Breaking with longtime tradition, Kelly Newman, Blair's theater director, has decided to perform two small plays, "Charlie's Aunt" and "The Rivals," in the fall and winter respectively, instead of the customary single fall play.
On Mar 24, Montgomery County will be making a huge mistake if it attempts to increase the weight of the semester exam from 25 to 30 percent.
The Safety Committee has begun patrolling hallways and stairwells during lunch, keeping out students without passes. Blair's administration is also more aggressively enforcing school policy in the hallways and might restrict students to the SAC during lunch.
"I, being part of the SGA, do believe that we are trying our best to represent Blair students. However, I do not think we are really listening to what the student body has to say. It is taking too long for the SGA to do something about the student-teacher issues that occur everyday. Some students may really have problems with a teacher, or a student may just be unruly. Though it is taking a long time to address these types of issues, I do believe we are doing our best.”
There are five minutes left in sophomore Rocky Hadadi's Algebra II class, just enough time for the students to look over their grades on the last test. "Oh my God,” one of the students says, "I bombed that test so hard!” "Yeah?” one of the others challenges, "Well I got an E; how do you like that?” Two freshmen standing in the circle look sheepishly down at their A's and, in a split-second decision, cast the truth aside to join in on the bragging.
The AFI Silver Theater and Cultural Center will open in downtown Silver Spring next to City Place in April of next year. In addition to its commitment to showing quality films, the theater is intended to provide a cultural and educational resource for the whole Silver Spring community.
The Ice Hockey team suffered an unexpected 6-3 loss in its debut against B-CC at the Wheaton Inline on Dec 3. Extensive penalty time and a shortage of players contributed to Blair's loss.
Chicken Tikka Masala is one of the many tasty options at Planet Bollywood.
Check out the Silver Chips Online snoWatch for all school-related snow information!
We've come across yet another week of school that just might have a snow day in store for us. As was the case in the last edition of snoWatch, the chances of cancelled school are slim, but then again, we're talking about meteorology, not an exact science. . .
Mr. Gainous was caught without wearing his ID by a student, who then received a five-dollar credit towards her obligations for observing that he was not following the school policy.
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