruben Aguirre narrowly avoids a wild pitch by the Whitman pitcher.

Photo: fierce magruder

By Julia Seiger | May 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Magruder High School chose a science theme where the models were all robot slaves to fashion. They finished in third place.

Photo: softball rachel 5/2

By Julia Seiger | May 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Rachel Nicholson bunts the ball and moves sophomore Jan Nguyen on to second base.

Photo: softball cheers 5/2

By Julia Seiger | May 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The cheerleading squad came out for Blair's last home game. Blair was able to clinch the win against Whitman 3-2.

Photo: softball oops 5/2

By Julia Seiger | May 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A Whitman batter watches the ball glide through the strike zone, thrown by freshman Eve Brown.

Photo: baseball pep 5/2

By Julia Seiger | May 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Coach John MacDonald gives the Blazers a pep talk in between innings.

Photo: fierce michael

By Julia Seiger | May 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

On Friday, Blair defeated Magruder and Watkins Mill in a fierce fashion battle. Here, Senior Michael Leonard poses at the front of the stage.

Photo: fierce Acacia

By Julia Seiger | May 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Acacia Cooper's beautiful white dress stands out on the dark stage.

Photo: fierce Angela

By Julia Seiger | May 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Angela Nunez-Monfort played the role of the "prized printed puppy" with this creative black and white outfit.

Photo: fierce eric

By Julia Seiger | May 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Eric LaPrince looks confident and dashing in his white guise.

Photo: fierce terrance-meeko

By Julia Seiger | May 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Meeko Nixon and senior Terrance Hamm make fierce poses after Blair was announced the winner of the fashion battle.

Photo: fierce mutiny

By Julia Seiger | May 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The puppies band together to rise up against the evil Cruella DeVil.

Photo: fierce victory

By Julia Seiger | May 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The fashion club celebrates with the crowd after the judges announce their victory over Magruder and Watkins Mill.

Photo: fierce finale

By Julia Seiger | May 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

At the end of their award-winning performance, Fierce Mentality poses for a dramatic finale.

Photo: fierce three

By Julia Seiger | May 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair's theme for the battle was "101 dalmatians." Here pose the white puppies, known for their elegance and sophistication. Cruella plans to take these couture characteristics to create a "winter white" collection.

Photo: fierce puppies

By Julia Seiger | May 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The black puppies, shown here, were characterized by their dramatic flair and over-the-top attitudes and Cruella planned to take this dramatic edginess and turn it into a summer collection.

Photo: fierce henchmen

By Julia Seiger | May 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Bereket Kebede and Girard Boulware act as senior captain Courtey Forbes's henchmen to her Cruella DeVil.

Photo: fierce Hawa

By Julia Seiger | May 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Hawa Jah dresses as a printed puppy who Cruella plans to turn into her spring/fall line where "couture meets edge."

Photo: Senior night satisfaction

By Julia Seiger | May 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Eve Kenney makes a base hit on senior night to load the bases for Blair. The Blazers were able to come back from a 5-0 deficit to win 8-5 against Northwest.

Photo: doodle lily

By Julia Seiger | May 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Lily Felsenthal studies her Health notes which are colorfully decorated.

Photo: softball cheer 5/1

By Julia Seiger | May 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Blazers cheer on their teammates with enthusiasm on senior night.

Photo: doodle joe

By Julia Seiger | May 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Joseph Rosen sketches and writes slam poetry in his notebook while simultaneously taking notes in class.

Photo: softball xenia! 5/1

By Julia Seiger | May 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Players congratulate junior Xenia Oroxom for her massive hit, which allowed three Blazers to score and gave Blair its first lead of the game.

Photo: doodle rebecca

By Julia Seiger | May 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Rebecca Novello doodles a variety of subjects ranging from the television show "Pinky and the Brain" to Lord Voldemort, a character from the popular book and movie series "Harry Potter."

Photo: doodle rachel

By Julia Seiger | May 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Enchanting vines and quirky characters fill sophomore Rachel Mulbry's math packet.

Photo: doodle margaret

By Julia Seiger | May 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Margaret Renninger embellishes her otherwise mundane notes.

Photo: doodle melissa

By Julia Seiger | May 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Yes, this is a drawing and not a computer print-out. Junior Melissa Mergner did indeed draw this herself and works here on the finishing touches during her guided research class.

Photo: doodles tara

By Julia Seiger | April 30, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Tara Schiraldi created this geometric masterpiece during her French class after dutifully writing the homework on the opposite page.

Photo: doodle tori

By Julia Seiger | April 30, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Tori Heller breaks the monotony of math class by embellishing her notes with kooky lettering.

Photo: tennis 4/30

By Julia Seiger | April 30, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Juniors Henry Zhang and Kerry Cheng work hard to fight off the Springbrook doubles team.

