Jeff Lautenberger

Name: Jeff Lautenberger
Position: Managing Photo Editor
Graduation Year: 2007
Jeff is a senior finally runnin' the SC Photo Staff. He is easily irritated and has been known to curse loudly when complemented on his pictures. So just don't do it. Ever. When not hiding from his invisible friends in the Chips lab, Jeff can probably be found hiding in the auditorium or on the sideline of some Blair sports game, with his camera of course.

Stories (1)

snoWatch: The mayhem continues

By Jeff Lautenberger, Payal Patnaik | Feb. 12, 2007, midnight | In Humor »

4:30 p.m. Thursday update: Well, our streak of perfect accuracy has finally ended with tomorrow's unexpected closure (who saw that coming, seriously?) You gotta admit though, snoWatch had this storm on lockdown from the beginning and we're in no position to stop gloating about it. Looks like we're getting that "lovely seven day weekend" after all, and despite what Jeff said earlier, he will be back (if it ever snows again) to write snoWatch. Until then, we're out!

Images (265)

Photo: ID policy publicity

By Jeff Lautenberger | Aug. 13, 2009, 7:02 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

In 2006, Principal Phillip Gainous was surrounded a large group of television reporters during an impromptu interview regarding Blair's ID policy, which then involved a color-coded system.

Photo: DeStefano the coach

By Jeff Lautenberger | March 1, 2008, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Mark DeStefano patrols the sideline during a boys' basketball game last season.

Photo: juliet again

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

In the third inning, after a ball hit to the warning track was relayed to shortstop Anna Szapiro by Allison Rubin, Szapiro gunned a bullet to Juliet Garlow who tagged the Gaithersburg runner out at third. Click for more pictures of the game.

Photo: liz hit

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Liz Scroggs swings for a hit against the Trojans.

Photo: sky and field

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The sun sets behind Blair as the Trojans bat in the top of the 6th inning.

Photo: michelle grounder

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Michelle Linford fields a grounder and throws a runner out at first.

Photo: annie gaith 2

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Annie Denenberg pitches with a runner on first.

Photo: Blazers to play in Regional Final

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Annie Denenberg delivers a strike to Gaithersburg batter in a Regional Semifinal game Wednesday night. The Blazers defeated the Trojans 7-2 and advance to the 4A West Region Final Friday. Click for a gallery of pictures from the game.

Photo: dani pickoff

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Dani McClay prepares to catch a pickoff throw from catcher Claire Lieberman.

Photo: allison tag out

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Attempting to score on a grounder, Senior Allison Rubin is tagged out at home.

Photo: juliet tag

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Juliet Garlow tags out a Gaithersburg running attempting a triple. The Blazers defeated the Trojans 7-2 to move on to the 4A West Regional Final.

Photo: anna double

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Anna Szapiro slams a double into center field in the bottom of the 6th inning as the Blazer bats came to life again.

Photo: outfield crowd

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A large group of seniors watch the game from behind the left field fence.

Photo: allison hit

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Allison Rubin connects for a slap-hit single.

Photo: claires amazing catch

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 17, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior catcher Claire Lieberman makes a lunging catch off a foul ball behind the plate in the 5th inning to ward off a Trojan threat.

Photo: Blazers advance in playoffs

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 15, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Annie Denenberg delivers a strike to an RM batter Monday. The Blazers won their second round playoff game 9-1, and next face Gaithersburg Wednesday at 7. Click photo to view more of the spring sports.

Photo: dani tag

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 15, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Dani McClay tags a runner on first during a pickoff attempt.

Photo: claire slides

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 15, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Claire Lieberman slides safely into home following Senior Michelle Linford's single in the the third inning.

Photo: spring1

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 12, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Boys' Volleyball March 21 v. Springbrook

Photo: spring2

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 12, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Boys' Volleyball March 21 v. Springbrook

Photo: spring5

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 12, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Boys' Lacrosse v. Gaithersburg

Photo: spring7

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 12, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Baseball v. Northwood

Photo: spring3

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 12, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Boys' Volleyball March 21 v. Springbrook

Photo: spring6

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 12, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Boys' Lacrosse First Round Playoff v. Sherwood

Photo: spring4

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 12, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Boys' Lacrosse First Round Playoff v. Sherwood

Photo: spring10

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 12, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Softball v. Sherwood

Photo: spring9

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 12, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Baseball v. Sherwood

Photo: spring8

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 12, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Baseball v. Northwood

Photo: mogge

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 11, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Girls' varsity basketball coach James Mogge is resigning after three years.

Photo: michelle

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 8, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Michelle Linford fields a ground ball and throws to first for an out late in the game.

Photo: dana ward

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 8, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

2006 Gazette Player of the Year Dana Ward pitched a complete-game shutout against Blair last Thursday, striking out almost everyone in the lineup and giving up only two hits.

