
Pep Rally Approaching

By Shewit Woldu | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Pep rally will be on Wednesday, March 31 and will be a combination of winter and spring sports.

Mr. Gainous caught without ID

By Shewit Woldu | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Mr. Gainous was caught without wearing his ID by a student, who then received a five-dollar credit towards her obligations for observing that he was not following the school policy.

WUSA folds

By Ellie Blalock | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

The Women's United Soccer Association (WUSA) announced its closure on Monday, September 15, due to low attendance and poor sponsorship, according to WUSA's announcement came days before the Women's World Cup began on September 20.

Minority Report: the best movie everyone will see this summer

By Griff Rees | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Most summer movies are designed for one thing, money making. Mile high hype equals even higher profits, especially when coupled with expensive eye-candy (Triple X being the most recent and stereotypical offender). Minority Report, however, like many Spielberg films, encompasses not only the cash-cow ethics of summer salivation but also the legitimate respectability associated with the director of Schindler's List and The Color Purple. Minority Report joins the accessibility of Jurassic Park, the dystopian sci-fi future of A. I., and an as of yet untouched (by Spielberg) element: film noir.

When teachers (verbally) attack

By Samantha Henig | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Bomb threats empty school

By Julia Kay | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Hispanic Heritage Month special feature

By Jeremy Hoffman | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Silver Chips Online special on Hispanic Heritage Month.

Colleges selling out

By Annie Peirce | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

With students across America spending hundreds of dollars on admissions and preparation classes for SAT tests and writing favorable college essays, it is comforting to know that colleges are spending even more than the students are in selling themselves.

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