Photo: doodle trench tim

By Julia Seiger | April 30, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

In his history class, junior Tim Nguyen-Gia learns about the difficulties of trench warfare and doodles a depiction of himself after being stuck in a trench during World War 1.

Photo: doodle karen

By Julia Seiger | April 30, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

History class is no match for junior Karen Luk's creativity as she works on a new intricate design to add to her collection.

Photo: Vote or die

By Julia Seiger | April 29, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Today during English classes, students took time out of their day to vote for their favorite SMOB candidate.

Photo: fantegrossi

By Julia Seiger | April 28, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Math teacher David Fantegrossi, who co-sponsors the It's Academic team, was proud of the students' results in the KMO, but believed that the team can perform better.

Photo: Mike Mozer

By Julia Seiger | April 22, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: pep pep gymnastics

By Julia Seiger | April 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Abigail Cember performs difficult acrobatic moves along with her gymnastics teammates during the pep rally held last Friday.

Photo: pep pep blume

By Julia Seiger | April 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Francesca Blume tries to rile up the crowd during the pep rally held last Friday.

Photo: pep pep jacob

By Julia Seiger | April 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The powder puff cheerleading crew catches Junior Jacob Hershman after launching him into the air during the powder puff game.

Photo: pep pep powder puff

By Julia Seiger | April 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Members of the powder puff cheerleading squad flash their class signs to show off their class pride.

Photo: pep pep seniors

By Julia Seiger | April 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors proudly display a large banner notifying the student body of how many days are left in their school year.

Photo: pep pep baseball

By Julia Seiger | April 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The varsity baseball team sings their rendition of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" for the crowd.

Photo: pep pep gabe

By Julia Seiger | April 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Gabe Pollak, along with the other 50 members of the track team, do the "Apache" dance for the crowd.

Photo: Pep rally pride

By Julia Seiger | April 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Miche Ulysse shows off his class pride as a member of the powder puff team during the pep rally held last Friday.

Photo: pep pep softball

By Julia Seiger | April 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The varsity softball team circle around the three captains in the center of the field.

Photo: pep pep tennis

By Julia Seiger | April 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The boy's tennis team cheers in the middle of the field during the pep rally.

Photo: pep pep jv b lacrosse

By Julia Seiger | April 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The boys junior varsity lacrosse team excites the crowd by throwing a teammate into the air.

Photo: lacrosse jaime 4/18

By Julia Seiger | April 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Blazer offense tries to regain possession after knocking the ball out of a Sherwood player's stick. Unfortunately, the Blazers were unable to hang on and lost the game 12-5.

Photo: lacrosse mike 4/18

By Julia Seiger | April 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Michael Mozer skillfully handles the ball during Blair's game against Sherwood.

Photo: Fast and accurate

By Julia Seiger | April 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Eve Brown starts for the Blair varsity softball team who played against Sherwood.

Photo: baseball josh 4/18

By Julia Seiger | April 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Josh Gordon leads the varsity offense against Sherwood.

Photo: softball 2 4/18

By Julia Seiger | April 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Blake Morgan-Gamber makes a base hit for Blair. This, however, was not enough for the lady Blazers who lost to Sherwood 11-0.

Photo: baseball brady 4/18

By Julia Seiger | April 18, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Brady Ettinger fields a ball, preparing to tag the approaching Sherwood base runner.

Photo: stereo Sibyl

By Julia Seiger | April 16, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Nerds are a well known high school stereotype, as demonstrated by sophomore Sibyl Brown.

Photo: stereo Lauren

By Julia Seiger | April 16, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Lauren Krohmer channels her inner nerd with this geeky outfit.

Photo: Nerd alert!

By Julia Seiger | April 16, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Billy Griffis, dressed as a nerd, better watch out for junior jock Ross Mcclay.

Photo: stereo Jewel

By Julia Seiger | April 16, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Jewel Galbraith looks ready for an afternoon at the country club in this prep getup.

Photo: stereo orioles

By Julia Seiger | April 16, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Sam Edelman and sophomore Casey Goldvale unite geeks and goths to create a powerful high school stereotype duo.

Photo: stereo Elizabeth

By Julia Seiger | April 16, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Dressed all in black, freshman Elizabeth Spilsbury looks glum as a goth.

Photo: Base hits for Blazers

By Julia Seiger | April 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Roxanne Oroxom makes a base hit and gets a Blazer to score a point for Blair.

Photo: tennis Hsu 4/14

By Julia Seiger | April 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior captain Michael Hsu returns the ball from the opposing player.

Photo: One more for Blair

By Julia Seiger | April 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Dukyoung Park swiftly moves towards the ball to score a point against Whitman.

Photo: Softball Eve 4/14

By Julia Seiger | April 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Eve Brown throws a speedy pitch while the second baseman braces herself for a hit.

Photo: give back 8

By Julia Seiger | April 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Hundreds of Blazers came out during 5a and 5b lunches in support of the walk for the homeless.