Photo: kennedy_lax

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 4, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Tim Visclosky drives through the Kennedy defense on Friday. The Blazers suffered a tough loss, 6-5, to the Cavaliers.

Photo: sherwood softball - allison

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 3, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blazer bats were mostly silent on Senior Night against extremely tough Sherwood pitching. Here, Senior Allison Rubin manages to reach first on a bunt.

Photo: sherwood baseball

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 3, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Keith Ingram doubles to center against the Sherwood Warriors Wednesday night.

Photo: Northwood Baseball

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 3, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair handily defeated a much weaker Northwood team Friday in the first matchup between these two schools' varsity baseball teams since 1986. After falling behind early, the Blazers rallied and won 17-6 in five innings of play.

Photo: Warriors best Blazers

By Jeff Lautenberger | May 3, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

On Senior Night, Annie Denenberg pitched a solid 7 innings, giving up only two runs and striking out several. However, the Sherwood Warriors (14-1) held the 4A West Division Champion Blazers (11-2) scoreless for their second loss.

Photo: Blazer boys sustain first loss

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 13, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Mike Mozer controls the ball behind the Springbrook goal. After falling behind 3-0 only minutes into the game, the Blazers could not overcome a powerful Springbrook team, losing for the first time this year 18-3.

Photo: Blazers demolish Northwood

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 13, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair handily defeated a much weaker Northwood team Friday in the first matchup between these two schools' varsity baseball teams since 1986. After falling behind early, the Blazers rallied and won 17-6 in five innings of play.

Photo: paddle boats

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The tidal basin was filled with paddle boats and people enjoying the warm weather.

Photo: bob ryan

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

NBC4 Meteorologist Bob Ryan broadcast a live weather report under a cherry tree with scores of onlookers watching.

Photo: drooping blossoms

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A branch of cherry blossoms droops down near the water of the tidal basin.

Photo: tidal basin people

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Dozens of people walk along the tidal basin to view the cherry blossoms on a sunny and warm Monday.

Photo: capitol

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The dome of the U.S. Capitol Building is visible through the blossoms of a cherry tree.

Photo: jefferson airplane

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

An airplane takes off from Reagan National Airport and flies over the Jefferson Memorial.

Photo: backlit people

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Dozens of people make their way down a path along the tidal basin as the sun sets behind them.

Photo: washington monument

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Washington Monument pokes through several cherry trees at sunset.

Photo: jefferson inside

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Visitors look at the cherry blossoms through the pillars of the Jefferson Memorial.

Photo: girls at bank

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Girls sit along the bank of the tidal basin with the Washington Monument in the background.

Photo: jefferson memorial

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: zach pitch

By Jeff Lautenberger | March 29, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Zach Hall pitches against Poolesville Thursday.

Photo: #17 boys lax

By Jeff Lautenberger | March 29, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Mozer Madness

By Jeff Lautenberger | March 29, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Mike Mozer scores a goal assisted by his brother, senior Nick Mozer. The Blazers pounded the Blake Bengals 10-4 and remain undefeated this season.

Photo: Boys' LAX Still Undefeated

By Jeff Lautenberger | March 29, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Tim Visclosky leaps and scores a breakaway goal against Blake in the 3rd quarter. The Blazers, now with a 4-0 record, defeated the Bengals 10-4 Thursday.

Photo: more boys lax

By Jeff Lautenberger | March 29, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Blazers start season strong

By Jeff Lautenberger | March 23, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior captain Devon Madison controls the ball against RM March 21. Madison scored a goal in Blair's 5-2 victory.

Photo: Boys Volleyball

By Jeff Lautenberger | March 21, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Boys volleyball begins the season with a win on March 21.

Photo: vball sprb 1

By Jeff Lautenberger | March 21, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: vball sprb 3

By Jeff Lautenberger | March 21, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Boys Volleyball

By Jeff Lautenberger | March 21, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Boys' Volleyball defeated Springbrook March 21 to begin their season. The team hopes to match its performance of the past two seasons which resulted in back-to-back County Championships.

Photo: sam fights for ball

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Sam Francois fights for the ball during the fourth quarter.

Photo: joe dubuche

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Joe Dubuche makes the most of his time on the court near the end of the game.

Photo: matt shot

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Matt McClain tries to get a shot up against Magruder. The Fighting Colonels ended Blair's season with a 58-31 victory Monday night.

Photo: Colonels cruise past Blazers

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Ross Williams is overpowered by several Magruder players but somehow manages to get a shot off and score. The Blazers, after starting strong, lost badly to the Fighting Colonels 58-31 Monday, ending their season.

Photo: issy hammered

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 26, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Issy Melton gets double-teamed and fouled by the Colonels during the 58-31 loss.

Photo: Darius-WM playoffs 2

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Darius Smith dribbles past a Wolverine defender in the third quarter.

Photo: girls in dtss

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A group of girls play in the snow in Silver Spring.

Photo: sligo creek 2

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sligo Creek flows briskly between snow-packed banks.

