On Thursday, May 16, 2024, the Blair Blazers took on Northwood in a battle for the region title. The Blazers blew out Northwood in a 17-2 victory.
Takoma Park Vintage Flee Market was hosted in downtown Takoma on Saturday, May 11th, featuring a variety of different goods.
On April 4, 2024, the Blair Blazers faced off against the Sherwood Warriors. The Blazers eventually fell to the Warriors.
A collection of photos from Stem Arts Night, which took place on March 15, 2024.
Last fall construction started on the creation of a new Takoma Park Library. This project is set to be finished in the fall of 2024.
Around the DC Metro Area, the purple line is under construction. This new line, set to be finished between 2025-2026, will travel between Silver Spring and Bethesda.
A couple times a month, the counselor bring therapy dogs into the hallways at lunch to support our blazers! This time Cooper the 8 year old cavachon out to visit the blazers.
After school Monday-Thursday blazers enjoy the free Rec Zone provided by MCPS.
The boys baseball team is lifting preparing for there upcoming season in the spring.
On October 19 2022, in an intense senior night the blazers take the win with a 2-1 game.
On Sunday, September 18 2022, Takoma Park residents gathered for there annual pie contest.
I spent my summer in Maine and took some pictures while there.
Sarah O'Connor passes the ball to a teammate
Riley Fasteau dives out to catch a ball
Junior Pitcher Sydney Humpert sends a fastball down the line
Number 11 up to bat
Blazers Softball congratulating each other on a job well done
Sophomore Camille Wade gets ready to run
Blazers lined up and ready to Bat!
Junior number 6 Fiona Muir ready for the ball to come her way
Blair's Senior Catcher Riley Fasteau
HipHop History and Culture teacher Kenneth Smith introducing guest speaker Tim Jones
People walking around the Takoma Flee Festival
People shopping for clothes and vintage items
Vintage items being sold by Cheekys Vintage
Vendor Cheeks Vintage makes a sale.
People browsing different clothing options at the Takoma Flee
Flowers next to a sign with payment information for potential customers.
A shopper browsing for clothes at the Takoma Park Flee
Earring for Sale at the Takoma Flee Festival
Painting being sold at the Takoma Park Flee Festival
The front of the Takoma Park Flee Festival
Senior Owen Moody on the field.
Captain Owen Moody talks to his Coach.
Junior Yoan Pinsonneault enters the field!
Senior Van Cao on the hunt for the ball
Junior Weston Paschane engages in a face-off against Sherwood.
Sophomore Westin Flores waits for the pass
Boys on the lacrosse team waiting to enter the game.
Junior Weston Paschane hunts down the attacker.
Captain Quinn Stofa on the field!
The Senior Act is a Blair tradition where the senior class reflects on their STEM classes and teachers through comedy and music.
Piano Performance at Stem Arts Night
Stem Arts Night Performance called " A New Dawn"
A final pose for a group of performers at Stem Arts Night
Piano Performance at Stem Arts Night
Instrumental Duo on Stem Arts Night
Comedian making jokes and Stem Arts Night
Students face off in a performance for Blair's Bollywood Club at Stem Arts Night
At the end of Stem Arts Night, students gave Mr. Stein flowers to congratulate him on his accomplishments and work for Blair.
Performer from the Blair Bollywood Club
Blair Bollywood Preforms at Stem Arts Nights
Students preforming "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele on Stem Arts Night.
Construction Vehicles sit on site waiting to be used
Trenches have been dug, which allow for pipes to be placed down in the Takoma Park Library Construction site
Concrete bricks are laid out ready to be placed down
Front view of the Takoma Park Library construction site
The inside of what remains of the Takoma Park Library is gutted
Pipes on the construction site, waiting to be put in the ground
A forklift on site of the Takoma Park Library Construction
An overhead view of how the construction is going on the future Takoma Park Library.
A sign outside the Takoma Park Library Construction displays what the future building will look like!
A closer look at thursday’s three indoor soccer league games
Ms. Fus in the attendance office.
This shows the support beams that will connect the Metrorail with the metro station in the new purple line.
This area is where the future Purple Line metro station is.
This shows the underside new Purple Line metro, still under construction.
This is the fence guarding the construction to the purple line.
This is the behind part of the walls for the new Metrorail. This shows the structure for the foundation of the new metro line.
A poster at the future location of one of the purple line stops.
The tunnel that is being made into the metrorails new purple line.
A large crane, that is helping build the metro station.
The rails of future purple line.
The empty athletic trainer room at Blair high school.
The Blazers stand strong, in line.
Junior goal keeper Caleb Johnson stands ready to defend.
The Blair Boy's huddle in time out.
The Baker and his wife endeavor to collect all the ingredients for a potion, one of which is Milky White.
Cooper visiting Blazers in the halls at lunch!
Blazers giving Cooper a warm greeting.
Blazers petting Cooper
8 year old Cooper visiting Blazers.
Cooper the Cavachon walking down Blair Boulevard.
Cooper Wearing a Bandana proudly showing himself off as a therapy dog!
Blazers petting Cooper the Cavachon.
Cooper Turns onto his back and allows blazers to rub his stomach.
Blazers attempt to get the ball over the net in there own version of soccer volleyball.
Blazers play ping pong in the rec zone.
A blazer checks into the rec zone right after school.
Blazers are at the lunch table chatting after school.
Blazers look towards the camera as they gear up for there indoor soccer game in the rec zone.
Blazer's at the ping pong table preparing to serve the ball.
A blazer signs up for the Rec Zone!
Blazers Along with some Rec Zone staff members play video games together.
Connect Four Station set up in the rec zone.
As the Blazers finished there workouts they made sure to return the weights to their proper spots.
Blazers on the baseball team attempt to perfect their technique on front squats
Sophomore Bobby Moriarity putting in work hoping to secure himself a spot on the team this year.
Senior Jonas Laufer pushing through the pain
Blazer smile at the camera as they hold their plank increasing there abdominal strength.
Senior Aidan Niemerski front squats 245.
I fellow blazer spots one of their own as they go down on a front squat.
A blazer prepares to do a front squat.
A blazer attempts to balance a plate
Sophomore Eisner Lopez runs onto the field along side senior captain Francisco Hidalgo.
Junior Sohccem Ruphael waiting to go in the game.
Number 14, Owen Boots runs onto the field after being called in.
Senior Striker Franco Reyes juking out a defender
Varsity Goalie Caleb Johnson kicks the ball into the field.
The paper mache mushroom sculptures before completion.
Residents picking out the pie they want to try.
Workers handing the pie to residents.
Takoma Park residents finish selecting there pies.
Contestants Waiting in line for there chance to get a slice of pie.
A contestant signing up for the contest.
A contestant entered the pie contest with a beautiful Salted Caramel Apple Pie.
This Hexagon decrated pie entered the contest under the pumpkin pie category.
Before the tasting started, the staff displayed the pies in a line.
Foggy Sunset on top of Acadia National Park. Acadia is the highest point in the north east, located in Maine.
This photo shows waves crashing against the coast of North Haven. North Haven is a small island off the coast of central Maine.
This photo is taken off the shore Islesboro, Maine a small island off the coast of Maine.
This is an old fishing hut off the coast of Louds Island.
A Sunset seen from a castle on top of Mount Battie, Maine.
A Shipwreck off the Coast of Louds Island, Maine.
This Lighthouse is the first thing you see when arriving at Islesboro Island, Maine.
Outside a Store hanging from a pole, there was a group of buoys that washed up on the beach.
Mechanical keyboard in 60% form factor with RGB lighting (photo courtesy of Beck Rowe).