Photo: Blood and glory

By Julia Seiger | April 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Ben Simon receives this snazzy t-shirt after giving blood during 7th period on Friday.

Photo: give back 6

By Julia Seiger | April 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Allison Arlotta is one of many Blazers who signed up for the Walk for the Homeless.

Photo: give back 9

By Julia Seiger | April 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

SGR sponsor George Vlasits stands by and watches the action on the the track unfold.

Photo: give back 7

By Julia Seiger | April 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

During the walk, SGR collected donations from students and teachers that filled this envelope.

Photo: give back 1

By Julia Seiger | April 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Students take time out of their day to give blood in the wrestling room.

Photo: give back 5

By Julia Seiger | April 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Wendy Campos gives a smile of relief and gratification after giving blood.

Photo: give back 2

By Julia Seiger | April 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Sydney Smith does her best to relax as she has blood drawn for the blood drive.

Photo: give back 10

By Julia Seiger | April 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Jan Nguyen takes this opportunity to multi-task and do her math homework as she walks the track.

Photo: give back 4

By Julia Seiger | April 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

After giving blood, students like senior Liz Shapiro receive sweets to help regain their energy.

Photo: give back 3

By Julia Seiger | April 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Giving blood excites the heck out of senior Molly Martinez.

Photo: walk pom

By Julia Seiger | April 10, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Students came out Thursday during both 5a and 5b lunches to help raise money during the walk for the homeless sponsored by SGR.

Photo: volleyball 4/7

By Julia Seiger | April 7, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Ignacio "Nacho" Gaete spikes the ball over the heads of two defenders from Watkins Mill.

Photo: sos weeds

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A a small field of flowers grows above the lacrosse field behind Blair.

Photo: sos nest

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A bird's nest lies securely in between branches of a tree preparing to bloom.

Photo: sos london 2

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Flowers begin to creep out of the ground in front of the Tower of London, a hopeful sign for warm weather.

Photo: sos sports

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Signs of spring sports lie on every field, like these leftovers from softball practice.

Photo: sos buds

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Flower buds prepare to bloom on a tree in Blair's front yard.

Photo: sos flower

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Recent warm wet weather has helped these flowers bloom to their full potential in front of Blair.

Photo: sos puddle

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Let us hope that April showers really do bring May flowers as April has gotten off to a wet start.

Photo: sos tree row

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A row of cherry blossom trees inhabits the soil across the street from Blair.

Photo: sos london 1

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

In St. James Park in London, England, tourists enjoy the flowers in full bloom.

Photo: sos cleat

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Cleat marks cover the lacrosse and softball fields - a sure sign that spring has begun.

Photo: sos cherry blosoms

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

For many, cherry blossoms signify the beginning of spring.

Photo: sos brick flower

By Julia Seiger | April 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A single cherry blossom lies on the ground after a rain shower.

Photo: st patty loren

By Julia Seiger | March 17, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Loren Lane chose to wear this green leprechaun hat to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

Photo: st patty katie & mike

By Julia Seiger | March 17, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Katie Scott sports a green Ohio sweatshirt and a festive necklace from last year's celebration while senior Mike Curl rocks a green leprechaun hat and a unique pair of Nike shoes.

Photo: st patty fus

By Julia Seiger | March 17, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Attendance secretary Roxanne Fus gets in spirit with her decorative office and green clothing.

Photo: st patty corinne

By Julia Seiger | March 17, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Corinne Ducey celebrates her Irish heritage with these festive sunglasses and a bright green t-shirt.

Photo: St. Patrick's spirit

By Julia Seiger | March 17, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

You should kiss freshman Jasmine Cruz, even though she's not Irish.

Photo: sergioBSA

By Julia Seiger | March 15, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Sergio Quisquinay takes the ball upfield in a varsity boys' soccer game against Walter Johnson this fall. Quisquinay also plays competitively in the BSA soccer league in the spring.

Photo: behind play pit

By Julia Seiger | March 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The pit orchestra practices their scales, minutes before the curtain opens for Blair's production of "Beauty and the Beast."

Photo: behind play makeup

By Julia Seiger | March 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Allie Berger puts on her lipstick 10 minutes before Blair's first performance of "Beauty and the Beast," for Pinecrest Elementary School students.

Photo: behind play closet

By Julia Seiger | March 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Members of stage crew for "Beauty and the Beast" quickly grab supplies for last minute setup before the performance.

Photo: behind play stage

By Julia Seiger | March 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

This passageway under the castle set allows actors and stage crew members to easily travel across the stage during a performance.

Photo: behind play sweep

By Julia Seiger | March 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A member of stage crew sweeps the stage while members of the pit orchestra get ready for their performance for elementary school students.

Photo: ssp track

By Julia Seiger | March 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The abundant number of track members warm up with a mile run.