Photo: ppl in dtss

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Despite the messy weather, several shoppers and walkers were out and about in Silver Spring.

Photo: jogger and dog

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Joggers and dog walkers ventured out Sunday morning despite the heavy snow.

Photo: A real snow day

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A snowboarder catches some air at a hill behind Sligo Creek Elementary school in Silver Spring. A surprise storm dumped half a foot of snow across the region Sunday, much more than originally predicted. Click for more photos.

Photo: mcclain ball fight

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Matt McClain fights for a loose ball in a first half filled with defensive lapses and poor shooting by both teams.

Photo: umbrella woman

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Heavy, wet snow weighed down on the umbrella of this woman walking along Ellsworth Drive.

Photo: dtss snow

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Snow blanketed trees and benches in Downtown Silver Spring.

Photo: football

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Several men play a pickup football game on a snowy field in Silver Spring Sunday afternoon.

Photo: ross fooled

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Ross Williams is caught off guard by a Wolverine's behind the back dribble. Williams fouled Bazelas on the play.

Photo: sligo creek 1

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Although the National Weather Service as late as last night forecast a quarter-inch of ice and rain to fall in the region, a surprise 4-8 inches of snow fell across the Washington metro area, including 5 inches here in Sligo Creek Park.

Photo: girl on sled

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A girl laughs after a quick sled ride down a steep slope.

Photo: kids on hill

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Kids make their way up a hill to go sledding behind Sligo Creek Elementary School.

Photo: Issy-WM Playoffs 2

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Issy Melton shoots for two of his 15 points.

Photo: dog by tree

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A man walks his dog on a trail along Sligo Creek near Wayne Avenue in Silver Spring.

Photo: ellsworth view

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

As the afternoon continued, most streets turned to slush, but trees and branches remained droopy from the heavy snow.

Photo: snowman

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 25, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

This giant snowman was constructed in clear view of Sligo Creek Parkway, causing several drivers to stop and take a look.

Photo: metros-3

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Jeffrey Lin swimming Breastroke in the 200 IM.

Photo: david vuong metros

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior David Vuong swims at the Metros Championships held at the Germantown Indoor Swim Center.

Photo: metros-6

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: metros-5

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: metros-4

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: metros-2

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 24, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Blair advances in state playoffs

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 23, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Darius Smith drives through two Watkins Mill defenders in the third quarter of a playoff game. Fouled on the play, Smith completed the three-point play, and the Blazers held on to beat the Wolverines for the second straight time, advancing to the second round of the State Playoffs.

Photo: Blazers advance in state playoffs

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 23, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Issy Melton (15 points) gets trapped between two Wolverine defenders. Blair beat Watkins Mill 44-37 and advances to play Magruder in the second round of the state playoffs.

Photo: Up and over

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 22, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Darius Smith drives through two Watkins Mill defenders in the third quarter of a playoff game. Fouled on the play, Smith completed the three-point play, and the Blazers held on to beat the Wolverines for the second straight time, advancing to the second round of the State Playoffs.

Photo by Jeff Lautenberger/Silver Chips.

Photo: francois foul

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 22, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Sam Francois (22 points) is fouled while going up for a rebound.

Photo: smith gets ball

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 22, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Darius Smith comes away with the ball after a struggle on the floor.

Photo: dunk

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 22, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Near the end of Senior Night against Watkins Mill with a double-digit lead, the Blazers showed off their skills with a series of dunks including this one. Blair finished the regular season with a 4-17 record.

Photo: matt shoots

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 22, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Matt McClain attempts a tough shot under the basket.

Photo: happy bench

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 22, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

In the midst of a 12-3 run to start the second half, coach Mark DeStefano and the Blazer bench do something they haven't had the chance to for weeks: smile.

Photo: ross dunk

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 22, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Ross Williams slams home two to cap off a stellar Senior Night in which he scored 15 points and the Blazers defeated Watkins Mill 59-46.

Photo: MAN-tank-sax

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A jazz group started Act II with a bang, playing "Tank!" by the Seatbelts, which included stellar sax and drum solos.

Photo: MAN-ft lb

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Rachel Lee, Alice Fan, Wenjia Zhu and Bao Nguyen dance during their Ft. Lbs. act.

Photo: MAN-itn

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

InToneNation sings "Paperback Writer," a song by the Beatles but arranged for this performance by senior Diego Ardila.

Photo: MAN-mhwgo parody

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

...and then bursts out singing a troubled rendition of "My heart will go on."

Photo: MAN-les mis

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Mindy Or sings On My Own from Les Mis as Noori Chai plays accompaniment on piano.

Photo: MAN-tank 1

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: MAN-cyril

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Cyril Lan played Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody in F# minor on piano as a prelude to the show.

Photo: MAN-octet 1

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: MAN-zither

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sally Huang played zither with Ya Zhou on piano during the prelude to Act II.

