Jordan Warner shares her philosophy on relationships
Oliver Solomon shares his journey from learning to sketch to selling graphic t-shirts
Daniel Wu juggles many things in his busy schedule and achieves success in each
Serena Laney explains her journey in baking, dancing, and more
Marshall Collier’s journey to exploring education
The seven hobbies of Kaan Gin
Frank paints a picture of how she got involved in the arts and teaching
Alyssa Sarkisov's journey to competitions around the world
Margo Contreras shares how she makes the most of a diverse set of interests
Kieran Allen-Hadley gives insight about writing his music
Stanley Hsu represents America for Team USA ping pong, and is a sophomore at Blair
Rochelle Bremmer shares some advice for aspiring artists.
Junior Affrata Jemal shares her experiences as a model who travels the world
Elizabeth Levien as a high school student
Elizabeth Levien (Chemistry/ AP Environmental Science Teacher)
Elizabeth Levien details her passions for teaching and how it hasn't always been the easiest path.
Ruby Borz Humans of Blair
Humans of Blair: Frogs, Flowers, and the Foreign Service
Melissa Young explains what her position at Montgomery Blair High School entails.
Meera Kochar McCabe discusses her experiences as a member of Blair Stage Crew.
Sophomore Sarah Blum shares her most important piece of advice.
Ms. Warner opens up about the most influential person in her life.
Long Lam immigrated from Vietnam and had to adjust to school in the United States
"When I was five I wanted to be a fashion designer, but that changed when I came to America. I want to study astronomy and be an astronomer but I am thinking of getting a minor in fashion design."
"Au début j'avais honte de mon accent, mais maintenant je trouve que c'est un avantage de pouvoir communiquer avec des différentes parties du monde."
We found 38 results.