Photo: ssp btennis

By Julia Seiger | March 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

This Blazer is just one of many who is trying out for Blair's boys tennis team.

Photo: Celebrating Seuss

By Julia Seiger | March 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Media center specialists E Payne Madden and Ilene Catzva celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday on Monday (his birthday was Sunday) with these playful hats.

Photo: ssp softball

By Julia Seiger | March 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Lady Blazers practice throwing softballs to each other in the hopes of making the varsity softball team.

Photo: DeStefano the teacher

By Julia Seiger | March 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Mark DeStefano with a student in his 10th grade English class.

Photo: food mel

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Melanie Snail takes a minute to relish the deliciousness of her black olive pizza slice.

Photo: food woah

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Max Romanoff and seniors Keisha Carr, Tina Zhang, Romero Royster and Michael Yamamoto pig out on a plethora of food choices.

Photo: food sam

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Samantha Varmer can't wait to take a big bite out of this avocado and garlic bagel sandwich.

Photo: food jing

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Diana Jing makes the healthy choice and eats a salad with chicken strips, lettuce and feta cheese.

Photo: food jerk

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Can I get some jerk with that turkey? Sophomore Joe Hammer can in this "Turkey Jerky" bag he brings for lunch.

Photo: food sonya

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

This whole orange bell pepper is no match for junior Sonya Kaufman's appetite.

Photo: food karen

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

For lunch, junior Karin Luk doesn't settle for the typical sandwich. Instead, she savors her fried rice with peanuts and big-head vegetables.

Photo: food roger

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Roger Curley won't leave these containers of rice and chicken with vegetables full for long.

Photo: food free

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Teacher Lansing Freeman is dying to take a sip of his Campbell's Select soup fresh out of the microwave.

Photo: food claire

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 27, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Claire Teitelbaum enjoys pizza with unusual toppings, like pieces of potato.

Photo: BP amish

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Michelyn Bouknight encompasses the early 1900s in her plain t-shirt and suspenders.

Photo: BP mod

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 21, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Luaren Teixeira channels Twiggy's mod fashion sense from the 1960s.

Photo: SI gryme

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshmen Sree Sinha and Sarah Schwartz team up to fight lack of knowledge as Power Enzyme and Grammar Girl.

Photo: SI tran$former

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Joe Hammer comes prepared to fight as transformer Optimus Prime. Hammer was one of the winners for today's SGA spirit contest.

Photo: SI hotrod

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Gabe Pollak has no fear dressed as Rod Kimble from the movie "Hot Rod."

Photo: SI wonder

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Jesicca Miller comes to school prepared with baked goods as Wonder Housewife.

Photo: SI spy

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshmen Tasmin Swanson, Casey Goldvale and Elizabeth Spilsbury are not easily recognized in these clever disguises.

Photo: SI carmen!

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Where in the world is senior Tara Schiraldi? Here she is on Blair Boulevard dressed as Carmen Sandiego.

Photo: SI muffin

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshmen Adam Auerbach, Sam Eldelman, Peter Leonard and Andrew Lichter can bake up a storm dressed as muffin men.

Photo: SI super2

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Theresa Regan will have no problem defeating villains in this original superhero outfit.

Photo: SI super

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's freshman Leah Ragen ready to save the world, in her superhero getup.

Photo: pj three

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Briana Taylor and sophomores Ani Nzesi and Ima Nzesi look fly in their slumber party clothes.

Photo: pj brick

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Courtney Snares, junior Jenna Craver and freshman Michael Dalbello are ready to fall asleep in their pajamas.

Photo: pj big group

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshmen Laura Anthony, Sree Sinha, Jialin Quinlan, Casey Goldvale, Sarah Scwartz and Katie Ta came to school ready for a slumber party.

Photo: The cat's pajamas

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Angela Nunez slips into school with her Garfield foot gear.

Photo: pj yellow

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomores Brittany Reyes and Nicolette Harley are ready to call it a day, looking sleepy in their pajamas.

Photo: pj day pom span

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Estudiante del décimo grado Angela Nuñez pasa todo el día con sus zapatillas de Garfield para el día de pijama.

Photo: pj purple

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomores Michelyn Bouknight and Max Pollaco feel peaceful in their pjs.

Photo: pj eh?

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshmen Lyndsay Rini and Maia Barnes have everything they need for a slumber party, eh.

Photo: pjlily

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 19, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Lily Ross likes to relax in these pink pajamas.

Photo: vday 13g

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 14, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Christoff Visscher lovingly gives a flower to junior Melanie Snail.

Photo: snow watch

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 13, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

La precipitación y temperaturas bajas de los últimos días crearon condiciones peligrosas para conductores de MCPS.

Photo: kooky poster

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 13, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

CAP students can see what their CAP teachers looked like as sophomores on this poster in room 158.

Photo: Snow day

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 13, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Snow and hearts are in the air/Oh MCPS don't you dare/Make us to go school. Remember: we're journalists, not poets.