Photo: MAN-bollywood dance

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Samarth Gola was one of 8 seniors performing a Bhangra Dance, the first act of the show.

Photo: MAN-Pants

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Tim He runs on stage, gets a little excited, flings off his pants...

Photo: Magnetic Force

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A self defense skit, performed by Daniel Quang (in air), Brian Change, and Jason Li was a popular act.

Photo: MAN-green dancers

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Amy Liu and Lena Jia perform a Handerchief dance during Act I.

Photo: MAN-dance

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Nine students showed off their moves in an Indian Folk Dance.

Photo: MAN-self defense

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A self defense skit, performed by Daniel Quang (in air), Brian Chang, and Jason Li was a popular act.

Photo: MAN-rohan rubiks cube

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Freshman Rohan Bhale shows off his Rubik's Cube talent by completing the puzzle on stage in less than a minute.

Photo: MAN-kaluta donaldson chadda

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 9, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

John Kaluta, Monika Chadda, and Robert Donaldson perform "Driftin' too far far from the shore" during Act II of Magnet Arts Night.

Photo: print-feb ariases

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 7, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Christopher (left) and Eve Arias share their home with several relatives and other family members.

Photo: feb-print vending theft

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 4, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Theft at some vending machines in Blair increased recently and was countered by the relocation of a soda machine.

Photo: feb-print vending

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 4, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: feb-print boys bball

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 2, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Boys' basketball is struggling again this year, despite having a new coach and plenty of talent on the team.

Photo: Francois-blake 1-26

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 31, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Samuel Francois (30) fights for position against the Bengals.

Photo: bball blake 1-26

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 31, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blake beat Blair 64-51 Jan. 26, dropping the Blazers to a 3-12 record.

Photo: Screaming protester

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Several college students vocally express their outrage with the Iraq war during the rally.

Photo: Dennis Kucinich

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) speaks at the rally. Kucinich is seeking the Democratic nomination for President in 2008 on an anti-war platform.

Photo: Jackson with cagan

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Rev. Jesse Jackson, representing the RainbowPUSH Coalition arrives at the podium holding the hand of United for Peace and Justice National Coordinator Leslie Cagan.

Photo: ridiculous amount of people

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Tens of thousands converge on the Mall to rally against President Bush's Iraq policy and proposed "surge" in troops.

Photo: stage view

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Protesters pack into the area between the press platform and stage for a closer look.

Photo: Shoe box

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The organization Code Pink displays a large clear box containing thousands of shoes, representing soldiers who have died in Iraq.

Photo: capitol background

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: more people

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: lots o signs

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Troop families

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Families of soldiers and soldiers themselves appeared on stage with large signs and pictures of fallen friends and family members.

Photo: Raging Grannies

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Two members of the Raging Grannies stand on stage singing a song mocking President Bush.

Photo: Jesse Jackson

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Rev. Jesse Jackson calls for peace at the rally with Members of Code Pink standing at his side.

Photo: Crown lady

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Moriah Arnold

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Moriah Arnold, 12, traveled from Harvard, MA to speak in front of tens of thousands of people on the Mall. She was the youngest speaker of the day.

Photo: Jan 27 Protest - Vert. Chip Shot

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 27, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered on the National Mall Saturday to protest the Iraq war. Politicians, actors, and activists spoke at the rally supporting U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and rejection of Bush's proposed troop "surge." Click for photo gallery.

Photo: another sherwood picture

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 5, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair center Sam Francois fights through traffic to score his only basket of the night off an offensive rebound. Francois gave the Blazers energy in a reserve role, but was whistled for a costly foul in the fourth quarter.

Photo: Blazers outlasted by Warriors

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 5, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Ross Williams fights for position under the basket and scores against the Sherwood Warriors in Friday's loss at home. Click on photo to read story.

Photo: sherwood-ross layup

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 5, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Ross Williams finishes off a fast break with an easy layup.

Photo: sherwood-floor scramble

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 5, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Tori Patton comes away with a loose ball for the Blazers. Blair's aggressive defense led to several Sherwood turnovers, but the Warriors came out on top, 65-52.

Photo: Blazers can't finish against Warriors

By Jeff Lautenberger | Jan. 5, 2007, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Darius Smith sweeps under a Sherwood defender on his way to the basket. The Blazers lost to the Warriors at home Friday evening, falling to 2-7 on the season.Click on photo to read story.

Photo: jenny air

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 19, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Blazers shutdown by Springbrook

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 19, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Darius Smith shoots a fade-away jumper behind four Springbrook defenders. The Blazers fell to 1-3 on the season after Tuesday's loss.

Photo: layup foul

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 19, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: short jumper

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 19, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: jenny pass

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 19, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Jenny Williams passes to a teammate early in the first quarter. Blair lost to Sprinbrook, dropping their record to 0-4.

Photo: Blazers fall short to Springbrook

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 19, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Ross Williams slams through the Springbrook defense.

