Blair holds first Principal's Advisory Council

Oct. 30, 2011, 10:33 a.m. | By Saaraa Farooq | 13 years, 5 months ago

Principal's student council aims to improve Blair

On Oct. 18, Principal Renay Johnson held the first Principal's Advisory Council (PAC), in which handpicked Blair students from feeder middle schools in the Downcounty Consortium (DCC) met to discuss school issues and methods for improvement.

Principal Renay Johnson holds Principal's Advisory Council (PAC). Photo courtesy of Renay Johnson.

The PAC, which meets on Tuesdays during both lunch periods, allows students to provide input on ways to improve Blair for current and incoming students. Johnson created the council after teaching at Paint Branch High School, where she felt she needed input from the students rather than only teachers and parents. Johnson wanted to hear directly from the students about their feelings about Blair. Johnson selected the council members based on parent recommendations.

Johnson feels that the PAC will bring together the Blair community and improve the school for all students, because it will be easier for her to address and understand the students' needs. "It's all about how we all come together. Many voices, one community," she said.

The PAC members were chosen to represent all programs and grade levels in the Blair community. They were selected to discuss issues that affect students every day and bring up ideas for changing the school in a positive way. "They bring topics to me and I bring topics to them that would be beneficial to all students at Blair," Johnson said. "We talk about what the issue is, how we're going to implement it and who's going to do what."

Johnson intends to have the council become a staple of her administration. She also plans to replace old members with new ones at the start of each school year, to broaden her sources. "I want to get all of their opinions and I plan to have this run all year," she said. "We'll rotate out students and rotate in new students."

Students can become members of the PAC by invitation only. They must have a signed parent permission slip and agree to regularly attend meetings. Johnson makes a point to mention the PAC during Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meetings, to make parents aware of the opportunity.

Tags: blair improvement principal advisory council

Saaraa Farooq. Saaraa Farooq, yes, she has an abundance of A's in her name, just don't ask what her middle name is. She can be found watching Doctor Who, listening to music (ATL, The Beatles, ARTTM, rock, alternative, and all that good stuff...), or taking pictures of … More »

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