Photo: votestory4

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

These receipts prove that the voting machines had no previous information on them prior to when voters came in.

Photo: merch2

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Noel Stewart and sophomore Ani Nzesi display their matching Betty Boop purses.

Photo: votestory3

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Local citizens cast their votes for the Democratic presidential nominee on electronic voting machines.

Photo: merch4

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Tim Nguyen-Gia prefers less flashy clothing with his plain white Hilfiger t-shirt.

Photo: vote6

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

This man has finished casting his votes for the democratic presidential nomination and democratic delegates and places his voting card in the results box.

Photo: merch5

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Sam Edelman shows his team pride with this Orioles jacket.

Photo: vote4

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

After casting their votes, voters received these stickers.

Photo: merch1

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomores Tasnia Habib and Alex Joseph show their love for Eeyore and Pink Floyd with these playful tops.

Photo: ice watch

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

As the icicles on this plant - a species native to the Silver Spring area - so clearly and scientifically show, the ice is far too severe for an on-time opening.

Photo: merch6

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Hollister is a popular clothing brand worn by many Blazers as seen here with Freshmen Kadidja Macina and Natalie Moore.

Photo: merch10

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Eric LaPrince, Meron Kassahun and Michael Leonard strike a pose with their Puma bags.

Photo: vote2

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Once, people finished voting, they place their voting card into the results box.

Photo: vote5

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Voters could get any information they needed about the voting process from these pamphlets and packets.

Photo: merch 8

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Alessandra Mantovani sports her Hello Kitty sweater.

Photo: merch3

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Blue Man Group is one of junior Joe Rosen's favorite performance groups to see in New York.

Photo: merch 7

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Walter Romero is super cool in his Superman sweatshirt.

Photo: vote7

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

"Vote Aqui" is the only sign that stands outside of Sligo Creek Elementary School, where people from precinct 13-50 could come vote for their choice for the presidential nomination.

Photo: vote1

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Locals used electronic machines to cast their votes for the democratic primary elections held on Tuesday.

Photo: vote3

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A volunteer at Sligo Creek Elementary patiently waits for voters.

Photo: merch 11

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshmen Lisa Chase and Tanesha Jones get in touch with their inner child with their Elmo and Dora the Explorer backpacks.

Photo: votestory

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

After voting, this woman and her daughter wait to get their stickers.

Photo: votestory2

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Volunteers get ready for the rush of voters at the pre-voting station.

Photo: teacupsChoreography

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 11, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The house-hold objects learn the choreography for their scenes.

Photo: christoffMindy

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 11, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Christoff Visscher and Mindy Or rehearse a crucial scene as Belle and the Beast.

Photo: camilleWolves

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 11, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Camille Huang practices her ferocious pose as a wolf in "Beauty and the Beast."

Photo: wolvesChoreography

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 11, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The wolves practice their choreography outside the auditorium as other cast members rehearse on stage.

Photo: frannieTeacups

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 11, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Francesca Blume leads the teacups in one of the many musical numbers in "Beauty and the Beast."

Photo: zackMalcolm

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 11, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Zachary Pinsky and Malcolm Foley and sophomore Jonathan Gillette rehearse on stage.

Photo: Blair votes span

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 10, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Carson Dorris, Katie Sint, Trevor Fullerton y Will Jones, estudiantes del décimo grado, ayudaron a otros estudiantes a votar en las elecciones primarias de Blair, este martes, miércoles y jueves pasado en la cafeteria.

Photo: Pollancco With the Puck

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 9, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Max Pollacco maneuvers the puck to the other side of the rink on Friday against Whitman. The Blazers lost 10-3.

Photo: Mock Primary

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 8, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Young Democrats arranged a mock presidential primary for Blazers to vote in.

Photo: Blair votes

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 7, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomores Carson Dorris, Katie Sint, Trevor Fullerton and Will Jones helped students vote in Blair's primary election on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the SAC.

Photo: kookytape2

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Students in James Mogge's world history class designed this "stereotape" to express their feelings about stereotypes they observe in their communities.

Photo: kooky scare crow

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

In the corner of Karen Brandt's math classroom looms the scarecrow she brings out for Halloween.

Photo: kookybarbie1

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sandra Ivey encourages her students to break from conformity with this disheveled Barbie.

Photo: kookytape1

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

World history teacher James Mogge encourages his students to decorate the many tape dispensers lying around his classroom.

Photo: kookytape3

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

This student in James Mogge's world history class refuses to conform with this ironic label.

Photo: kookybarbie2

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A plastic doll and miniature plastic children lie amongst seashells in this jar in Sandra Ivey's English classroom.

Photo: kookyanimals

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Math teacher Karen Brandt makes her classroom feel like home with these stuffed animals.

Photo: kookycow

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

English teacher Sandra Ivey shows her humor with this "Udderly Fantastic" chalk holder hung on the white board.