Photo: Blazers fall to Cavs in opener

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 15, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Matt McClain (15), left, stretches out for a rebound, sending a Kennedy forward on top of another Blazer. Blair lost its opening game of the season 58-39.

Photo: Layup

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 5, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: DeStefano

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 5, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Mark DeStefano, coaching his first year at Blair, paces the sidelines against Kennedy. Although upset with Blair's loss to start the season, DeStefano remains confident in his team's ability.

Photo: McClain missed block

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 5, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Matt McClain (15) reaches high to attempt to block a shot against the Kennedy Cavaliers.

Photo: Blazers open season with loss

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 5, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Richard Chavez (40) goes up for an offensive rebound against Kennedy during Blair's 58-39 loss to open the season.

Photo: Darius drive

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 5, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Darius Smith (10) drives towards the lane for a layup in Blair's first basketball game of the season against Kennedy.

Photo: fashion1-showcase

By Jeff Lautenberger | Nov. 23, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The fashion club performs their first skit during the club showcase, which some believe resembled a rape.

Photo: intonation1-showcase

By Jeff Lautenberger | Nov. 23, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

InToneNation performs during a club showcase November.

Photo: fashion3-showcase

By Jeff Lautenberger | Nov. 23, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: fashion4-showcase

By Jeff Lautenberger | Nov. 23, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Boys from the fashion club pose for the crowd.

Photo: jazz combo1-showcase

By Jeff Lautenberger | Nov. 23, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Shaagnik Mukherji (center) and Ele Rubenstein jam with the jazz combo.

Photo: fashion2-showcase

By Jeff Lautenberger | Nov. 23, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: bort-showcase

By Jeff Lautenberger | Nov. 23, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Andrew Bort plays with the Jazz Combo during the second club showcase.

Photo: marching band-showcase

By Jeff Lautenberger | Nov. 23, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Marie Mencher (left) directs the marching band during its rendition of Jump On It.

Photo: Boys' Soccer run ends in shutout

By Jeff Lautenberger | Nov. 3, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Michael Funes (19) sends a header towards the goal in the first half of Blair's 3-0 loss to Walter Johnson which ended Blair's spectacular season. The Wildcats were the only team to defeat and shut out the Blazers all year. Click on photo to read story.

Photo: Lamboni slide tackle

By Jeff Lautenberger | Nov. 3, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Yendoukoa Lamboni (23) gets slide tackled from behind by a WJ player early in the first half.

Photo: Josh controls ball

By Jeff Lautenberger | Nov. 3, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Josh Zipin (9) controls the ball and sends a centering pass against the Wildcats.

Photo: Blazers' championship hopes dashed

By Jeff Lautenberger | Nov. 3, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Blazers were defeated by the Wildcats 3-0 last Friday, ending one of the best Boys' Soccer seasons in Blair history. Here, senior Alec McLean (13) pushes away a Walter Johnson defender and races away with the ball. Click on photo to read story.

Photo: Funes Header

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 31, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Michael Funes (19) launches a header towards midfield during Blair's 4-2 defeat of Quince Orchard in the 4A West-East Regional Quarterfinal. Click on photo to read story.

Photo: Blair defeats Quince Orchard

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 31, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Matias Salinas, left, and Yendoukoa Lamboni apply pressure towards the Quince Orchard goalie during Blair's 4-2 playoff victory Halloween night. The Blazers next face Walter Johnson Friday night in the Regional Semifinals. Click on photo to read story.

Photo: QO PK Goal

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 31, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Lamboni Yendoukoa (23) and Josh Zipin (9) watch as Nick Siebenlist directs the ball past outstretched goalie Matt McClain on a penalty kick.

Photo: Matias Goal

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 31, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Matias Salinas (21) and QO defenders watch as Salinas's shot goes on target for Blair's first goal in the opening minute of the game.

Photo: Lamboni Goal

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 31, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior striker Yendoukoa Lamboni (23) connects with Mike Worden's lofted ball to send a header into the back of the net to give the Blazers the lead.

Photo: Post game celebration

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 29, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair players celebrate in the rain after a hard-earned victory.

Photo: Ross gets tackled

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 29, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Ross Williams (6) tries to break a tackle by two Einstein linesmen.

Photo: Victory at Last

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 27, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

After enduring 2 hours in heavy rain and a virtual mud pit, the Blazers defeated the Einstein Titans 8-6 on Oct. 27. The win, Blair's first of the season, energized the entire team and resulted in a celebration lasting several minutes.

Photo: Blazers Outlast Titans

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 27, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A very muddy Ross Williams and the Blazers finally have something to cheer about after defeating the Einstein Titans 8-6 on Oct. 27. The Blair defense played strong despite the mud and driving rain to earn the Blazers their first win of the year.

Photo: Almost Perfect

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 25, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Matias Salinas fights for the ball against a Walter Johnson defender. The Wildcats defeated Blair 1-0, ruining Blair's perfect season. Click on picture to read story.

