
Going pro

By Kent Anderson | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

When I was a lad you stayed in school. Back in my day you served your four years and then signed your contract. My how things have changed.

Exam weight should not change

By | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

On Mar 24, Montgomery County will be making a huge mistake if it attempts to increase the weight of the semester exam from 25 to 30 percent.

Photo: Chicken Kebabs

By Claire Sleigh | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The chicken kebabs are excessively spicy.

No end in sight

By Rocky Hadadi | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

"Iraq is steeped in history. It is the site of the Garden of Eden, of the Great Flood and the birthplace of Abraham. Tread lightly there.” On March 20, 2003, Lieutenant Tim Collins gave this advice to his battle group, the 1st Battalion of the Royal Irish at Fort Blair Mayne desert camp, 20 miles from the Iraqi border. Collins' words of advice to his troops could not be more correct—our involvement in Iraq should have been done with care, finesse and expertise. Instead, we refused to "tread lightly” and have tried to force our democratic ideals on a nation that continues to staunchly refuse them. In fact, the use of guerrilla warfare now by insurgents threatens to turn Iraq into another Vietnam.

Photo: mega mart1

By Andrew Kirwan | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Customers check out on a busy day at Mega Mart.

Photo: Front of Wheaton

By Andrew Kirwan | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

The front of Wheaton High School.

Photo: Smith

By Lorena Kowalewski | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Smith surges ahead of two Magruder players.

Photo: Chicken Tikka Masala

By Claire Sleigh | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Chicken Tikka Masala is one of the many tasty options at Planet Bollywood.

Photo: Eli Manning Giants

By | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Redskins v Cowboys

By Getty Images | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Forte

By ESPN | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Big Ben

By AP | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Frost/Nixon

By | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

David Frost (Michael Sheen) and President Richard M. Nixon (Frank Langella) lock horns during the last of four interviews. Photo courtesy of Universal.

Photo: Michael Sam

By | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Photo: Chicken Tikka Masala

By Claire Sleigh | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In ‎Latest »

Chicken Tikka Masala is one of the many tasty options at Planet Bollywood.

Hispanic Club Performance

By Zach Mellman | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

The Hispanic club will be performing dances and beautiful messages for their parents and the Blair community in the SAC, on Friday, December 6, at 7:00 PM. All are invited to view this presentation of Hispanic traditions and culture.

Summaries stunt students' studies

By Gabriel Morden-Snipper | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

We said, ‘we're gonna make books about books for people who like reading, and to help people enjoy reading.' And that's exactly what we've done,” said Justin Kestler, editorial director of SparkNotes, in an Aug 1 interview for NPR's Talk of the Nation.

The downside of lighting up

By Jennie Breads | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Two before first period. Another on the walk home. A few more throughout the evening, and by the time she goes to bed, junior Kimberly Montgomery will finish a half pack of cigarettes. "I am an addict,” she admits with a shrug. "It's as simple as that. I need to smoke.”


By KC Costanzo | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

No one saw it coming but there it was. When Blazers got up on Tuesday they found snow on the ground and ice on their car windows. However, with the exception of a burst pipe, the school day went as planned. Now there's a prediction of more to come. Are the weather people on target this time? Stay tuned to find out . . .

High heels bring teenagers down

By Abigail Graber | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

"You can't beat a vampy high glam stiletto for nights on the town,” raves Steven Cojocaru on the People Magazine website, where he serves as resident fashion guru. What Cojocaru fails to mention is the hefty price tag on vamp: Strapping on stilettos, platforms and pumps to follow in J. Lo's bone-crunching footsteps can mean a lifetime of pain for teenage girls.

Elementary school's long gone, but we've still got recess

By Laurel Jefferson | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Senior traditions include harassing freshman, loud spirit at pep rallies, and… whiffle ball? A bit unusual, but the 2003 senior class has indeed begun a new Blair senior ritual: lunch whiffleball games.

Barrow, Pete

By | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Teacher Feature »

Mr. Pete Barrow is now a math teacher at Montgomery Blair High School. However, he originally did not want to teach.

Minority Report: the best movie everyone will see this summer

By Griff Rees | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Print »

Most summer movies are designed for one thing, money making. Mile high hype equals even higher profits, especially when coupled with expensive eye-candy (Triple X being the most recent and stereotypical offender). Minority Report, however, like many Spielberg films, encompasses not only the cash-cow ethics of summer salivation but also the legitimate respectability associated with the director of Schindler's List and The Color Purple. Minority Report joins the accessibility of Jurassic Park, the dystopian sci-fi future of A. I., and an as of yet untouched (by Spielberg) element: film noir.

Gainous: ex-football star

By | Dec. 31, 1969, 7 p.m. | In Features »

Late in the fourth quarter in the 1965 Orange Bowl, a future Hall of Famer and world class sprinter for Florida A and M fields a punt and goes straight ahead, full speed. Boom! He runs into a brick wall.

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