Photo: kookylights

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

English teacher Sandra Ivey brightens up her room with these decorative lights.

Photo: Love, Blair

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 4, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Media Center is ready to celebrate Valentines day with this new window display.

Photo: snow (song fu)

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Song Fu sings the lead of "Snow (Hey oh)."

Photo: Dbol Baaje

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Members of the SSM Dance open MAN with "Dhol Baaje," a popular Bollywood song.

Photo: Dbol Baaje 2

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: who's on first??

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Eddie Tang and Song Fu give the audience a laugh with their hilarious version of "Who's on first?"

Photo: Beethoven (A.Detzner)

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Adam Detzner plays the piano in the third act of the night, in which he was accompanied by sophomore Kyujoo Choi on the violin.

Photo: senior dance finale

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

At the end of the night, the senior magnets jumped on stage and performed a dance for the finale.

Photo: showdown of DOOM 2

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Tina Zhang wields her sword in the "Ultimate Showdown of Doom" performance.

Photo: showdown of DOOM

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Tina Zhang displays her impressive flexibility in the act "The Ultimate Showdown of Doom."

Photo: straight A's

By Julia Seiger | Feb. 2, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Song Fu, Jiren Zheng, and Eddie Tang perform their original rendition of "I want it that way" retitled, "I want straight A's."

Photo: Report Cards

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 31, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

CAP director John Goldman gave report cards and donuts to his advisory students. Students received their second quarter and first semester grades on Wednesday.

Photo: rideOnStudents

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 30, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blazers stand along Colesville Road waiting for the Ride On, a service that will rightfully continue to be free for students.


By Julia Seiger | Jan. 28, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Read to Succeed

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 28, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Media Center was closed on Monday and Tuesday due to MAP-R testing for freshmen and sophomores. The test measures students' achievement level in reading and teachers use this information to help guide instruction in the class-room accordingly.

Photo: prezscholar warner

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 28, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Thomas Warner

Photo: prezscholar zou

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 28, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Christina Zou

Photo: kastner aotw

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 23, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »


By Julia Seiger | Jan. 20, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Ramamurti 1/15

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 16, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Adith Ramamurti keeps the puck away from an opposing Gaithersburg defender.

Photo: Schwebel 1/15

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 16, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Logan Schwebel moves towards the goal with a Gaithersburg defender right behind him.

Photo: tobihockey1/11

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 13, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior defenseman Tobi Adeoye steals the puck from the Germantown offense.

Photo: kastnerhockey1/11

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 13, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior defenseman Ben Kastner weaves through the Germantown defense in the hopes of scoring for Blair.

Photo: swimwarmup1/11

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 13, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair warms up, sharing lanes before the swim meet against the Blake Bengals.

Photo: erswim1-11

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 12, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Eric Ruggieri concentrates on the race against Blake in the boys 100m butterfly.

Photo: Voting Registration2 span

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 10, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Estudiante del duodécimo grado Spencer Bonar y otros estudiantes se encuentran en la cafeteria para registrar para votar en las elecciones de 2008.

Photo: Registration for 2008 Election

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 10, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Spencer Bonar and other students take time out from their lunch to register to vote for the 2008 elections in the SAC.

Photo: Voter Registration

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 9, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

From left, registrar Rosie Enamen, junior Young Democrats club president Lindsay Brewer and sophomore volunteer Andrew Hyder help senior Spencer Bonar with his registration.

Photo: swimcarn2

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 8, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Elissa Fischel comes up for air as she swims butterfly for Blair.

Photo: swimcarn1-5

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 8, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior captain Melissa Mergner gets a quick start in the 200 medley relay race during the Relay Carnival in which 5 other schools competed, including Blair.

Photo: Questions and Answers

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Communication Arts Program teacher Lansing Freeman talks to the program's alumni about their college experiences and advice for current CAP students.

Photo: Kastner Scores

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior defenseman Ben Kastner shoots for a goal against the Blake defense.

Photo: Joseph Drives

By Julia Seiger | Jan. 5, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore forward Jens Josephs skillfully handles the puck as he moves towards the goal.

Photo: SGRS5

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 21, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Jonathan Gootenberg performed with the jazz band playing a symphonious tune for the crowd.

Photo: SGRS2

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 21, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Corinne Ducey lead InToneNation in their version of "Eye of the Tiger."

Photo: SGRS4

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 21, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Tori Heller wowed the crowd with her own original songs.

Photo: SGRS3

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 21, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Middle Eastern Club where a whirl of color during their dance performance.

Photo: Canned Food

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 14, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: 12/7 Spr2

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Blazers hockey team watch the game as the second period comes to a close.

Photo: JCC

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Hannah Simon, JCC President.

Photo: Spanish honor society

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senora Gonzalez heads the Spanish Honor Society.