Photo: Walter Johnson goal

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 25, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Goalie Matt McClain and defender Phillip Allen watch helplessly as a Wildcat shot finds its way to the back of the net for the winning goal, snapping Blair's hope for an undefeated season.

Photo: Alex

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 25, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sweeper Alex Asare-Wassow boots the ball out of the zone against the Wildcats.

Photo: Matt leaping save

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 25, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A leaping Matt McClain makes one of several spectacular saves against a tough Walter Johnson attack.

Photo: Kennedy TD

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 22, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Even under double coverage, Kennedy receiver Abreham Scott was able to track down Melvin Harris' pass for Kennedy's second score of the game early in the first quarter.

Photo: Kennedy Blair

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 20, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Blair defense laid a huge hit on a receiver to break up a potential touchdown during the 3rd quarter of Friday's 35-0 loss to Kennedy. Although the defense played strong throughout the second half, the offense struggled the entire game and could not move the chains until the final drive of the game.

Photo: Blazers no match for Cavs

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 20, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior RB Ross Williams races past a Kennedy defender for a first down during Blair's 35-0 loss October 20. The Blazers are now 0-7 on the season. Click picture to read story.

Photo: La política de IDs trae a la prensa

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 19, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Principal Phillip Gainous y Presidente de SGA Eric Hysen fueron entrevistados por varias prensas de televisión, incluyendo canales 4, 7, 8 y 9, en respeto a las preocupaciones de la política de los IDs en Blair, ayer después de escuela.

Photo: Blair's ID Policy attracts Media

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 18, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Pending a May 8 decision, Principal Phillip Gainous may end his 23-year stay/tenure at Blair. Here, Gainous is interviewed during the ID controversy on October 18, 2006.

Photo: Media enters

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 18, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Camera crews and TV journalists enter Blair to conduct an interview with Principal Phillip Gainous regarding Blair's new ID policy.

Photo: Reporters outside

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 18, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

As students exited school Wednesday afternoon, they were met by several TV news crews waiting just off campus. Many Blair students were asked questions about how the new ID policy affects them and whether or not they feel the school has become more divided because of the colored IDs.

Photo: Gainous interviewed again

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 18, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Principal Phillip Gainous was surrounded a large group of television reporters during an impromptu interview regarding Blair's ID policy Wednesday afternoon.

Photo: The Media at Blair

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 18, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Two Blair students are interviewed by an NBC4 camera crew after school Wednesday. The media, also represented by ABC7, News Channel 8 and WUSA-TV9 arrived at Blair to report on the new ID policy. Click photo to view the story.

Photo: Reinos de Homecoming

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 17, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors Odir Sorto y Lisa Wong eran nombrados Rey y Reina de Homcoming 2006. Para ver mas fotos de viernes pulse este foto.

Photo: Pep Rally 2 - Seniors 1

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 13, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Seniors show off their school and class spirit.

Photo: Pep Rally 2 - Poms

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 13, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Poms before during the second pep rally..

Photo: Pep Rally 2 - HC

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 13, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Homecoming King and Queen show off their royalty.

Photo: Pep Rally 2 - Ele

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 13, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Ele Rubenstein, left, and the Blair Drumline show off their skills.

Photo: Pep Rally 2 - Bort

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 13, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Andrew Bort and the Blair Drumline perform during Friday's pep rally.

Photo: Blazers Shutout Damascus

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 10, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Yendoukoa Lamboni shoots towards the net against Damascus. The Blazers connected for 7 goals and shutout the Swarmin' Hornets to remain undefeated on the year. Currently, the Blazers are ranked #7 in the region by The Washington Post. Click on picture to view story

Photo: Blazers Sting Hornets

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 10, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Mike Worden rises for the header against a Damascus defender. The Blair varsity boys' soccer team beat Damascus 7-0 October 10 to remain undefeated on the season. Click on picture to view story

Photo: PRINT - HSA Graphic

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: PRINT - FedEx

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Band and Orchestra students prepare and wrap hot dogs as part of their concession stand volunteering duties at FedEx field. The Blair Band and Orchestra Patrons operate the stand at all home Redskins games.

Photo: PRINT - BNC

By Jeff Lautenberger | Oct. 8, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Broadcast students prepare to air Shades of Life during a practice run through. The show was the first live show broadcast in 10 years.

Photo: Blazers beat Bulldogs

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 26, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Blair soccer team rushes to midfield to congratulate each other after a stunning upset over nationally ranked Churchill. After a solid defensive first half and offensively stellar second half, the Blazers ended up on top 2-1 to remain undefeated. click to read the story.

Photo: Lamboni Goal

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 25, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Yendoukoa Lamboni scores late in the game to put Blair ahead 2-0 against the nationally ranked Churchill Bulldogs.

Photo: Lamboni 2

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 25, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Yendoukoa Lamboni celebrates after scoring a stellar goal, Blair\'s second of the game, to put the Blazers up 2-0 late in the second half.

