Blair staff attended a county-wide anti-racism professional development training in the auditorium on Oct. 9.
Junior midfielder Owen Boots celebrates with senior captain Alejandro Dubon
Dubon dribbles past the Bengals' defense
Senior defender Reily Jimenez Ramirez passes to junior midfielder Owen Boots
The Blazers ready for the game.
Junior Alejandro Mendez Sanchez enters the field with a red smoke trail.
Blair Football Coach Nosoff pep talks the team.
Affrata Jemal - A model and junior at Blair.
Blair’s view of the University Boulevard - Colesville Avenue intersection at night.
The team watches on as the first half comes to a close
Blair and QO line up for handshakes
Junior wide receiver Ian Ulloa gets ready for the next play
Tied game
The Blazers prepare to take the field