Photo: 12/7 Spr1

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Logan Schwebel whizzes past Springbrook's defense.

Photo: 12/8 QO1

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Nate Hukill swims the boys individual medley against Quince Orchard.

Photo: Caribbean club

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the Caribbean Club practices in room 171.

Photo: Fashion club

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A student poses for Fashion Club's fashion show during 5B lunch.

Photo: International club

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Explore the world with the International Club every Tuesday after school.

Photo: BBOC

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

At the Blair Business Opportunity Center, students can buy t-shirts, sweatshirts, food, and school merchandise.

Photo: Stage Crew

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Head of Stage Crew, Mr. Kaluta gives stage crew students advice on how to build the set for the upcoming play.

Photo: 12/8 QO2

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Francisco Segovia shows his skills with a high scoring back dive.

Photo: Yearbook

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Melanie Snail works on her spread for the Yearbook.

Photo: Debate

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sponsor of the Debate Team, Ms. Weldon gives advice to a student for his debate.

Photo: Mock trial

By Julia Seiger | Dec. 10, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Will Bucher tries out for the Mock Trial team at Blair.

Photo: Thanksgiving Parade

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A balloon of Silver Spring's unofficial mascot, the penguin, floats down Ellsworth Drive at Saturday's Thanksgiving Day Parade in downtown Silver Spring.

Photo: vFootball

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 15, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Blazers huddle together during a timeout against Wootton on Oct. 19.

Photo: vVolleyball

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 15, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Chloe Sheridan and senior Julie Brice stand ready as senior Olivia Bozik hits the ball across the court.


By Julia Seiger | Nov. 15, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Candidato George McDermott observa candidato George Mitchell respondiendo a una pregunta. Blair presentó el debate congresional de los demócratas el jueves 8 de noviembre por la noche.

Photo: vTennis

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 15, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Anya Gosin keeps her eye on the ball after a return from an opposing Churchill player on Oct. 4.

Photo: debateOne

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 13, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Candidate Jason Jennings talked to supporters after the debate.

Photo: debateSeven

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 13, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Supporters for both Edwards and Wynn sit side by side listening to each of the candidate's arguments.

Photo: debateFour

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 13, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Incumbent Albert Wynn at the debate on Thursday night.

Photo: debateThree

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 13, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The fellow candidates look on as Donna Edwards replies to a point. Click to see more pictures from the debate.

Photo: debateTwo

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 13, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair's SAC was filled with hundreds of supporters for each candidate

Photo: debateEight

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 13, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Congressional Candidates Debate

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Candidate George McDermott looks on as fellow candidate George Mitchell answers a question. Blair was the host of the Democratic Congressional debate on Thursday night.

Photo: Halloween 3

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Joe Gilbert dresses as the Lord of Sealand (which he in fact is). Sealand is an island off the cost of Britain.

Photo: Halloween 2

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Geocel Batista looks beeautiful in her costume.

Photo: Halloween 7

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Angela Nguyen and Michelle Neal were styling in their Japanese Kakura fashion girls costumes.

Photo: Halloween 6

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Deena Guynes is prepared for a retro workout in her Halloween costume.

Photo: Halloween 4

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Ixchel Montenegro, Christoff Visscher, and Spencer Bonar got into character as the cast of Scrubs.

Photo: Halloween 5

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Watch out for junior Jessica Diaz in this devilish costume.

Photo: Halloween 8

By Julia Seiger | Nov. 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Zach Brown, Stefan Reckson, Juliette Huang, and Jonathan Fortuna collaborated to make up the cast of The Wizard of Oz.

Photo: Class Color 4

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 28, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Abe Murelle, who helped design the junior class t-shirts, and Anna Rassman show off their pride.

Photo: Class Color 11

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 28, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Juan Orellena stands out in the crowd with his senior ensemble.

Photo: Class Color 2

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 28, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Terrance Hamm, Bianca Ivey, Ashley Wilson, Acacia Cooper, and Jyoti Beribal represent the senior class with facepaint and matching red shirts.

Photo: Era 7

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Kaitlyn Foster is ready to spread some peace and love in her tie-dye tunic.

Photo: Across the Ages

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Kate Raulin and Hilary Bragg (one of the winners of Era Day) looked into the future with these outfits. Thursday marked Era Day for Blazers. Click to see more photos.

Photo: Era 8

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Whitney Skippings looks flashy and in this futuristic ensemble.

Photo: Era 2

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Anna Hadfield dressed as a hippie for class theme day, as did many other juniors.

Photo: Era 4

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Alan Graves makes his way down the hallways in his homemade robot costume.

Photo: Era 6

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Meredith Meer shows her school spirit with this hat from the renaissance.

Photo: Era 5

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Adelaide Waldrop chose a flowery hippie dress for her class theme.

Photo: Era 3

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Oh Merlin! Sophomore Sam Zucker is ready for the renaissance in his wizard costume.