Photo: Varsity Soccer beats Churchill

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 25, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Yendoukoa Lamboni fights for the ball late in the second half against Churchill. The Monday night game ended with a celebrated victory for Blair.

Photo: Mikey?

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 25, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Mikey Worden moves past a Churchill defender during Blair's 2-1 upset over the Bulldogs.

Photo: Tom Schuman

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Keyboardist Tom Schuman of Spyro Gyra plays a solo.

Photo: Crowd from above

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

By 9:30pm, several thousand people crowded around the stage on the turf in Downtown Silver Spring.

Photo: Scott Ambush

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Scott Ambush plays bass with the lively Spyro Gyra, this year's headliner.

Photo: Silver Spring Jazz Festival

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Julio Fernandez, guitarist for Spyro Gyra, plays during the 3rd annual Silver Spring Jazz Festival, Sept. 9. Spyro Gyra, founded in the late 1970's, was the headliner of this year's festival. Click on photo for a gallery.

Photo: Cheering woman

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Near the end of their set, Spyro Gyra had most of the audience on their feet, clapping and moving to their upbeat tunes. They ended their set to a standing ovation and came back on stage for a 7 minute encore.

Photo: Afro bop alliance

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Afro Bop Alliance played second, after Michelle Walker. The band mixes African and Latin styles to create a fusion of different sounds.

Photo: Spyro Gyra

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Julio Fernandex, left, and Jay Beckentein put on a show with the rest of Spyro Gyra. Beckenstein founded the group in the late 1970's, and has released over 25 albums since then.

Photo: Michelle Walker

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Michelle Walker, of the Michelle Walker Quintet, sings during the opening act of the 3rd annual Silver Spring Jazz Festival.

Photo: Jazz Festival

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Don Braden plays saxophone with the Terell Stafford Quintet at the 3rd annual Silver Spring Jazz Festival on Sept. 9. Click on photo to view a photo gallery of the event.

Photo: Family

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A family in the front row leans in for a better look at Spyro Gyra.

Photo: Max Murray

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Bassit Max Murray plays along with the rest of the Afro Bop Alliance, a Latin jazz ensemble.

Photo: Einstein Celebrates

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 9, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Students from the Einstein High School Jazz Ensemble celebrate after winning the Borders-Jazz Times trophy for best jazz performance.

Photo: Kickoff

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 8, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair kicks off the 2006 football season against the Richard Montgomery Rockets.

Photo: Cheerleaders

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 8, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Pending a May 8 decision, Principal Phillip Gainous may end his 23-year stay/tenure at Blair

Photo: Ross 2

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 8, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Ross Williams runs down the sideline.

Photo: Ross Flying

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 8, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior quarterback Ross Williams flies over the Richard Montgomery defense.

Photo: First Football Game

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 8, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior tackle Scott Lavon sprays himself with water before the first football game of the season against Richard Montgomery Sept. 8.

Photo: Coin Toss

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 8, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Captains of both teams gather at midfield for the coin toss.

Photo: Joey Garcia

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 8, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Joey Garcia of Northwood High School, lead singer of Break the Balance, screams into the mic.

Photo: Avi Silber

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 8, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior Avi Silber raps during his performance at the BBQ. Silber and other Blair artists use internet sites such as MySpace to promote their music and gain popularity.

Photo: James Lunsford

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 8, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior James Lunsford plays guitar with the band Break the Balance during the SGA sponsored Back to School Barbecue.

Photo: Poms

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 8, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The pom squad prepares to start their routine during halftime.

Photo: Marching Band

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 8, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The marching band performs during halftime.

Photo: Bort

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 4, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Percussionist Andrew Bort and the Blair drumline perform on Connecticut Avenue during the Kensington Labor Day Parade.

Photo: Madden and Olie

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 4, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Washington Capitals goaltender Olie Kolzig, riding with the Cure Autism Now group, stops to give Blair media assistant and official Spirit Lady Susan Payne-Madden a hug.

Photo: Marching Band

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 4, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blazers march while playing the Blair fight song.

Photo: Cheerleaders

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 4, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Blair cheerleaders pump it up in front of a crowd along the parade route.

Photo: Blazers March in Parade

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 4, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

The Blair Marching Band performs on Connecticut Avenue during the 39th annual Kensington Labor Day Parade and Festival, Monday, September 4. Click for gallery.

Photo: Ben Cardin Speaks at Blair

By Jeff Lautenberger | Sept. 1, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Congressman Ben Cardin, a candidate seeking the Democratic nomination for US Senator in Maryland, speaks to students in Mr. Grossman's and Mr. Shindel's 4th Period NSL Government classes Friday, September 1.

Photo: ss grand prix

By Jeff Lautenberger | June 18, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Cyclists make the turn from Ellsworth Drive to Georgia Avenue during the 2nd annual Silver Spring Grand Prix, held Sunday, June 18. The main event, the Men's 35 mile, featured 56 laps around Downtown Silver Spring.

