An up close look at the Garden of Lights light display at Brookside Gardens which was open from early November to early January.
Following the lack of flakes in 2021, Montgomery County receives a great amount of snow to kick off 2022.
On January 3rd, Montgomery County was hit with the first snowstorm of the year. About 8 inches accumulated in the Takoma Park/Silver Spring area.
Significant moments from the Blair vs. Churchill wrestling match on 12/08/21.
Blair Basketball loses by one point in their first game of the season versus Seneca Valley.
The most memorable groups and performances from the MOCO/Silver Spring Thanksgiving parade.
Photos of fall colors seen in trees and their leaves.
Pictures from downtown Silver Spring highlighting the scarce Thanksgiving and fall related products and signs.
Exploring the best Halloween decorations in neighborhoods of Silver Spring and Takoma Park.
Blair's cheer team puts on a stellar performance that earns them second place in the countywide cheerleading competition.
Blair suffers their second loss of the season in their senior night against Sherwood High School.
An unseasonably warm October day on Homestead Farm in Montgomery County, Maryland.
Girls Volleyball secures their first win of the season against Whitman High School.
Girls take the win after an exciting match against Damascus.
While many people have a basic understanding of the purpose of service dogs, few are aware of the numerous demands placed on these dogs. From towing heavy loads to helping with the laundry, service dogs can help make various tasks easier for their owners, and often greatly improve their quality of life.
Pictures from the season opener last Friday against Magruder.
Pictures of the Blair track meet versus Walter Johnson.
Images from the Boys Varsity Baseball game against Churchill.
People gather at East Silver Spring Elementary school - the school where a 5 year old was physically and verbally assaulted by Montgomery County Police after they were called on him for wandering off of school grounds. Community members and others involved in the protest marched from the school to Downtown Silver Spring to demand justice for the child and hold Montgomery County Police and Schools accountable. This incident occurred back in January of 2020, and the body cam footage was only just released to the public. You can find the list of community demands at
With vaccine rollout increasing, many people eligible to get the Covid-19 vaccine in Montgomery County travel to the White Oak Recreation center - one of the many MoCo vaccination clinics. This is a quick look into the process of getting a vaccine and how a typical vaccination clinic runs.
Covid-19 has changed so many things, but one of the most common things are how businesses and restaurants have changed. Business, restaurants and stores have put up signs everywhere to let their costumers know about their Covid-19 rules.
Shashi Arnold and Angela Tu are two Blair artists working on publications that have taken advantage of their free time to create new art pieces during quarantine.
Here are just a few memorials and monuments in the DC area paying tribute to African-Americans and all they have done for the country.
Silver Spring was once again hit with a wintery mix this past week. The snow that was predicted turned into sleet, covering Silver Spring in a sheet of slush and ice.
Boris and Andrea are physical therapists who are designated as essential workers. They have continued helping their patients throughout the pandemic, despite the health risks.
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