Photo: Era 9

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Sonya Kaufman flashes the camera a peace sign.

Photo: Era 10

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Ben Mcleod does the robot for his take on the future.

Photo: Baldwin Dribbles

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Alexander Baldwin dribbles the ball towards the goal.

Photo: Wacky 3

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomores Seirra Shepherd and Antonio Barrett-Cardoza show off their eccentric outfits.

Photo: Wacky 2

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomores William Guzman, Alejandro Barett, Francisco Sagastizado and Deisy Sanchez and freshman Gladys Mejia each show off their wacky tacky side.

Photo: Wacky is the New Black

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Elizabeth Spilsburg dresses to impress in her crazy getup. Wednesday was Wacky Tacky Day for Blazers. Click here to see more wacky tacky.

Photo: SC Day 2

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophmores Kathleen Dacruz and Carmen Smith-Estrada show off their grandma styles.

Photo: SC Day 3

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Kelly Patterson hunches over in the SAC.

Photo: Halftime Lead

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The scoreboard at halftime shows the first home goal scored by the Blazers all season.

Photo: Football 10/19 2

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A Blazer gets treated for his injury as his teammates focus on the game.

Photo: SC Day 4

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Michelle Kae, Dora Yin, Michelle Lopez, and Jonathan Fortuna are followed Death, Zach Brown, around the school.

Photo: aotw visclosky

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Tim Visclosky heads the ball during the first half on senior night against Northwood. The Blazers won, 3-1.

Photo: Football 10/19

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 22, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A Wootton player gets tackled by the Blazers defense.

Photo: Adventure 4

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 22, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Melissa Mergner protects Montomery Blair as it were her own Gotham City as Batwoman.

Photo: Ready For an Adventure?

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 22, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Eric Edwards is always ready for an adventure when geared in his boy scout attire. Adventure Day kicked off Spirit Week today. Click for more photos.

Photo: Smart Sacks

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 20, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Catzva's Smart Sacks club fills donated backpacks with food for needy children at Piney Branch Elementary School.

Photo: Sergio Quisquinay

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 15, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Sergio Quisquinay takes the ball upfield against Walter Johnson.

Photo: Tangled Up

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 15, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore George Baldwin (29) fights for the ball against Walter Johnson as junior Mike McClain (24) looks on. The Blazers lost on Monday night, 1-0.

Photo: Halftime

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 15, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Blazers get a breather at halftime of their Monday night match.

Photo: 10/13 GV

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 15, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Chloe Sheridan and senior Julie Brice stand ready for the ball as senior Olivia Bozik hits the ball across the court.

Photo: Tangled Up

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 15, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore George Baldwin (29) fights for the ball as junior Mike McClain (24) looks on.

Photo: aotw tran

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 15, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: 10/4 GV M.B.

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 5, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Molly Martinez and Olivia Bozik reach for the ball after a tough serve from Whitman. Blazers cruised their way to victory with a 3-0 win.

Photo: 10/4 jvGV Deng

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 5, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Sophia Deng serves the ball to the opposing Walt Whitman. Unfortunately Blair lost 2-0.

Photo: Senior Night

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 5, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Tiffany Chang at second doubles keeps her eye on the ball after a Churchill return. Blair was unable to hold on, losing 7-0 in their last home game.

Photo: libraryAlumni

By Julia Seiger | Oct. 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair alumni Lou Naeker, William Lear, John Rahn, Stuart Balderson and Joyce DeMarino pose with the media center staff, the commemorative plate and the check.

Photo: 9/19 BS Whitman

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior George Noubossie scores on a rebound against Whitman.

Photo: 9/19 BS Whitman 2

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Aaron Baldwin blazes past a Whitman player during the first half of the game. Blazers lost 2-1.

Photo: Manifestación en D.C.

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Miles de manifestantes marchan en D.C. contra la política internacional del gobierno de EEUU, incluyendo la de la guerra en Irak.

Photo: March on Washington

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Two teens wave flags as the march on DC begins. The march was used to promote world peace along with the end of the war in Iraq.

Photo: 9/11 GT2

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Elissa Shiau reaches for a serve to Walter Johnson. Blazers lost to the Wildcats 7-0.

Photo: 9/8 F

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A Blazer is tackled by a Bengal in the first quarter. Blair lost 21-12.

Photo: 9/6 GT

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Sneha Kannan serves against the Titans.

Photo: 9/11 GT

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 14, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Sarah Tran keeps her eye on the ball after a mean serve in a match against Walter Johnson.

Photo: FSP-GT2

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 13, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: FSP-GT

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 13, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Do not drink!

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 4, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Due to high levels of lead, water in sinks and even some water fountains around Blair have been marked as unfit for drinking.

Photo: Do not drink!

By Julia Seiger | Sept. 3, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Due to lead content, sinks and even some water fountains around Blair have been marked as unfit for drinking.