Tagged: Tyrone Allen

The doctor in the classroom

By Eleanor Linafelt | Jan. 25, 2015, 7:56 p.m. | In Features »

There are more doctors in Blair than you may think. Not the medical kind, though—doctors of philosophy and education. They've been students far longer than any of their students have—and are now able to pass on their knowledge in their classrooms.

Mr. Allen: no jokes (VIDEO)

By Jack Estrin | April 15, 2013, 12:52 p.m. | In Features »

"Stevie killed the teacher, Stevie killed the teacher!" And so goes one of math teacher Ty Allen's most legendary stories. But don't let his colorful personality and humorous anecdotes give you the wrong impression about his classroom: his class is no joke. Allen has found the perfect combination of fun, entertainment, discipline and math and combined it into one unique teaching style.

Allen, Tyrone

By Jack Estrin | April 13, 2013, 6:23 a.m. | In Teacher Feature »

Allen's teaching style is self-described as three things: structured, no-nonsense and organized, and these qualities are apparent. He controls his class, and will not put up with anything but civility. His style ensures complete focus from the students, whether he's lecturing or performing one of his classic solo music acts.

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