Photo: ss grand prix 2

By Jeff Lautenberger | June 18, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A group of cyclists races down Fenton Street towards Ellsworth Drive in the 2nd annual Silver Spring Grand Prix, held Sunday, June 18. The main event, the Men's 35 mile, featured 56 laps around Downtown Silver Spring.

Photo: marianne christopher

By Jeff Lautenberger | June 2, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Building services worker Marianne Christopher mops in the SAC.

Photo: draped flags

By Jeff Lautenberger | June 2, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Demonstrators draped themselves in American flags during the National Day of Action for Immigrant Rights on April 10 on the National Mall. An estimated 500,000 people attended the demonstration.

Photo: blazer court trash

By Jeff Lautenberger | June 2, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Trash litters Blazer Court after lunch.

Photo: stuffed trashcan

By Jeff Lautenberger | June 2, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

An outdoor trashcan is overstuffed with lunch trays.

Photo: john colandreo

By Jeff Lautenberger | June 2, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Building services worker John Colandreo picks up trash in the courtyard after lunch.

Photo: diana injured

By Jeff Lautenberger | June 2, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Senior captain Diana Frey was forced to sit out the season due to a knee injury.

Photo: woman with flags

By Jeff Lautenberger | June 2, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A protester displays her pride in her biculturalism at an immigrant rights rally on the National Mall on April 10. Many Blair students participated in the demonstrations.

Photo: Immigration Protest 4

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 10, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Immigration 9

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 10, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Immigration protest 5

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 10, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Imigration protest 2

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 10, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Immigration Protest 6

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 10, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Immigration 8

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 10, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Immigration 11

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 10, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Immigration 10

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 10, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: National Day of Action

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 10, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Many Blazers participated in the "National Day of Action and Mass Rally" on April 10, held at the Washington Monument to support immigration rights. The event was organized nationally by the National Capital Immigration Coalition (NCIC) and locally by CASA de Maryland, an organization that provides services to D.C. Metropolitan Area immigrants. Protests were held simultaneously in major cities across the country, including New York, Miami, Milwaukee, Los Angeles, Phoenix and San Antonio.

Photo: Immigration Protest 3

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 10, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Boys Lax v. Blake

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 4, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Tim Visclosky keeps possesion of the ball during the Blair vs. Blake game on March 31.

Photo: Gymnastics

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 4, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Nicole Poor does a balance beam routine in the Gymnastics meet against Blake on March 31.

Photo: Gymnastics V. Blake

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 4, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Junior Nicole Poor competes in the gymnastics meet against Blake on March 31.

Photo: Blair vs. Blake

By Jeff Lautenberger | April 4, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Sophomore Tim Visclosky challenges his Blake opponent during the game on March 31.

Photo: Photography Field Trip

By Jeff Lautenberger | March 18, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Mr. Frank Stallings' Advanced Photography classes went on a field trip to the Provisions Library in Washington, DC on March 18 to view "The Innocents" headshot photography exhibit. The exhibit featured "mugshots" of wrongfully convicted individuals who were exonerated using DNA evidence. Photographer Taryn Simon's works allow the public to see the innocent individuals' faces in a new light. Here, Senior Sayoh Mansaray reads their stories.

Photo: Recruitment Protest

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 2, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Demonstrators protest military recruiting and the U.S. Army Cinema Van, which was stationed in the University Blvd. parking lot for several hours, on Feb. 2. Click to view a photo gallery.

Photo: broken arm protester

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 2, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Mike Marceau, a Vietnam veteran injured in 1970, protests army recruiters at Blair on Feb. 2.

Photo: calm protester

By Jeff Lautenberger | Feb. 2, 2006, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Fire evacuation

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 7, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Students congregate outside the stadium after a fire in a girls' bathroom prompted an evacuation during seventh period on Dec. 7.

Photo: firetruck

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 7, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Firefighters were called to Blair to contain the blaze that started on the third floor on Dec. 7.

Photo: Fire causes evacuation

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 7, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Firefighters arrived outside of Blair after a fire was reported in a third-floor girls' bathroom on Dec. 7. Click on the photo for a gallery.

Photo: hose

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 7, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A firefighter pulls a hose towards the school after being called to the building because of a fire in the girls' bathroom on Dec. 7.

Photo: firefighters

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 7, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

A firefighter unloads equipment from a truck after students were evacuated from the school.

Photo: students firedrill

By Jeff Lautenberger | Dec. 7, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Students huddle outside after being evacuated from the building around 1:55 p.m.

Photo: Print-Kristi Chakrabarti - MCPS raises football concerns

By Jeff Lautenberger | Nov. 10, 2005, midnight | In ‎Latest »

Police officer Allen Johnson patrols Blair's Oct. 29 Homecoming game. New measures require both competing schools to supply EFOs.