Blair intern named Teacher of Promise

May 17, 2015, 6:11 p.m. | By Ellie Struewing | 9 years, 10 months ago

Student intern Brittany Boyd received a Teacher of Promise award from the Maryland State Department of Education for her dedication towards teaching. Every year, several students who are earning a degree in education and plan on becoming teachers are chosen to represent their university. Boyd received recognition out of several candidates from the University of Maryland.

Boyd teaches tenth grade English with Blair teacher Brandi Pundzak and takes graduate classes at the University of Maryland. She was not aware of the award or the fact that she had been nominated until she won. "I didn't know I was being considered, let alone being picked from the entire University of Maryland. It's pretty huge," Boyd said.

Peggy Wilson, Professional Development Schools' Coordinator for Secondary English at the University of Maryland, nominated Boyd. There are a variety of factors that Wilson considered when choosing nominees. "They have to be enthusiastic, eager learners, and people who are dedicated to improving the lives of all of the students they meet," Wilson said. "Brittany's got the heart of a teacher. She has got such a good career ahead of her."

The thing that stood out most to Wilson was the leadership position that Boyd took within the English department at Blair. More specifically, Boyd assisted department head, Vickie Adamson. "The department chair was seeking her assistance to do lots of little things within the department and help out with things here and there," Wilson said.

Boyd is honored to have received the Teacher of Promise award. "When you get recognized for something that you've invested so much time and energy in to doing, it feels very rewarding," Boyd said.

While she is currently looking for jobs as a high school English teacher, Boyd is enjoying her time at Blair and likes the welcoming environment and the range of students that she gets to teach. "Blair is great, my kids are great," she said. "Ms. Johnson just tweeted me out a few weeks ago for getting this award. I didn't expect the principal to want to get a selfie!"

Tags: Vickie Adamson Brandi Pundzak Brittany Boyd Teacher of Promise

Ellie Struewing. My name is Ellie and I like to listen to music and watch The Office. I like the color gray and buying office supplies. More »

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